Library "Vector2DrawLine" Extends line type with methods for Vector2 and Segment2.
new(origin, target, xloc, extend, color, style, width) Draws a line using Segment type to hold its coordinate properties.. Parameters: origin: Vector2 . Origin vector of the line. target: Vector2 . Target vector of the line. xloc: string extend: string color: color style: string width: int Returns: line object
new(segment, xloc, extend, color, style, width) Draws a line using Segment type to hold its coordinate properties.. Parameters: segment: Segment2 . Segment with positional coordinates. xloc: string extend: string color: color style: string width: int Returns: line object
rotate_around(this, center, angle) Instance method to rotate line around center vector (modifies input line). Parameters: this: line . Line object. center: Vector2 . Center of rotation. angle: float . Rotation angle in degrees. Returns: line. Rotated line object.
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