S&P 500

Economic Thoughts

Just putting this idea out there as a concept the chart is just to help express what I'm saying, not any technical advice.

Recently everybody is screaming incoming recession, but I'm skeptical.
Whens the last time everyone saw the decline coming from so far away?

Theory: After the last recession there are measures put in place to help prevent such a large decline or crash. Are shady things still going on? Of course - but in my opinion not to the scale that they were in the mid 2000s. Instead of big recessions taking place occasionally I think we will see these periods of stagnation and slowed growth. The economy needs a "break" and psychologically things cant go up forever. The US economy is strong and has been strong for a very long time. Jobs are at a good place, consumer spending is good and people are generally happy to spend and borrow money. Yes there is an above average amount of political drama taking place but most of the large US companies continue to grow and pull the economy up with them. In my opinion this could be an area where we see these "slowdowns" (Indexes bouncing up and down returning to the same level) followed by more growth.

TLDR : no big crash - instead periods of time where nothing really happens

Could some global issue arise? yes of course but I think if things stay relatively calm globally this is a very possible scenario.

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