
SPX I remain firm with my targets 

S&P 500SP


I'm still short on US major indexes. S&P 500 already 10% down since September record high, but unfortunately there's more pain ahead.
If you have no clue how to deal with, you have two options... learn properly before moving to trade or just walk away.

Good Luck!

Learn how to beat the market as Professional Trader with an ex-insider!

Be part of an elite trading group. Last course of the year on November 2nd, 2018.

Have a Nice Trading Week!

Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!


Target 1, 2 and 3... Smashed! But, is the bearish movement over? Register in our Daily Perspective.

Making the annual balance, this asset went to my target usually, nice and easy.

Happy New Year 2019, I wish you a very good Trading Year.

Learn how to beat the market as Professional Trader with an ex-insider!

Cream Live Trading, Best Regards!
Got to 2640 today. Helluva short!
@DaddySawbucks, Great mate, unfortunately, there's more volatility ahead and only a few believed me about what was happening in the markets. I just tried to warn, but at the end of the day, people love being part of the herd. Keep doing it well, I wish you the best. Good Luck!
@wildcreamlife, Yeah I missed a lot of opportunities but remain focused on NOT losing, LOL. Puts are so expensive now; to buy them- good luck; to sell them - get run over and be crushed. Madness! I agree there is more pain ahead; could be Mon 29th, 89 years since Black Tuesday; or get another Tuesday!
@DaddySawbucks, Actually, the movement is quite similar to what 2008 was, but probably with the effects of 1929. Stay tuned on my twitter to show the chart. By the way, take a look on Monday, a scary Halloween!
@wildcreamlife, Aye. Good advice you gave on this post- stay away if you don't know how to play- trading bear markets is really really tricky, risky business.

High volatility = high unpredictability. The relief rallies will kill your shorts but they don't sustain, and you can't bet on them either, you just get whipsawed.

Trying to bet on the bottom is a fool's errand cuz it can always go lower but leaving shorts open exposes you to the pivot risk of runaway rally. Just awful...GL!