[KVA]Body Percentage Counter

This indicator presents a comprehensive view of the historical candle data within user-defined body percentage ranges. Each column represents a specific body size percentage threshold, starting from as low as 0.01% and extending up to 20%.
The rows categorize candles by their closing and opening price differences, effectively sorting them into green (bullish) and red (bearish) candles based on whether they closed higher or lower than their opening prices.
First Row of the table is the bu

For developers, this table can be immensely useful in determining stop-loss ranges. By analyzing the frequency of candles that fall within certain body percentage ranges, developers can better understand where to set stop-loss orders. For instance, if a developer notices a high frequency of candles with body sizes within a specific percentage range, they may choose to set their stop-loss orders outside of this range to avoid being stopped out by normal market fluctuations.

Moreover, the indicator can be used to:

Volatility Assessment: The indicator can be used to gauge market volatility. Smaller bodies may indicate consolidation periods, while larger bodies might suggest more volatile market conditions.
Optimize Trading Strategies: Adjust entry and exit points based on the prevalence of certain candle sizes.
Risk Management: Determine the commonality of price movements within a certain range to better manage risks.
Backtesting: Use historical data to backtest how different stop-loss ranges would have performed in the past.
Comparative Analysis: Traders can compare the frequency of different body sizes over a selected period, providing insights into how the market is evolving.
Educational Use: For new traders, the indicator can serve as an educational tool to understand the implications of candlestick sizes and their relationship with market dynamics

The data provided in this output can guide developers to make more informed decisions about where to place stop-loss orders, potentially increasing the effectiveness of their trading algorithms or manual trading strategies.
The output of the "[KVA]Body Percentage Counter" indicator is organized into a table format, which can be broken down as follows:

Header (First Row): This row lists the body percentage thresholds used to categorize the candles. It starts from 0.01% and increases incrementally to 20%. These thresholds are likely set by the user and represent the range of candle body sizes as a percentage of the total candle size.

Green Candle Count (Second Row): This row displays the count of green candles—candles where the close price is higher than the open price—that fall within each body percentage threshold. For example, under the column "0.01", the number 25 indicates there are 25 green candles whose body size is 0.01% of the total candle size.

Red Candle Count (Third Row): This row shows the count of red candles—candles where the close price is lower than the open price—for each body percentage threshold. The numbers in this row reflect the number of red candles that match the body percentage criteria in the corresponding column.

Total Candle Count (Fourth Row): This row sums the counts of both green and red candles for each body percentage threshold, providing a total count of candles that have a body size within the specific range. For instance, if under "0.01" the green count is 25 and the red count is 26, then the total would be 51.

This organized data representation allows users to quickly assess the distribution of candle body sizes over a historical period, which is especially useful for determining the frequency of price movements that are significant enough to consider for stop-loss settings or other trade management decisions.
