new(x, y, z) Create a new `Vector3`. Parameters: x (float): `float` Property `x` value, (optional, default=na). y (float): `float` Property `y` value, (optional, default=na). z (float): `float` Property `z` value, (optional, default=na). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .new(1.1, 1, 1) ```
from(value) Create a new `Vector3` from a single value. Parameters: value (float): `float` Properties positional value, (optional, default=na). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .from(1.1) ```
from_Array(values, fill_na) Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values, only reads up to the third item. Parameters: values (float[]): `array<float>` Vector property values. fill_na (float): `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Notes:** - Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`. ___ **Usage:** ``` .from_Array(array.from(1.1, fill_na=33)) .from_Array(array.from(1.1, 2, 3)) ```
from_Vector2(values) Create a new `Vector3` from a `Vector2`. Parameters: values (Vector2 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector2` Vector property values. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .from:Vector2(, 2.0)) ``` ___ **Notes:** - Type `Vector2` from CommonTypesMath library.
from_Quaternion(values) Create a new `Vector3` from a `Quaternion`'s `x, y, z` properties. Parameters: values (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Quaternion` Vector property values. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .from_Quaternion(, 2, 3, 4)) ``` ___ **Notes:** - Type `Quaternion` from CommonTypesMath library.
from_String(expression, separator, fill_na) Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values in a formated string. Parameters: expression (string): `array<float>` String with the list of vector properties. separator (string): `string` Separator between entries, (optional, default=`","`). fill_na (float): `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Notes:** - Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`. - `",,"` Empty fields will be ignored. ___ **Usage:** ``` .from_String("1.1", fill_na=33)) .from_String("(1.1,, 3)") // 1.1 , 3.0, NaN // empty field will be ignored!! ```
back() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, -1)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .back() ```
front() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .front() ```
up() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .up() ```
down() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, -1, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .down() ```
left() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, 0, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .left() ```
right() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .right() ```
zero() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .zero() ```
one() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 1, 1)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .one() ```
minus_one() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, -1, -1)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .minus_one() ```
unit_x() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .unit_x() ```
unit_y() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .unit_y() ```
unit_z() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .unit_z() ```
nan() Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(na, na, na)`. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .nan() ```
random(max, min) Generate a vector with random properties. Parameters: max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties. min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Minimum defined range of the vector properties. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .random(.from(math.pi), .from(-math.pi)) ```
random(max) Generate a vector with random properties (min set to 0.0). Parameters: max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` .random(.from(math.pi)) ```
method copy(this) Copy a existing `Vector3` Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().copy() ```
method i_add(this, other) Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_add(.up()) ```
method i_add(this, value) Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_add(3.2) ```
method i_subtract(this, other) Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(.down()) ```
method i_subtract(this, value) Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(3) ```
method i_multiply(this, other) Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(.left()) ```
method i_multiply(this, value) Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(3) ```
method i_divide(this, other) Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(.forward()) ```
method i_divide(this, value) Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(3) ```
method i_mod(this, other) Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(.back()) ```
method i_mod(this, value) Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(3) ```
method i_pow(this, exponent) Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Exponent Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(.up()) ```
method i_pow(this, exponent) Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. exponent (float): `float` Exponent Value. Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(2) ```
method length_squared(this) Squared length of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) Returns: `float` The squared length of this vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().length_squared() ```
method magnitude_squared(this) Squared magnitude of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `float` The length squared of this vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().magnitude_squared() ```
method length(this) Length of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `float` The length of this vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().length() ```
method magnitude(this) Magnitude of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `float` The Length of this vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().magnitude() ```
method normalize(this, magnitude, eps) Normalize a vector with a magnitude of 1(optional). Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. magnitude (float): `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization, (optional, default=1.0). eps (float) Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize() // (x=0.283, y=0.429, z=0.858) a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize(2) // (x=0.142, y=0.214, z=0.429) ```
method to_String(this, precision) Converts source vector to a string format, in the form `"(x, y, z)"`. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. precision (string): `string` Precision format to apply to values (optional, default=''). Returns: `string` Formated string in a `"(x, y, z)"` format. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().to_String("#.###") ```
method to_Array(this) Converts source vector to a array format. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `array<float>` List of the vector properties. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1, 2, 3).to_Array() ```
method to_Vector2(this) Converts source vector to a Vector2 in the form `x, y`. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).to_Vector2() ```
method to_Quaternion(this, w) Converts source vector to a Quaternion in the form `x, y, z, w`. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Sorce vector. w (float): `float` Property of `w` new value. Returns: `Quaternion` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).to_Quaternion(w=1) ```
method add(this, other) Add a vector to source vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).add(.unit_z()) ```
method add(this, value) Add a value to each property of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).add(2.0) ```
add(value, other) Add each property of a vector to a base value as a new vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Value. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(2) , b = .add(1.0, a) ```
method subtract(this, other) Subtract vector from source vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).subtract(.left()) ```
method subtract(this, value) Subtract a value from each property in source vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).subtract(2.0) ```
subtract(value, other) Subtract each property in a vector from a base value and create a new vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Value. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .subtract(1.0, .right()) ```
method multiply(this, other) Multiply a vector by another. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).multiply(.up()) ```
method multiply(this, value) Multiply each element in source vector with a value. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).multiply(2.0) ```
multiply(value, other) Multiply a value with each property in a vector and create a new vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Value. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .multiply(1.0, .new(1, 2, 1)) ```
method divide(this, other) Divide a vector by another. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).divide(.from(2)) ```
method divide(this, value) Divide each property in a vector by a value. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).divide(2.0) ```
divide(value, other) Divide a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Value. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .divide(1.0, .from(2)) ```
method mod(this, other) Modulo a vector by another. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).mod(.from(2)) ```
method mod(this, value) Modulo each property in a vector by a value. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. value (float): `float` Value. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).mod(2.0) ```
mod(value, other) Modulo a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Value. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .mod(1.0, .from(2)) ```
method negate(this) Negate a vector in the form `(zero - this)`. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .one().negate() ```
method pow(this, other) Modulo a vector by another. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(2).pow(.from(3)) ```
method pow(this, exponent) Raise the vector elements by a exponent. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. exponent (float): `float` The exponent to raise the vector by. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).pow(2.0) ```
pow(value, exponent) Raise value into a vector raised by the elements in exponent vector. Parameters: value (float): `float` Base value. exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` The exponent to raise the vector of base value by. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .pow(1.0, .from(2)) ```
method sqrt(this) Square root of the elements in a vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).sqrt() ```
method abs(this) Absolute properties of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).abs() ```
method max(this) Highest property of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `float` Highest value amongst the vector properties. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1, 2, 3).max() ```
method min(this) Lowest element of the vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `float` Lowest values amongst the vector properties. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1, 2, 3).min() ```
method floor(this) Floor of vector a. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).floor() ```
method ceil(this) Ceil of vector a. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).ceil() ```
method round(this) Round of vector elements. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round() ```
method round(this, precision) Round of vector elements to n digits. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. precision (int): `int` Number of digits to round the vector elements. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round(1) // 1.3, 1.7, 2 ```
method fractional(this) Fractional parts of vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1.337).fractional() // 0.337 ```
method dot_product(this, other) Dot product of two vectors. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `float` Dot product. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(2).dot_product(.left()) ```
method cross_product(this, other) Cross product of two vectors. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).cross_produc(.right()) ```
method scale(this, scalar) Scale vector by a scalar value. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. scalar (float): `float` Value to scale the the vector by. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).scale(2) ```
method rescale(this, magnitude) Rescale a vector to a new magnitude. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. magnitude (float): `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(20).rescale(1) ```
method equals(this, other) Compares two vectors. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Other vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).equals(.one()) ```
method sin(this) Sine of vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).sin() ```
method cos(this) Cosine of vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).cos() ```
method tan(this) Tangent of vector. Namespace types: TMath.Vector3 Parameters: this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .from(1).tan() ```
vmax(a, b) Highest elements of the properties from two vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .vmax(.one(), .from(2)) ```
vmax(a, b, c) Highest elements of the properties from three vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .vmax(.new(0.1, 2.5, 3.4), .from(2), .from(3)) ```
vmin(a, b) Lowest elements of the properties from two vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2)) ```
vmin(a, b, c) Lowest elements of the properties from three vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2), .new(3.3, 2.2, 0.5)) ```
distance(a, b) Distance between vector `a` and `b`. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = distance(.from(3), .unit_z()) ```
clamp(a, min, max) Restrict a vector between a min and max vector. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Minimum boundary vector. max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Maximum boundary vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .clamp(, 1.5, 3.9), min=.from(2),, 3.0, 3.5)) ```
clamp_magnitude(a, radius) Vector with its magnitude clamped to a radius. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector.object, vector with properties that should be restricted to a radius. radius (float): `float` Maximum radius to restrict magnitude of vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .clamp_magnitude(.from(21), 7) ```
lerp_unclamped(a, b, rate) `Unclamped` linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. rate (float): `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .lerp_unclamped(.from(1), .from(2), 1.2) ```
lerp(a, b, rate) Linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. rate (float): `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = lerp(.one(), .from(2), 0.2) ```
herp(start, start_tangent, end, end_tangent, rate) Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors. Parameters: start (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Start vector. start_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Start vector tangent. end (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` End vector. end_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` End vector tangent. rate (int): `float` Rate of the movement from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` s = .new(0, 0, 0) , st = .new(0, 1, 1) e = .new(1, 2, 2) , et = .new(-1, -1, 3) h = .herp(s, st, e, et, 0.3) ``` ___ **Reference:**
herp_2(a, b, rate) Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. rate (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Rate of the movement per component from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` h = .herp_2(.one(), .new(0.1, 3, 2), 0.6) ```
noise(a) 3D Noise based on Morgan McGuire @morgan3d Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = noise(.one()) ``` ___ **Reference:** - -
rotate(a, axis, angle) Rotate a vector around a axis. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. axis (string): `string` The plane to rotate around, `option="x", "y", "z"`. angle (float): `float` Angle in radians. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .rotate(.from(3), 'y', math.toradians(45.0)) ```
rotate_x(a, angle) Rotate a vector on a fixed `x`. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. angle (float): `float` Angle in radians. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .rotate_x(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0)) ```
rotate_y(a, angle) Rotate a vector on a fixed `y`. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. angle (float): `float` Angle in radians. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .rotate_y(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0)) ```
rotate_yaw_pitch(a, yaw, pitch) Rotate a vector by yaw and pitch values. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. yaw (float): `float` Angle in radians. pitch (float): `float` Angle in radians. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .rotate_yaw_pitch(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0), math.toradians(45.0)) ```
project(a, normal, eps) Project a vector off a plane defined by a normal. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off. eps (float): `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .project(.one(), .down()) ```
project_on_plane(a, normal, eps) Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off. eps (float): `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001). Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .project_on_plane(.one(), .left()) ```
project_to_2d(a, camera_position, camera_target) Project a vector onto a two dimensions plane. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. camera_position (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Camera position. camera_target (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Camera target plane position. Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .project_to_2d(.one(), .new(2, 2, 3), .zero()) ```
reflect(a, normal) Reflects a vector off a plane defined by a normal. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .reflect(.one(), .right()) ```
angle(a, b, eps) Angle in degrees between two vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. eps (float): `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=1.0e-15). Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .angle(.one(), .up()) ```
angle_signed(a, b, axis) Signed angle in degrees between two vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. axis (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Axis vector. Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .angle_signed(.one(), .left(), .down()) ``` ___ **Notes:** - The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees. - If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point, then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper. - The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an anti-clockwise direction. ___ **Reference:** -
angle2d(a, b) 2D angle between two vectors. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Target vector. Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .angle2d(.one(), .left()) ```
transform_Matrix(a, M) Transforms a vector by the given matrix. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. M (matrix<float>): `matrix<float>` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` mat =<float>(4, 0) mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) b = .transform_Matrix(.one(), mat) ```
transform_M44(a, M) Transforms a vector by the given matrix. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .transform_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0)) ``` ___ **Notes:** - Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_normal_Matrix(a, M) Transforms a vector by the given matrix. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. M (matrix<float>): `matrix<float>` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` mat =<float>(4, 0) mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) b = .transform_normal_Matrix(.one(), mat) ```
transform_normal_M44(a, M) Transforms a vector by the given matrix. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .transform_normal_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0)) ``` ___ **Notes:** - Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_Array(a, rotation) Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated. rotation (float[]): `array<float>` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .transform_Array(.one(), array.from(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)) ``` ___ **Reference:** -
transform_Quaternion(a, rotation) Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated. rotation (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `array<float>` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .transform_Quaternion(.one(),, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)) ``` ___ **Notes:** - Type `Quaternion` from `CommonTypesMath` library. ___ **Reference:** -
v2 added rotate_z() and minor update for consistency.
Added: rotate_z(a, angle) Rotate a vector on a fixed `z`. Parameters: a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1): `Vector3` Source vector. angle (float): `float` Angle in radians. Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector. ___ **Usage:** ``` a = .rotate_z(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0)) ```
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