BITMEX Bybit binance bitstamp Coinbase HUOBI BTC ETH TREND
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BITMEX Bybit binance bitstamp Coinbase HUOBI BTC ETH TREND
This is a very effective trend strategy.
Strategy principle
Constructs the trailing ATR stop above or below the price, and switches directions when the source price breaks the ATR stop.
Uses the Average Directional Index (ADX) to switch between ATR multipliers. The higher multiplier is used when the ADX is rising, and the lower ATR multiplier is used with the ADX is falling.
This ADX criteria further widens the gap between the source price and the trailing ATR stop when the price is trending,and lessens the gap between the ATR and the price when then price is not trending.
The ATR-ADX stop is effectively a double adapative stop that trails the price,by both adapting to the true range of the price, and the average directional change.
set long position when a green arrow appears in the chart. When the stop is below the price (long trade) the value never decreases until the price intersects the stop, and it reverses to being above the price (short trade)。
set short position when a red arrow appears in the chart. When the stop is above the price it will never increase until it is intersected by the price. As the true range and ADX change, the stop will move more quickly or more slowly.
For the long position and the short direction, you can set the stop profit & stop loss or trailing profit stop & trailing stop loss respectively. When a purple arrow appears to close a position, an aggressive trader can go in the opposite direction when it is purple.
This indicator has broad applicability and can be applied to multiple different symbols. This indicator also applies to the ETHUSD ETHBTC EOSBTC BNBBTC symbol etc, just adjust the default configuration.
Using the alert of the indicator, it can work well on the trading robot like Gunbot,autoview, without repaint false signals.