UVXY - Call Buyers @ 18.00 - 11/12/21 for $1.40 / $950K

The "Bet" @ $1.40 for a 10.34% move higher.

An ST correction position into UVXY.

With widespread Contango in the VIX Curve and a wide spread on
Wednesday's settlement, this appears low probability.

Price is overdue to correct as many short term durations are at
the top of their ranges for many indications.

It will be interesting to see the ProShares Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETF
reverse as it has failed another 3X Low breakdown.

VVX making new lows for this Quarter tends towards seeing a relief, the issue
is from where.

Friday's... placing positions on a Friday within the Volatility Complex has inherent
Risk as the end of the week is used 76% of the time to Crush Volalitliy on Low Participation.

After last night's EPS Horror Show, will it stick?

SOH here as the VX Complex remains under pressure until it does not.

Momentum is waning in nearly every Sector.

