

3 034
The Hurricane Indicator

This Indicator takes the traditional Ichimoku and expands it's capabilities to a whole new level.

It is a trend based trading indicator that utilises equilibrium calculations from multiple time frames, to reveal areas of support, resistance, strength, weakness, acceleration and momentum throughout the various bull and bear market trends.
By using the three components of the Hurricane together (or individually), it presents the entire picture of micro, mid-term and macro trends, enabling the trader to scalp price movements on a smaller time frame whilst keeping an eye on the larger trend.

For a full write up on what it does and the explained settings follow this link:

Add this to your favorites, then send me a message through Trading View and I'll grant you temporary access to try it out.

To continue using it after the trial period, send me a message.


Fixed a couple of minor spelling errors and added signal arrows & alerts for the "Storm Chaser" strategy.
Made a tweak to how the Storm Chaser signals. Now it only signals once all price and clouds are in the correct order.
No change, just wanted a better picture
Quite a bit of an update.

Check out the updated documentation here:

In this update, I added a fourth cloud known as the "Sprite". It is an extremely fast moving cloud and is designed to act like the Chikou Span from the traditional Ichimoku.
The Sprite reflects not only price as it is now, but how price has changed in the immediate term in relation to past price action.
It is back shifted by 9 periods by default, however, there is another option available within the cloud style drop down.

Cloud Styles:
I added a drop down box where you can select which style the clouds are displayed as. The options are "Ichimoku", "Spread" & "Stack"

I added a few more custom alerts for the various strategies as well.

Hope you like it, reach out to me if you want to try it out.
No change, just wanted a better picture and Trading view doesn't allow me to edit it after the fact.
Incremental update:

Added an extra Kumo display style called "Collapse" where all Kumos are stacked together and shifted 1 bar forward (for clarity). This allows you to see all Kumo levels in one place.

Altered the colour of the Sprite to show bullish or bearish energy clearer.

Added two extra signals:
"Sprite-Lightning Break" shows background colour when Sprite crosses Lightning Kumo completely.
"Sprite-Thunder Break" shows background colour when Sprite crosses Thunder Kumo completely. (This is similar to using Chikou-Span crossing Kijun-Sen signal from traditional Ichimoku)
... and again, couldn't change the picture, so made no change.

