以布林通道的看法是 K棒若到下軌反彈上漲K 我會進場做多
這三角收斂的型態很漂亮 過去有87%的看多行情 但日幣雙巴的機率很高 所以千萬不可以重倉 即使這個線圖你看過很多次
因為很多時候 方向看對了 但大戶們總是很賤的去點停損的流動性
今天很多商品都做回調 這樣很棒
黃金 原油都在回調行情 進場訊號區域就是盯著 有機會就要進場
今天早上做了原油被停損 下午做了黃金H1的布林通道 H1的TP2達標就先出場了 把前面原油虧損的補回來 留著子彈 等待下一個商品的行情 不貪心 不戀戰
而且黃金的停損只有2.300步而已 很短 賺賠比 1:3出場
再說一次 倉位控管不會讓你變有錢 但可以讓你永遠在市場持續交易
市場上賺的快不是重點 賺的久才是
OCC數據:hedge loan balance從高峰15億股減少到最近2億股。
When the **hedge loan balance** is significantly reduced, it could indicate that hedge funds or other market participants are **closing their short sale positions**. Here’s why:
1. **Short Selling**: In a short sale, a hedge fund borrows securities (like stocks) and sells them with the hope that the price will fall. Later, they can buy back the securities at a lower price, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference.
2. **Securities Lending**: To short sell, hedge funds need to borrow shares from lenders. The **loan balance** represents the total value of all shares on loan in the market, including those used for short selling.
3. **Loan Balance Reduction**: If the hedge loan balance decreases significantly, it means fewer shares are being borrowed. This could happen for several reasons:
- Hedge funds are **closing their short positions** by buying back the borrowed shares and returning them to the lender.
- The reduction could also suggest a **lack of demand** for borrowing shares, possibly because short sellers are losing interest in betting against the stock.
### In summary:
Yes, when the hedge loan balance reduces significantly, it can be a signal that hedge funds are closing out their short positions, buying back the shares they previously borrowed and reducing their exposure to further price declines in those securities.
OCC數據hedge loan balance借股數量從高峰2.8億股減少到最近5300萬股。
When the **hedge loan balance** is significantly reduced, it could indicate that hedge funds or other market participants are **closing their short sale positions**. Here’s why:
1. **Short Selling**: In a short sale, a hedge fund borrows securities (like stocks) and sells them with the hope that the price will fall. Later, they can buy back the securities at a lower price, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference.
2. **Securities Lending**: To short sell, hedge funds need to borrow shares from lenders. The **loan balance** represents the total value of all shares on loan in the market, including those used for short selling.
3. **Loan Balance Reduction**: If the hedge loan balance decreases significantly, it means fewer shares are being borrowed. This could happen for several reasons:
- Hedge funds are **closing their short positions** by buying back the borrowed shares and returning them to the lender.
- The reduction could also suggest a **lack of demand** for borrowing shares, possibly because short sellers are losing interest in betting against the stock.
### In summary:
Yes, when the hedge loan balance reduces significantly, it can be a signal that hedge funds are closing out their short positions, buying back the shares they previously borrowed and reducing their exposure to further price declines in those securities.
OCC數據:hedge loan balance對衝基金在英偉達的借股數量從30億股增加到現在40億股,我認爲空頭頭寸正在快速增加。如果英偉達被做空這麽大的倉位,空頭是志在必得。
When the **hedge loan balance** is significantly reduced, it could indicate that hedge funds or other market participants are **closing their short sale positions**. Here’s why:
1. **Short Selling**: In a short sale, a hedge fund borrows securities (like stocks) and sells them with the hope that the price will fall. Later, they can buy back the securities at a lower price, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference.
2. **Securities Lending**: To short sell, hedge funds need to borrow shares from lenders. The **loan balance** represents the total value of all shares on loan in the market, including those used for short selling.
3. **Loan Balance Reduction**: If the hedge loan balance decreases significantly, it means fewer shares are being borrowed. This could happen for several reasons:
- Hedge funds are **closing their short positions** by buying back the borrowed shares and returning them to the lender.
- The reduction could also suggest a **lack of demand** for borrowing shares, possibly because short sellers are losing interest in betting against the stock.
### In summary:
Yes, when the hedge loan balance reduces significantly, it can be a signal that hedge funds are closing out their short positions, buying back the shares they previously borrowed and reducing their exposure to further price declines in those securities.
黃金走勢 14/10 - 本週區間操作國際金價上週先跌後反彈: 上週市場將焦點重新放到美國剛公佈的就業數據,價格受壓。在上週早段先失守上升趨勢線(1),隨後再脫離橫行區間(2),初步到達我們上週的短線目標2600附近(早段最低2604)。週三美國公佈通脹數據過後,金價開始反彈一直到週五在貼近全週最高位收市,一週輕微下跌1美元。本週仍須留意以色列局勢,慎防金價往上突破。但因本週未有重要經濟數據公佈,只要市場沒有突發消息,初步以區間操作為主。
1小時圖(上圖) > 金價上週收盤在2650之上,價格現時已回到上週初段的震蕩區間(2.1)。只要價格能往上突破阻力線(4),短線目標定在關鍵阻力在2670(3)附近。
日線圖(上圖) - 上週五金價在貼近全週高位收市,買盤短線主導市場,週初留意金價或會再試區間頂部2670或歷史高位2685。而上週中段的低位2601將橫行區間拉闊(6),在突破前可繼續把握操作。
週線圖(上圖) - 過去2週在週五收盤前都有明顯買盤入市。主因應該是源自週未收盤後中東帶來的風險溢價(risk premium),只要以色列/伊朗局勢不再升溫,應該影響不大。但在未來2週金價須在週線圖收盤在2650之下(7),否則週線圖正在蘊醞新一輪升勢!
【RTA加密貨幣行情分析-BTC】價格跌破58000的時間窗口期已經到來BTC上周的走勢主要震盪為主,上周一BTC ETF雖然整體淨流入了2.3億美元,但是價格並沒有隨之上漲,週一之後BTC ETF開始整體持續淨流出,價格也隨之下跌。 在上週五ETF又出現整體淨流入2.5億,價格又回到了62000附近。 供應不連續,需求也不連續是BTC近期走勢的主要節奏。
當前在周線級別上,從3月份開始至今,BTC高點雖然在不斷的降低,但是低點並沒有往下打出較大的空間,整體維持了下降通道式的走勢。 BTC當前市場階段屬於牛市初期的階段,牛市初期階段不像是熊市,在牛市初期的周線調整中,下跌的供應不會連續,到了關鍵的支撐比特,一旦供應停止,總會有需求把價格拉起,當前下降通道的走勢就說明了這點。
在整個周線級別的下降通道中,有一個關鍵的支撐比特,58000。 這個支撐位在我之前的分析中經常提及,從3月份開始的震盪至今,價格每次往下觸及58000附近,都會出現强換手,也就是在日線級別放出大量。 當前BTC的主要供應還是來自於ETF的連續大量贖回。 如果不產生連續大量的贖回,在無其他的明顯供應的前提下,價格是很難往下打出距離的。
當前日線級別的MACD的快線已經貼近零軸了,快線貼近零軸其實也預示著已經接近空頭下跌級別將要放大的階段,一旦日線級別MACD的快線下水(下零軸)都會走出一段不小的下跌趨勢。 所以去跌破58000的時間視窗也就在近10天內(本周的ETF資金流量數據比較關鍵),如果不跌破,就只能維持在58000上方震盪,價格不是沒有概率往上再抬一段,但是也難走出日線級別以上的多頭趨勢。
13/10 黃金下週佈署 大位反彈已出 短線打回調要待明顯力量