

8.9.23 In this video I'm talking about Tesla and how it might move from a structural point of view. I was taught years ago that the price action around certain structure can help you make decisions about how the markets going to trade. One tool that I learned with regard to markets making new highs Is that if the market Moves below the last higher low then it will probably move a lot lower. Unfortunately, Charts are not perfect... and fortunately, I can use this chart as an example of how I would handle structure. We are probably going to know tomorrow or the next day if this Market is going to break down Aggressively. That's why I want to show the possible scenario before it happens. If it doesn't happen it's no big deal. When you experience the scenario enough it's very possible that you will still think of structure because when it works it can have a profound change in the price action of that market..... so you want to know about it.

