美元 / 日圓

The situation for the Japanese yen is not optimistic

The situation for the Japanese yen is not optimistic, and the Bank of Japan is facing unprecedented challenges. The U.S. Treasury's move to add Japan to its "currency practices monitoring list" carries multiple implications and potential impacts:

1. **Policy Warning and Diplomatic Signal**: Including Japan in the monitoring list, without labeling it or any other country as a currency manipulator, shows the U.S.'s strict yet flexible approach to foreign exchange policy. It serves as a warning to Japan and other countries, and also as a diplomatic tool, indicating U.S. vigilance over their foreign exchange practices.

2. **Focus on Japan's Forex Interventions**: The U.S. noted Japan's interventions earlier this year to support the yen, a practice that is common but, according to the U.S. Treasury, should only occur in very special circumstances and with appropriate prior consultations. This indicates U.S. criticism of Japan's direct involvement in the forex market, especially in large, freely traded exchange markets.

3. **Economic and Monetary Policy Impact**: Historic high U.S. interest rates have kept the dollar strong against most other currencies, putting pressure on countries like Japan, forcing them to take intervention measures for economic and financial stability. Although these interventions aim to strengthen the local currency rather than depreciate it to enhance export competitiveness, such actions still draw U.S. attention.

Japan's significant bilateral trade and current account surpluses give it substantial leverage in intervening in the forex market, demonstrating the Japanese government's proactive stance in preventing excessive yen volatility.

Despite Japan's transparency in its rate operations, the yen's continued depreciation highlights the Federal Reserve's influence over global markets, especially under the backdrop of the U.S. maintaining high-interest rate policies. Japanese finance officials have stated they will take appropriate measures to address excessive FX volatility, reflecting the government's serious concern over the rapid depreciation of the yen and readiness to intervene if necessary.

However, despite the Japanese government's attempts to support the yen through forex market interventions, their effectiveness seems limited. The recent trend of yen depreciation underscores the pressure of continued high U.S. rates on global currency markets, particularly for economies heavily tied to the dollar. The challenge for the Bank of Japan is how to stabilize the currency value without triggering greater market volatility through policy adjustments.

In summary, although the Japanese Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan may continue to monitor the forex market and be prepared to intervene, the yen may still face downward pressure unless the U.S. Federal Reserve changes its monetary policy stance. In this case, the Bank of Japan's policy options might be limited, primarily relying on interventions to stabilize exchange rates in the short term, while more policy coordination and economic adjustments are needed in the long term.

