Trend Sentinel Barrier

Everyone in the market wants to take profits from the trend. It is easy to think but hard to execute. In fact, some callbacks or rebounds may cause you to close the position out of fear and let you miss bigger profits.

Indicator: Trend Sentinel Barrier solves this problem for you! It use AI algorithm to help you seize profits.

It is a trend indicator, using AI algorithm to calculate the cumulative trading volume of bulls and bears, identify trend direction and opportunities, and calculate short-term average cost in combination with changes of turnover ratio in multi-period trends, so as to grasp the profit from the trend more effectively without being cheated.



Signal: "BUY" means bullish trend, "SELL" means bearish trend.

Support and resistance range: "red area" represents strong support or resistance for long-term fluctuation costs, and "blue area" represents moderate support of resistance for short-term fluctuation costs.

🎈Tip I:

When the BUY and SELL signal appear, it means that the direction of the trend will change, and the color of the candles will also change. Don't care about the color of the candles, let's just focus on the price, support and resistance.

🎈Tip II:

Take the BUY signal as an example. When the signal appears and you hold long position, you need to pay attention to the blue and red support range. If the price returns to this range but there is no SELL signal, you can consider holding the long position for a while.

If the price pump with long candles, and then pulls back to the range, you need to be vigilant. You can consider taking the profit when the price breakthrough the support range, or wait for the SELL signal.


🎈Advanced tip I:

In most cases, the trend market is not smooth, there will be a lot of callbacks or rebounds, but because of this, we have many opportunities to do swing trading.

Continuing to take the BUY signal as an example, when this signal appears, every time the price falls back to the blue or red support area, you can consider adding positions. There are two ways to deal with these newly added positions.

One is to do swing trading. You can consider taking profits near the previous high when the price rises. The advantage of this operation is that you can get more profits in the same trend market.

The second is to continue to hold it as the bottom position until the general trend is completely over, and then close the position after obtaining huge profits.


🎈Advanced tip II:

When using advanced tips I, you can consider adding some momentum indicators to assist you in judging whether pullbacks or rebounds have failed, so as to increase your position. Similarly, the momentum indicator can also help you find a take-profit point for newly added positions

For details, please refer to the momentum indicator: KD Momentum Matrix

*The signals in the indicators are for reference only and not intended as investment advice. Past performance of a strategy is not indicative of future earnings results.

Optimize the alarm function. If you need to monitor the "Buy" or "Sell" signal, when creating an alarm, set the condition bar to:
Trend Sentinel Barrier --> "Buy" or "Sell" --> Crossing Up --> value --> 1
Moving AveragessentimentTrend Analysis


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