
Eyeing $TSLA at 1200 Mark Post-Earnings Fits Indicators; SHORT

A true value for TSLA could be +/- 1200 per share; margin/range: 1170-1300 retest point for TSLA.

=Trading 1.45k+ it is now in SHORT territory for those seeking either profit and/or a reposition on the NASDAQ's hottest stock.
-Post-earnings, the cap has been set and a peak over 1.7 was realized but a re-test of that may not even be possible until the 4th Q.

TSLA is now a good candidate for a short play simply due to the hype that inflated its stock to earnings over 28% "overvalued" according to O'Neil's Investor Business Daily. With a heralded report from IBD, the trust here is that a truer value establishes itself in the aforementioned range allowing TSLA some semblance of a settled plateau around that mark.

