Masculine Relative Strength - an FX strength comparison ind.

This Relative Strength Indicator compares all majors and all possible crosses against each other. (eur,usd,nzd,gbp,cad,aud,jpy, and chf ). The higher the currency ranks the stronger it is. The lower a currency ranks the weaker it is. It is calculated by taking a 200 period moving average and scoring the pair as strong or weak depending on the position of the moving average in comparison to current price action. For example if we are on the eurusd chart and current price action is above the 200 that equals to plus 1 for the euro and minus 1 for the dollar. This same scoring system is then applied to all other pairs giving you the ability to potentially pair the strongest currency with the weakest.I warrant that this information created and published by me on TradingView is not prohibited, doesn't constitute investment advice, and isn't created solely for qualified investors. This does NOT guarentee profits. Past performance is no guarantee of future results

