
Where is btc goal


Next we'll see how the market will play out.
Here is the K-line chart of the 3-day line, we see above a trend line, that is the 2019 high and 2017 high line, but also to suppress the long market down trend line, this line I said before, break through the trend should be reversed long. And now it looks like it's broken, so the rebound goal here is ab two points. That's $13,900 and $20,000.
But now there are a few problems to solve,
First is the pressure formed by the small ab-wire, which is a recent resistance, just around $11,500;
The second is the 3-day line of macd top divergence may form, which may also be a problem to pay attention to;
Third, the CME yesterday closed out a $200 gap, which is the driving force behind the short-term, and this wave of rebound, in fact, there is a very important goal, that is, cme in August 2019 between $11795-11695 left a $100 gap;
the fourth okex's position, which adds about $100 million, and okex is a short base with bitmex continuing to close.
So we see that the way forward is not easy, if you think the bitcoin bull market has started, it is a little too optimistic, before the $20,000 breakthrough, here is still a rebound trend.

Here, whether we make money or lose money, we should first adjust the mentality, win or lose is not terrible, terrible is not trading standards. Buffett cleared the aviation stocks on the floor, some people feel that it is a pity, if you insist on a few days, you can lose a lot of money less. But trading is not looking at history, when you make a judgment, everything is unknown, if there is no good psychological quality, no firm execution, no strict trading discipline, can not make this decision. You might say bitcoin was wrong in hindsight, but what if US stocks collapsed? And from the general trend, aviation stocks are not optimistic. So we should look at the problem more rationally and stand in a higher position, rather than counting the gains and losses. Not to mention should not be disturbed by a win or loss of mind, make a sustained wrong decision.

