Body / Range %

Body / Range is a volatility indicator that shows how many percentages the body candle occupies the range. 快照
The ratio tells us about the health and confidence of the current candlestick.
Since overall candle Range is always bigger than the body range, Body/Range indicator will always fluctuate inside a range of 0 and 100%.
I didn't use True Range because it considers gaps and the ratio won't be considering individual candles. Therefore, I used high - low and identified it as Range. 快照
In this function, the wicks play obviously role in determining the ratio too without its variable separately in the formula. I wouldn't use wicks here because Range = body + total wicks anyway. It already covers the variable. If I made the ratio with Body / Total Wicks, we wouldn't have stable 0 - 100% range of the indicator by the way. So it's fully justified dividing Body by Range to get some summarized Candle Metrics.
Logically we assume that if wicks are relatively bigger than body then the ratio will be relatively smaller and vice versa.

Change TF of the indicator is possible. For example, 3 months per bar would look like this:

