S&P 500指數

From the rocket ship to the submarine v🔥v

Today it was easy to predict the surge with all the market forces the way they are.
However, we were on a downtrend before we boarded this rocket ship.
Today we didn't retouch the open, nor did we manage to reach mid 37xx.
Tomorrow I believe we will continue the downward trend of last week.

There is ofcourse always the chance that we will make a detour to 3930 - 3950.
However if we do, I don't see how we can stay there, today's surge burned up A LOT of momentum.
More likely we'll see an identical repeat of todays surge headed in the opposite direction.

So we'll first however between 3900-3888.
Then cross below 3888.
Then hoover 3888 > 3868
Then cross below 3868
Then hoover 3868 - 3850
the cross below 3850.
3850 - 3830
cross 3830

Etc etc until 3750, we are highly unlikely to reach 3750 today.
Though I do see it happening before the end of this week.

Whether you're long or short, best of luck all the same.
We were spot on on this one as the day ended exactly on second greenline at 3870.

