
How much sense does this graph make to anyone?

It does, however, explain why 24 people own half the world's wealth... or why most ordinary people can barely break even month to month, even if a professional, whilst the 1% have more than could ever be necessary for anything...

It's not real money. Only a tiny number of people now own that cliffside of money.

Note, moreover, that most of this extraordianry hyper inflation in the value of US equity assets has happened since 2007.

Everyone is telling us there is no inflation to address. Its zero, or maybe 2%, or normal, they tell us...

In my view, however, the S&P 500 looks like the economy of Zimbabwe... only without yet resorting to trillion dollar bank notes...

I should know. I was born in Zimbabwe in the 70's. It is not a good model to emulate, even if you are in a $200,000,000 Manhattan apartment - for now...
ps, I show back to 1910, because that's when my Granny was born. She lived through the Great Depression and much else. She passed away in 1995 when the S&P was apparently in the $400 range. That's not too long ago before last year when we got to close on $3000. The idiotic talking heads on CNBC tell us it should be even higher...

Does any of this make any real sense to anyone?

