那就是現在的NFT ! 數位藝術品
MANA不買多,但要放的很久 !
我是kev_DD ^_^ 於2014年開始接觸加密貨幣
祝 交易順利 穩定盈利!!!!
1. 在蓝点点出现
2. 现价在点点上方
3. 背景也是蓝色
根据Carrera GT, H4 MANA 从10/29发出做多的讯号。直到11/4(6天的时间)FC就换成银色代表可以出场等待下一个讯号。
Decentraland (MANA) 自我定义为一种由
COCOS是甚麼爛貨這隻幣種合約對在前陣子上架幣安,已走勢而言是一個市值始終無法逐年增長的項目,這種項目始終無法有甚麼技術面的進展,有興趣可以去查這項目的用途,但是已長期的角度來看它的價格是在一個超級大的震盪箱體裡面反覆震盪,目前已經好幾年歷史,不過從前高可以看出一件事情,上輪牛市最高點與這次最高點似乎差了一些,很明顯今年沒什麼交易量了,因此2.215是我看準的趨勢線空點,第一個空點是1.7附近,但是由於流動性不高所以價格非常容易受到控制絕對不能用高資金去做這單的交易,再次提醒 BINANCE:MANAUSDT BINANCE:AXSUSDT BINANCE:ETHUSDT BINANCE:BTCUSDT BINANCE:LTCUSDT BLACKBULL:SPX500 DJ:DJI CME_MINI:ES1! HKEX:HSI1! NASDAQ:TSLA BINANCE:TOMOUSDT BINANCE:ARBUSDT BINANCE:APTUSDT BINANCE:MATICUSDT BINANCE:SUIUSDT BITGET:EDUUSDT
TOMO是多麼不跟大盤的幣我對這幣的看法非常的簡單,就短線而言他走得非常像是前陣子瞬間暴跌的KNC的前兆,上漲的過程都是用日線緩緩往上走的控盤味道相當的濃厚,至於周線級別已經到了POC帶上方並且插針下來,很明顯的是在暗示後面的回落,至於這裡我不敢保證他一定會像是KNC那樣一瞬間暴跌但我很確認他最後下來會比上漲還迅速還要猛烈,所以中長線看空損益比很好抓,況且這幣現在的持倉量不高也沒話題更沒什麼技術面可言,所以是個非常好的做空標地 BINANCE:BTCUSDT BINANCE:ETHUSDT BINANCE:TOMOUSDT BINANCE:SUIUSDT BINANCE:EDUUSDT BINANCE:LTCUSDT OKX:PEPEUSDT OKX:CFXUSDT BINANCE:MATICUSDT COINBASE:AXSUSDT BINANCE:MANAUSDT
科技龍頭股值高昂 專家促分散投資美國部分科技龍頭股價在業績公布後急升,有投資專家認為,相關龍頭的股價今年升幅相當厲害,建議投資者考慮多元化,轉持其他落後大市的企業。
因此,Refinitiv Datastream統計顯示,微軟、蘋果與Alphabet等三大科技龍頭佔標指比重為15%。有基金經理擔心,一旦科技股有調整,整體大市也受到波及。不過,過去十多年,每當有減持科技股的聲音興起,該等基金經理最後表現也欠佳,形成減持科技股成為不受歡迎的策略。
不過,Natixis Investment Managers Solutions策略師Garret Melson仍認為,科技龍頭股短期將有調整壓力,因為基金經理獲利回吐的誘因高,而且該等基金經理可把資金轉至其他更具上升潛力的行業。他個人相信,能源與金融業將受惠於經濟反彈及高通脹,有較佳潛力。
一貫唱好科技股的Janus Henderson基金經理Denny Fish也認為,科技股偏高,高通脹也不利該類股份,因此已經調整組合,轉持細價股,預期該等企業更受惠於經濟復甦,以及更多基金經理稍後可能選取有關投資策略。Fish看好軟件商Atlassian及Shopify,因為他們將受惠於微軟與亞馬遜等大企業的業務增長。
不過,也有專家堅持科技龍頭依然會跑贏大市,Nuveen投資總監Saira Malik是其中之一。她相信,亞馬遜是高通脹的受惠者,而且也是近期科技股漲勢的落後股。她認為,目前投資科技股,應該是更審慎揀股。
Unveiling the Warning Signals in Technical Analysis: When Prices
Unveiling the Warning Signals in Technical Analysis: When Prices Peak and Trading Volume Surges
In the realm of technical analysis, understanding the signs when prices reach their peak and trading volume surges is critical. Dive into this informative guide to decipher these warning signals effectively.
Exploring the intricate world of technical analysis reveals invaluable insights into market behaviors. Among these insights lies a crucial warning: when prices soar to their peaks and trading volumes surge, it often indicates significant market movements ahead. Understanding these signals is paramount for traders and investors alike to navigate the volatile landscape of financial markets successfully.
Navigating Market Turbulence: Identifying Warning Signals
In the realm of technical analysis, the phrase "" encapsulates a pivotal concept. When prices surge to their zenith and trading volume skyrockets, it serves as a cautionary signal indicating significant market shifts. Let's delve deeper into understanding this phenomenon and its implications.
Interpreting Price Peaks and Volume Surges
When conducting technical analysis, observing price movements and trading volumes is fundamental. However, it's the convergence of these two factors that warrants attention. A scenario where prices reach their peaks accompanied by a substantial surge in trading volume suggests a crucial juncture in the market dynamics.
Analyzing Market Sentiment and Investor Behavior
At the core of technical analysis lies the study of market sentiment and investor behavior. When prices soar to their peaks, it often reflects euphoria among market participants, fueled by bullish sentiments. Concurrently, the surge in trading volume signifies heightened activity, indicating significant participation from both buyers and sellers.
Understanding Accumulation and Distribution Phases
In technical analysis, the concept of accumulation and distribution plays a pivotal role. When prices peak and trading volume surges, it may indicate the beginning of a distribution phase, where smart money or institutional investors start offloading their positions to capitalize on the prevailing market sentiment.
Navigating Volatile Markets: Strategies for Traders
For traders navigating volatile markets, recognizing warning signals is paramount. When prices peak and trading volume surges, adopting a cautious approach and implementing risk management strategies becomes imperative. This may involve adjusting trading positions, setting stop-loss orders, or diversifying portfolios to mitigate potential losses.
Strategic Insights for Investors: Long-Term Perspective
Beyond short-term trading strategies, investors can glean valuable insights from these warning signals. When prices reach their peaks and trading volume surges, it may signify overvaluation in the market. Investors with a long-term perspective can utilize this information to reassess their investment strategies and identify potential entry or exit points.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the implications of prices reaching their peaks in technical analysis?
Prices reaching their peaks often indicate a potential reversal or correction in the market, prompting traders to exercise caution and adjust their strategies accordingly.
How does trading volume surge influence market dynamics?
A surge in trading volume signifies increased market activity and participation, suggesting significant shifts in investor sentiment and potential trend reversals.
What role do institutional investors play when prices peak and trading volume surges?
Institutional investors often capitalize on market euphoria by offloading their positions during distribution phases, contributing to increased trading volumes.
How can traders navigate volatile markets effectively?
Traders can navigate volatile markets by adopting cautious strategies, implementing risk management techniques, and staying informed about prevailing market conditions.
What insights can investors derive from warning signals in technical analysis?
Investors can utilize warning signals to reassess their investment strategies, identify potential opportunities or risks, and make informed decisions aligned with their long-term goals.
Are warning signals in technical analysis always accurate predictors of market movements?
While warning signals provide valuable insights, market dynamics can be influenced by various factors, and outcomes may vary. It's essential to supplement technical analysis with fundamental research and risk management practices.
In the realm of technical analysis, recognizing warning signals when prices peak and trading volume surges is paramount. These signals serve as invaluable indicators of potential market shifts, guiding traders and investors in navigating volatile market conditions effectively. By understanding the implications of these signals and adopting appropriate strategies, market participants can mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities with confidence.
20210128_GBPJPY_15m_BUYFor today, the overall bias is to take a buy when price broke above 142.650 because the overall trend on higher time frame is still bullish. However, I did see support formed at 142.370 in 15m, 30m time frames, hence I took a buy and managed risk at the same time, and consequently I had a 3.3 pips win in this trade while the idea of taking a buy at this point didn't play out like I planned.
12/09 Futures Market Analysis🌟 Market Review & Reflection:
Last week, we anticipated a potential short trend below 21442, expecting a downward breakout. Surprisingly, the market found strong support around that level, effectively forming a "solid footing" 😂. Fortunately, most of ENERI Trading's algorithmic strategies refrained from shorting, while my discretionary trading attempted a short position. This highlights the advantage of algorithmic trading: discipline and risk control, avoiding emotional overreactions to market fluctuations.
🔍 Key Focus for Today (12/09)
Reference Points:
Dow Mini Lifeline: 44,659
Nasdaq Mini Lifeline: 21,665
📈 Bullish Focus:
"Even in old age, they refuse to give up their profession, continuously striving to maintain the vigor of their youth."
The bulls continue to show resilience. Despite failing to break past resistance earlier, the market still refuses to back down. Today, respect the bulls and allow the market to "burn its life force" as it pushes upward.
Strategy Suggestion:
Watch for a break above 21,665 on the Nasdaq Mini for potential upside momentum toward the 21,780-21,900 range.
Consider buying on pullbacks, with risk management near 21,550.
📉 Bearish Focus:
"The bears rely on sustained strength, with the Dow Mini showing more aggressive tendencies."
Although the bears missed strong downside moves last week, their patience and potential resistance should not be underestimated. This environment suits conservative and cautious traders, who can wait for the bulls’ momentum to fade before entering the market.
Strategy Suggestion:
Dow Mini Support Zone: 44,480 - 44,520
Nasdaq Mini Support Zone: 21,550 - 21,500
Short Position Plan:
Consider small short entries if support fails, especially below 21,500, where bearish pressure could intensify.
💡 Conclusion:
Tonight, prioritize the bulls burning their strength while giving them the space to perform. The bears can step in confidently once bullish momentum fades, taking advantage of a potential reversal.
📌 Disclaimer: The above analysis reflects ENERI Trading's market perspective and is not investment advice. Please assess risks carefully and develop your personal trading strategy.
例如2001年發生的阿富汗戰爭即是在有效基礎利率急速下降的階段,其實早在1997年的亞洲金融危機已經對銀行系統穩定性產生了嚴重影響,後來陸續發生其他危機其中最著名的當屬1998年美国对冲基金Long Term Capital Management破產。
比特幣 #btc 對比美銀走勢幾乎保持了100%正向一致性(另起一貼說明),也就是說根據巴菲特拋售美銀股份的舉動可以同時判斷出美銀股價高峰就是比特幣的高峰,其後會跟隨資金湧入國債市場出現流動性短缺問題而導致比特幣價格下跌。其價格上漲則要等待美聯儲做出降息決定,重新為銀行注入新的流動性或者等銀行從重大事件裡獲利後才會出現新的牛市行情。
BTC 盤整區間我該多還空? BTC in a sideways, should I go long or short ?今天早上八點的這根四小時K棒奪取了 12/14 的高點,價格行情會出現一次回調
等價格回調到 41785 - 42180 這個區間範圍中,我們接著觀察價格是否有出現反轉訊號,如果有出現訊號我會在這個位置再次進一筆多單。
進場價格:41807 - 42097
This morning at 8 AM, the four-hour candlestick captured the high point of 12/14, suggesting a potential retracement in the price movement.
Upon a retracement to the range of 41785 - 42180, we'll monitor for reversal signals. If a signal emerges, I will consider entering a long position at this level.
This area coincides with a recently formed support block and aligns with the daily Fibonacci retracement, approximately at the 0.5 position.
Maintaining an objective perspective, I speculate that there could be substantial buying pressure here, propelling the price upwards once again.
Entry Range:
41807 - 42097
Stop Loss:
Based on the lowest price of the reversal candlestick formed on the 15-minute timeframe at that time.
Exit Target: 44697
The above does not constitute investment advice, and I advise everyone to exercise caution and manage risks carefully in market trading.
Follow me for more insights !!
230616 SPX up or downSPX
4983 這個數字來自三角收斂開口得出的數據
5172 這個是上升三角來計算 但是如果以上升三角 這個時間太早 假突破機會很大 如果再回來測試再上去比較可能
長週期 4496 AB=CD
短週期 4476 AB=CD
4391 AB=CD 加上這邊是上次紐時的第一個山頭/也是轉換區域 所以這個位置我也特別註記了水平線
短線上有假突破 長線也是
圖上有兩條Tiffany Blue(Green) 這個是我短期的天地位置
第一 政經未穩
第二 小型股未有明顯上漲
第一點 難掌握 變數也多 唯一比較能看好的就是美國選舉一般都是拉抬經濟 但是現在國際未平穩前 隨時都可能有大變數
第二點 以往真轉牛(經濟回穩)小型股雖然也是滯後 但是會有明顯的增幅及量 目前還看不到
另外 如果真的走向之前提過的有可能走1960-1980週期
那大週期的4983/5172 可以預見的就是頂部
圖內的230310框也是潛在頂部 端看未來走勢而已 (這個目前被突破機率蠻大的)
反正原則上 10年內 以往的大牛難現
In principle, after the strong breakthrough, it is worth considering how long it can continue. Purely from a technical perspective, there are some noteworthy levels to discuss today.
In terms of the long-term cycle:
4983 is derived from the converging triangle and represents an important data point.
5172 is calculated based on an ascending triangle. However, if we consider it as an ascending triangle, it may be too early, and there is a high chance of a false breakout. It is more likely to test again before continuing upward.
In the long-term, 4496 is an AB=CD pattern.
In the short-term, 4476 is an AB=CD pattern.
4391 is an AB=CD pattern and also represents the previous peak and a transition zone. I have marked this level with a horizontal line.
Setting aside the long-term perspective, the estimated numbers for the long and short-term cycles are quite close. The current price has also broken through the previously set bull-bear transition level L1, which holds significant significance. On the surface, it indicates a more optimistic trend, but at the same time, the possibility of a "false breakout" exists, both in the short and long-term.
The key focus now is whether there can be a temporary consolidation and accumulation of strength. There are two Tiffany Blue (Green) lines on the chart, which represent my short-term support and resistance levels. The red lines within this range indicate my personal estimation of a reasonable trajectory. It is crucial not to break the orange Yin-Yang line, as breaking it would signal the end of the minor bull and a return to a bearish market.
Personally, I continue to hold a bullish stance, but I have tightened my stop-loss and take-profit levels. I would rather be shaken out of my position than risk being unable to sell physical shares during a sudden large decline. (In other words, futures trading provides more flexibility.)
As for why I remain relatively conservative with the number 5172 in the long-term cycle, it can be explained from two perspectives:
Political and economic instability: It is difficult to grasp and there are many variables. The only relatively positive aspect is that US elections generally boost the economy. However, with the current international instability, there could be major variables at any time.
Lack of significant upward movement in small-cap stocks: In previous true bull markets (economic recovery), small-cap stocks showed obvious gains and increased trading volume. Currently, we haven't seen that.
Therefore, I lean towards the difficulty of reaching new highs in this wave, and the pullback time should be within a few days.
Additionally, if the market indeed follows the previously mentioned 1960-1980 cycle, the long-term levels of 4983 and 5172 can be considered potential tops. The 230310 box in the chart also represents a potential top, depending on future trends (there is a high probability of it being broken at the moment).
In general, it is difficult to see true long-term bull markets within a 10-year period. Short and rapid bull-bear transitions may become the norm. Pay attention to position management and fund control.
Tesla下跌走勢還未結束... 由於比特幣交易受挫,特斯拉目標仍是500美元下方著名電影《The Big Short》(台譯:大賣空、港譯:沽注一擲)描述 2008 年金融危機投資人透過信用違約交換(CDS)的獲利事蹟,而電影中的真實投資人 Michael Burry 現實再有大動作,其旗下的避險公司 Scion Asset Management 首季發佈的 SEC Form 13F 報告提及數筆重大資金去向,其中便有 $5.34 億美元用來放空 Tesla,由於 Tesla 於中國地區銷量下滑和中美工廠產能下等因素致 2021 年股價下跌約 20%,Michael Burry 公司持有的 800,100 張 Tesla 股票恐怕為其賺進了大筆鈔票,確切數字尚未公開。
而事實上,Michael Burry 過去便曾在 Twitter 上公開表示,Tesla 依靠碳排放額度作為企業主要收入來源之一是一項危險訊號,雖然該貼文已經刪除,但顯然這名聞名全球的投資人對於 Tesla 業務的組合抱有相當疑慮,當然此次公開的放空行為便證明了這一點,而 Tesla 或 Elon Musk 是否會如此坐等「狙擊」則有待日後進一步行動...
不過,其他看跌因素仍在發揮作用。特斯拉跌破了趨勢線支撐位,瞄準了200日移動均線。對於任何一個金融市場來說,這都是一個受到密切關注的重要水平,至少在一定程度上減緩了特斯拉股價的下跌。週三的比特幣崩潰可能會給TSLA的股價帶來進一步的壓力,200天的支持現在已經徹底破滅了。 539美元是空頭的靶子,很有可能被擊中。該水平曾經是買家在3月5日大舉進場點,並推動TSLA大幅上漲。成交量也在此價格水平上飆升,因此這是強大的支撐。如果跌破,特斯拉的股價可能會加速看向500美元下方。股價加速下行的原因很明顯,從440美元漲到540美元的過程中缺乏價格發現和時間。特斯拉在上升過程中遇到的阻力很小,所以在下降過程中可能也會遇到同樣的情況。在測試我們在圖表中確定的440美元區域的空頭目標之前,特斯拉將直接沖向500美元的心理水平。該水平至少應該可以遏制進一步的下跌,因為這是TSLA股票強勁的盤整區域。
趨同背離移動平均線(MACD)和方向移動指數(DMI)都出現了看跌信號。相對強弱指數(RSI)和商品通道指數(CCI)都是顯示超買或超賣狀況的指標。這兩個指標都表明特斯拉在5月13日被超賣。 RSI和CCI沒有給出強烈信號,因為它們幾乎沒有進入超賣區域,但這與200日移動均線支撐位一起出現了短暫停滯,但現在比特幣幫助打破了任何持續的支撐位。
對於特斯拉來說,要想真正看漲,難度越來越大。第一個任務是穩定,也許539美元是嘗試這個地方。但要真正轉為看漲,還有很長的路要走。 9日移動均線597美元現在離我們很遙遠,但只有突破667美元,多頭才能說他們控制了局面。
- Yahoo finance-FXStreet