
Hx MTF Sorted MAs Panel with Freeze Warning

This script displays the close price and 4 sorted moving averages of your choice in a small repositionable panel and, when used on a higher timeframe, warns you when values may be different from actual values in the higher timeframe, inciting you to double check the actual values of the moving averages in the higher timeframe the panel is supposed to reflect.
The 4 moving averages and close are sorted together, providing you with a bird’s-eye view of their relative positions, the same way moving averages and last price values are displayed on the right scale.

The black header reminds of:
(1) the timeframe (resolution) used in the panel
(2) the remaining time before a new bar is created in the panel timeframe. Note that this remaining time is different from the one on the right scale, since it is only updated when a new transaction occurs.
Below, price and moving averages are sorted, color coded and followed by:
(1) a trend indicator ↗ or ↘ meaning that last change is up or down
(2) the number of bars since the moving average is above or below close (0 means current bar). This is obviously not displayed after the close price line (white background color).

This panel was basically developed to display higher timeframe data but it can also be used with the same timeframe as chart for example if you do not want to plot moving averages on your chart but are still interested in their trends and relative positions vs price.
If you see something strange (like header is not black and displays NaN), it just means you requested moving averages that are not available in the panel timeframe. This may happen with newly introduced cryptos and “long” MA timeframes.

Different Timeframe
If you choose to use the panel on a different timeframe than the current one, be aware that you should only use timeframes higher than the current one, as per Tradingview recommendations.
If you select a lower timeframe than the current one, the panel timeframe header cell will turn to the alert color you set (fuchsia by default).

After tinkering for a while with the security function, I noticed that sometimes indicator values “freeze” (i.e. stop udating) and I have found no workaround.
What I mean is that when you look at a sma on a 5 minutes timeframe (the reference) and look at this same sma on a 5 minutes timeframe but from a lower timeframe through the security function set with a timeframe of 5 minutes, values returned by the security function are not always up to date and “freeze”. That’s the bad news.

Freeze warning
The better news is that this unexpected behaviour seems to be predictable, at least on minutes timeframes and I implemented an indicator that endeavors to detecting such situations. When the panel believes data may be frozen, the ‘Remaining Time’ header cell will turn to the alert color.
This feature is only implemented on minutes timeframes and can be switched on or off.

Other points of interest in this script
If you code, this function may also interest you:
sortWithIndexes (arrayToSort) returns a tuple (sortedArray, sortedIndexes) and therefore allows multi-dimensional arrays sorting without actually implementing a sorting algorithm 😉.

Default Settings
The default settings provide an example of commonly used moving averages with associated colors ranked from Hot (more nervous) to Cold (less nervous).
These settings are just an example and are NOT meant to be used as a trading system! DYOR!

Hope it will be useful.
Does the Freeze warning work for you? What do you think of my pseudo sorting algorithm?
Enjoy and please let me know what you think in the comments.
Panel update if barstate.islast + cosmetic bug bix

