import ccxt # Import the ccxt library, which is used to connect to crypto exchange APIs
# Define your strategy parameters
fast_channel_length = 9
slow_channel_length = 21
rsi_period = 14
macd_fast = 12
macd_slow = 26
macd_signal = 9
# Initialize exchange
exchange = ccxt.binance({
'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'secret': 'YOUR_SECRET',
# Define the trading logic
def trade_logic(symbol, timeframe):
# Fetch historical data
bars = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe)
# Calculate indicators (RSI, MACD, Price Channels)
rsi = compute_rsi(bars, rsi_period)
macd, signal, hist = compute_macd(bars, macd_fast, macd_slow, macd_signal)
upper_channel, lower_channel = compute_price_channels(bars, fast_channel_length, slow_channel_length)
# Define the trading conditions based on price action
if bars[-1][4] > upper_channel and rsi[-1] > 70:
# This implies a potential overbought condition and a sell signal
place_order('sell', symbol)
elif bars[-1][4] < lower_channel and rsi[-1] < 30:
# This implies a potential oversold condition and a buy signal
place_order('buy', symbol)
# Function to place an order
def place_order(order_type, symbol):
amount = calculate_order_amount(symbol)
if order_type == 'buy':
# Place a buy order
exchange.create_market_buy_order(symbol, amount)
elif order_type == 'sell':
# Place a sell order
exchange.create_market_sell_order(symbol, amount)
# Function to calculate RSI
def compute_rsi(data, period):
# Your RSI calculation logic goes here
# Function to calculate MACD
def compute_macd(data, fast_period, slow_period, signal_period):
# Your MACD calculation logic goes here
# Function to calculate Price Channels
def compute_price_channels(data, fast_length, slow_length):
# Your Price Channel calculation logic goes here
# Function to calculate the order amount
def calculate_order_amount(symbol):
# Your order amount calculation logic goes here
# Main trading loop
while True:
trade_logic('BTC/USDT', '1m') # Example for Bitcoin trading on 1-minute timeframe