YY has a great chart here, paired with very interesting growth potential, and current valuation metrics. We're long and averaging into a long term position as well.
Best of luck,
Ivan Labrie.
Broke resistance, acting well...could be a huge move. Next target is $130 within 7 weeks or less. Hodl!
#YY could drop dramatically after earnings, or during the next few days, I took profits and will wait in cash I can buy back once it falls.
Held above the mode, but it still failed to hit the upside target on time, which is a sign of weakness, I expect sideways/downwards action here for now...I'll reasess after earnings.
Having some FOMO since I missed the reentry today, but it's ok, this is likely a short term top. I'm curious to see if we get a dip to buy after earnings and how the report pans out.