When Bitcoin bottomed in price, we saw a HUGE increase in TeZos XTZ, now if that was due to coinbase expanding it staking rewards to all platforms or because the Chinese were in a hurry to dump BTC, is up for debate, but either way we have seen a dramatic jump in price, and it has been strong too.
Even more remarkable is the stability of this coin, even in a downward market, XTZ stays in a "BUY" state, consistantly staying within a small price range, as compared to other Alt coins. I am willing to bet we will see the price of TeZos climb into the 1.30-1.36 area and stay. Why? Because with the 5.60% staking reward it offers and its ever increasing price, whats not to love about TeZos?
I am for sure getting in on it at any low it gets too, as i see only progress in the future for TeZos. Take a look at the chart for TeZos, read up on the coin itself! maybe its your next "Cash Coin"?
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