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The American dream is a nightmare - Trump cool aid running out.

In this screencast I review briefly some headline issues that point to deep troubles affecting the American economy. I look at the Dow Transportation Index which appears to be leading Wall Street in a southward direction.

My list of troubles for America is not exhaustive - so I may well have missed something of greater importance. Do share other facts if you know more.

If others know of reasons for optimism on the US Economy I would be willing to learn more. So far, I've not been able to find anything of true substance to support optimism.

This post is compliant with Tradingview's house rules on text-based posts.
Fear, greed and hope rules markets more than fundamentals. Computerised algos often search the news and aggregate concerns about a crash. They utilise this information in making decisions on whether to short or go long. I just checked Google Trends only to find that searches on 'market crash' are rising in the last week. Not surprising. The recent two peaks of concerns were in Oct and December. If this continues, and the algos get involved I'd be expecting more trouble.

