
XRP/BTC The Long Slow Decline

XRP Moved and got everyone excited about a BTC Bull break as the Triangle Resistance Line approaches. While I hope that happens I don't think there is enough wailing and gnashing of teeth yet. Most People aren't, "Just sick of it" and have not turned their attention elsewhere. Too many Folks are still posting Youtube videos and Technical Analysis charts.

The time to buy will be when your favorite Crypto YouTuber has become an infrequent poster or stopped posting Videos altogether.

Long Term, Cryptos will become the next great asset class, so Pay Attention and look for XRP around .32c U.S.D.

Buy 10-12 thousand and get ready to become part of the 1% as XRP Replaces SWIFT and becomes the New World Reserve Currency.

X-Rapid Beats the rest of them to the punch. Ripple is the Hated Crypto so the way the world works is, it is the one the Governments and Banks will use. That's just the way the world works.

BTC Will still be digital GOLD but its use case keeps dwindling. It's so FREAKING SLOW, when compared to other coins.

I mostly post these so I can go back over my posts, look for them over years and months and see, Just how wrong or right I was...........

Th Bear Market ends in late 2019 early 2020. Keep HODLING. and look for BTC at between $3,200 - $2,750.00 a year from now.


