For 5 reasons, oil can not reach its zero dollar price in the last 24 months ... unless a major oil war breaks out again:
1) The demand area has hit a price between 0.04 cents to minus $ 20 (Break area) due to the break of price levels 1 and 2 (blue circles) ....!
2) The price has risen to $ 130 and entered the area of collecting sales orders by banks ... and banks can not receive orders from their customers unless the price of oil goes above the sell zone with a war and raises the supply area And this is not possible except with another major accident or a major oil war.
3) All producers of other commodities know that if oil reaches the price level of zero dollars again, the price of their commodities will have a negatively competitive effect on prices ... and they will face another recession and economic corona!
4) The price of a 115-liter barrel of oil, which is the mother of prices, is still cheaper than a barrel of soda or a barrel of juice ... and to reach the current price of oil, a peeling or economic revolution must take place. Let's change the system of monetary and fiscal policies!
5) The world is not yet ready to replace other energy sources with oil, and the platform for energy substitution has not been provided due to the disagreement of producers to abandon their oil interests ....!