After the upcoming 15m retraction, I'm seeing we may go +9% tonight and into tomorrow. Over about the next 10-16 hours.
Beginning the correction on the 5m chart.
or retraction I meant. Not a full correction, just a slight retraction to power up the next rally.
Holy crap that was quick!
New Target 0.00093473 BTC
The flag has completed, and should be confirmed here shortly on the 5m chart (below this one).
Looks like we need another 5-15 minutes for confirmation that the bullish flag/pennant has been broken and we're continuing our move upward.
Still deciding if it wants to break out.. Pretty sure it will.. ichimoku looks excellent all around, other than we are in a large rally here and it may require some pullback.
Confirmed buy signal on 15m chart, Ichimoku TS/KS lines are both upward facing with TS above KS.
The elevator doors are closed and we're going up to the next level!
Solid confirmation.. I hope you're on board!
Long term VEN.. well, 25 days or so .. +1290% target by Feb 16th.