Moving Average Convergence Divergence with Rate of Change
Purpose - MACD is an awesome indicator. However, I felt I could improve the existing MACD indicator by also letting it visualize the rate of change (ROC) of the histogram (whether rate of change is increasing or decreasing - just like a derivative). By doing so, the indicator will better show the rate of change of the trend.
How It's Done - To the original MACD indicator, I have added a bit more conditional statements that automatically calculates the ROC in MACD histogram and visualizes through 8 different colors.
Interpretation - While the histogram is above 0, darker color indicates the stronger up trend, and lighter the color, weaker the up trend and potentially indicates the bears are overtaking, and vice versa for the case where the histogram is below 0.
Fibonacci Zone Oscillator With MACD HistogramThe columns
After I found a way to calculate a price as a percent of the middle line of the KeltCOG Channel in the KCGmut indicator (published), I got the idea to use the same trick in the Fbonacci Zone Channel (also published), thus creating an oscillator.
I plot the percent’s as columns with the color of the KeltCOG Channel. Because the channels I created and published (i.e. Fibonacci Zone, Donchian Fibonacci Trading Tool, Keltner Fibzones, and KeltCOG) all use Fibonacci zones, this indicator also reports the position of the close in their zones.
Strategy and Use:
Blue column: Close in uptrend area, 4 supports, 0 resistance, ready to rally up.
Green column: Close in buyers area, 3 supports, 1 resistance, looking up.
Gray column: Close in center area 2 supports, 2 resistances, undecided.
Yellow column: Close in sellers area 1 support, 3 resistances, looking down.
Red column: Close in downtrend area, 0 support, 4 resistances, ready to rally down.
I use this indicator in a layout with three timeframes which I use for stock picking, I pick all stocks with a blue column in every timeframe, the indicator is so clear that I can flip through the 50 charts of my universe of high liquid European blue chips in 15 minutes to make a list of these stocks.
Because I use it in conjunction with KeltCOG I also gave it a ‘script sets lookback’ option which can be checked with a feedback label and switched off in the inputs.
The MACD histogram
I admire the MACD because it is spot on when predicting tops and bottoms. It is also the most sexy indictor in TA. Actually just the histogram is needed, so I don’t show the macd-line and the signal line. I use the same lookback for the slow-ma as for the columns, set the fast-ma to half and the signal-line to a third of the general lookback. Therefore I gave the lookback a minimum value of 6, so the signal gets at least a lookback of 2.
The histogram is plotted three times, first as a whitish area to provide a background, then the colums of the Fibzone Oscillator are plotted, then the histogram as a purple line, which contrasts nicely and then as a hardly visible brown histogram.
The input settings give the option to show columns and histogram separate or together.
Strategy and use:
I think about the columns as showing a ‘longer term chosen momentum’ and about the histogram as a ‘short term power momentum’. I use it as additional information.
Enjoy, Eykpunter.
Real Woodies CCIAs always, this is not financial advice and use at your own risk. Trading is risky and can cost you significant sums of money if you are not careful. Make sure you always have a proper entry and exit plan that includes defining your risk before you enter a trade.
Ken Wood is a semi-famous trader that grew in popularity in the 1990s and early 2000s due to the establishment of one of the earliest trading forums online. This forum grew into "Woodie's CCI Club" due to Wood's love of his modified Commodity Channel Index (CCI) that he used extensively. From what I can tell, the website is still active and still follows the same core principles it did in the early days, the CCI is used for entries, range bars are used to help trader's cut down on the noise, and the optional addition of Woodie's Pivot Points can be used as further confirmation of support and resistance. This is my take on his famous "Woodie's CCI" that has become standard on many charting packages through the years, including a TradingView sponsored version as one of the many stock indicators provided by TradingView. Woodie has updated his CCI through the years to include several very cool additions outside of the standard CCI. I will have to say, I am a bit biased, but I think this is hands down one of the best indicators I have ever used, and I am far too young to have been part of the original CCI Club. Being a daytrader primarily, this fits right in my timeframe wheel house. Woodie designed this indicator to work on a day-trading time scale and he frequently uses this to trade futures and commodity contracts on the 30 minute, often even down to the one minute timeframe. This makes it unique in that it is probably one of the only daytrading-designed indicators out there that I am aware of that was not a popular indicator, like the MACD or RSI, that was just adopted by daytraders.
The CCI was originally created by Donald Lambert in 1980. Over time, it has become an extremely popular house-hold indicator, like the Stochastics, RSI, or MACD. However, like the RSI and Stochastics, there are extensive debates on how the CCI is actually meant to be used. Some trade it like a reversal indicator, where values greater than 100 or less than -100 are considered overbought or oversold, respectively. Others trade it like a typical zero-line cross indicator, where once the value goes above or below the zero-line, a trade should be considered in that direction. Lastly, some treat it as strictly a momentum indicator, where values greater than 100 or less than -100 are seen as strong momentum moves and when these values are reached, a new strong trend is establishing in the direction of the move. The CCI itself is nothing fancy, it just visualizes the distance of the closing price away from a user-defined SMA value and plots it as a line. However, Woodie's CCI takes this simple concept and adds to it with an indicator with 5 pieces to it designed to help the trader enter into the highest probability setups. Bear with me, it initially looks super complicated, but I promise it is pretty straight-forward and a fun indicator to use.
1) The CCI Histogram. This is your standard CCI value that you would find on the normal CCI. Woodie's CCI uses a value of 14 for most trades and a value of 20 when the timeframe is equal to or greater than 30minutes. I personally use this as a 20-period CCI on all time frames, simply for the fact that the 20 SMA is a very popular moving average and I want to know what the crowd is doing. This is your coloured histogram with 4 colours. A gray colouring is for any bars above or below the zero line for 1-4 bars. A yellow bar is a "trend bar", where the long period CCI has been above/below the zero line for 5 consecutive bars, indicating that a trend in the current direction has been established. Blue bars above and red bars below are simply 6+n number of bars above or below the zero line confirming trend. These are used for the Zero-Line Reject Trade (explained below). The CCI Histogram has a matching long-period CCI line that is painted the same colour as the histogram, it is the same thing but is used just to outline the Histogram a bit better.
2) The CCI Turbo line. This is a sped-up 6 period CCI. This is to be used for the Zero-Line Reject trades, trendline breaks, and to identify shorter term overbought/oversold conditions against the main trend. This is coloured as the white line.
3) The Least Squares Moving Average Baseline (LSMA) Zero Line. You will notice that the Zero Line of the indicator is either green or red. This is based on when price is above or below the 25-period LSMA on the chart. The LSMA is a 25 period linear regression moving average and is one of the best moving averages out there because it is more immune to noise than a typical MA. Statistically, an LSMA is designed to find the line of best fit across the lookback periods and identify whether price is advancing, declining, or flat, without the whipsaw that other MAs can be privy to. The zero line of the indicator will turn green when the close candle is over the LSMA or red when it is below the LSMA. This is meant to be a confirmation tool only and the CCI Histogram and Turbo Histogram can cross this zero line without any corresponding change in the colour of the zero line on that immediate candle.
4) The +100 and -100 lines are used in two ways. First, they can be used by the CCI Histogram and CCI Turbo as a sort of minor price resistance and if the CCI values cannot get through these, it is considered weakness in that trade direction until they do so. You will notice that both of these lines are multi-coloured. They have been plotted with the ChopZone Indicator, another TradingView built-in indicator. The ChopZone is a trend identification tool that uses the slope and the direction of a 34-period EMA to identify when price is trending or range bound. While there are ~10 different colours, the main two a trader needs to pay attention to are the turquoise/cyan blue, which indicates price is in an uptrend, and dark red, which indicates price is in a downtrend based on the slope and direction of the 34 EMA. All other colours indicate "chop". These colours are used solely for the Zero-Line Reject and pattern trades discussed below. They are plotted both above and below so you can easily see the colouring no matter what side of the zero line the CCI is on.
5) The +200 and -200 lines are also used in two ways. First, they are considered overbought/oversold levels where if price exceeds these lines then it has moved an extreme amount away from the average and is likely to experience a pullback shortly. This is more useful for the CCI Histogram than the Turbo CCI, in all honesty. You will also notice that these are coloured either red, green, or yellow. This is the Sidewinder indicator portion. The documentation on this is extremely sparse, only pointing to a "relationship between the LSMA and the 34 EMA" (see here: Since I am not a member of Woodie's CCI Club and never intend to be I took some liberty here and decided that the most likely relationship here was the slope of both moving averages. Therefore, the Sidewinder will be green when both the LSMA and the 34 EMA are rising, red when both are falling, and yellow when they are not in agreement with one another (i.e. one rising/flat while the other is flat/falling). I am a big fan of Dr. Alexander Elder as those who follow me know, so consider this like Woodie's version of the Elder Impulse System. I will fully admit that this version of the Sidewinder is a guess and may not represent the real Sidewinder indicator, but it is next to impossible to find any information on this, so I apologize, but my version does do something useful anyways. This is also to be used only with the Zero-Line Reject trades. They are plotted both above and below so you can easily see the colouring no matter what side of the zero line the CCI is on.
How to Trade It According to Woodie's CCI Club:
Now that I have all of my components and history out of the way, this is what you all care about. I will only provide a brief overview of the trades in this system, but there are quite a few more detailed descriptions listed in the Woodie's CCI Club pamphlet. I have had little success trading the "patterns" but they do exist and do work on occasion. I just prefer to trade with the flow of the markets rather than getting overly scalpy. If you are interested in these patterns, see the pamphlet here (, hop into the forums and see for yourself, or check out a couple of the YouTube videos.
1) Zero line cross. As simple as any other momentum oscillator out there. When the long period CCI crosses above or below the zero line open a trade in that direction. Extra confirmation can be had when the CCI Turbo has already broken the +100/-100 line "resistance or support". Trend traders may wish to wait until the yellow "trend confirmation bar" has been printed.
2) Zero Line Reject. This is when the CCI Turbo heads back down to the zero line and then bounces back in the same direction of the prevailing trend. These are fantastic continuation trades if you missed the initial entry either on the zero line cross or on the trend bar establishment. ZLR trades are only viable when you have the ChopZone indicator showing a trend (turquoise/cyan for uptrend, dark red for downtrend), the LSMA line is green for an uptrend or red for a downtrend, and the SideWinder is either green confirming the uptrend or red confirming the downtrend.
3) Hook From Extreme. This is the exact same as the Zero Line Reject trade, however, the CCI Turbo now goes to the +100/-100 line (whichever is opposite the currently established trend) and then hooks back into the established trend direction. Ideally the HFE trade needs to have the Long CCI Histogram above/below the corresponding 100 level and the CCI Turbo both breaks the 100 level on the trend side and when it does break it has increased ~20 points from the previous value (i.e. CCI Histogram = +150 with LSMA, CZ, and SW all matching up and trend bars printed on CCI Histogram, CCI Turbo went to -120 and bounced to +80 on last 2 bars, current bar closes with CCI Turbo closing at +110).
4) Trend Line Break. Either the CCI Turbo or CCI Histogram, whichever you prefer (I find the Turbo a bit more accurate since its a faster value) creates a series of higher highs/lows you can draw a trend line linking them. When the line breaks the trendline that is your signal to take a counter trade position. For example, if the CCI Turbo is making consistently higher lows and then breaks the trendline through the zero line, you can then go short. This is a good continuation trade.
5) The Tony Trade. Consider this like a combination zero line reject, trend line break, and weak zero line cross all in one. The idea is that the SW, CZ, and LSMA values are all established in one direction. The CCI Histogram should be in an established trend and then cross the zero line but never break the 100 level on the new side as long as it has not printed more than 9 bars on the new side. If the CCI Histogram prints 9 or less bars on the new side and then breaks the trendline and crosses back to the original trend side, that is your signal to take a reversal trade. This is best used in the Elder Triple Screen method (discussed in final section) as a failed dip or rip.
6) The GB100 Trade. This is a similar trade as the Tony Trade, however, the CCI Histogram can break the 100 level on the new side but has to have made less than 6 bars on the new side. A trendline break is not necessary here either, it is more of a "pop and drop" or "momentum failure" trade trying in the new direction.
7) The Famir Trade. This is a failed CCI Long Histogram ZLR trade and is quite complicated. I have never traded this but it is in the pamphlet. Essentially you have a typical ZLR reject (i.e. all components saying it is likely a long/short continuation trade), but the ZLR only stays around the 50 level, goes back to the trend side, fails there as well immediately after 1 bar and then rebreaks to the new side. This is important to be considered with the LSMA value matching the side of the trade, so if the Famir says to go long, you need the LSMA indicator to also say to go long.
8) The Vegas Trade. This is essentially a trend-reversal trade that takes into account the LSMA and a cup and handle formation on the CCI Long Histogram after it has reached an extreme value (+200/-200). You will see the CCI Histogram hit the extreme value, head towards the zero line, and then sort of round out back in the direction of the extreme price. The low point where it reversed back in the direction of the extreme can be considered support or resistance on the CCI and once the CCI Long Histogram breaks this level again, with LSMA confirmation, you can take a counter trend trade with a stop under/over the highest/lowest point of the last 2 bars as you want to be out quickly if you are wrong without much damage but can get a huge win if you are right and add later to the position once a new trade has formed.
9) The Ghost Trade. This is nothing more than a(n) (inverse) head and shoulders pattern created on the CCI. Draw a trend line connecting the head and shoulders and trade a reversal trade once the CCI Long Histogram breaks the trend line. Same deal as the Vegas Trade, stop over/under the most recent 2 bar high/low and add later if it is a winner but cut quickly if it is a loser.
Like I said, this is a complicated system and could quite literally take years to master if you wanted to go into the patterns and master them. I prefer to trade it in a much simpler format, using the Elder Triple Screen System. First, since I am a day trader, I look to use the 20 period Woodie's on the hourly and look at the CZ, SW, and LSMA values to make sure they all match the direction of the CCI Long Histogram (a trend establishment is not necessary here). It shows you the hourly trend as your "tide". I then drill down to the 15 minute time frame and use the Turbo CCI break in the opposite direction of the trend as my "wave" and to indicate when there is a dip or rip against the main trend. Lastly, I drill down to a 3 minute time frame and enter when the CCI Long Histogram turns back to match the main trend ("ripple") as long as the CCI Turbo has broken the 100 level in the matched direction.
Enjoy, and please read the pamphlet if you have any questions about the patterns as they are not how I use these and will not be able to answer those questions.
Predictive MACDThis is MACD indicators have display prediction of next 3 bar which if close price not change or price move following directions of momentum this indicators will show how price will move next 3 bar.
Divergence Macd+RSI Fast[RSU] -- No RepaintThis indicator combines the divergence of rsi and macd and displays it on the candlestick chart.
1. When rsi is at a high point, once it falls by 1 k line, it will detect the divergence from the previous high point. This can quickly find the divergence that has taken effect and help you quickly capture the trend before a sharp decline or rise.
The difference between other RSI divergence indicators: the official divergence indicator is to detect the 5 and the k line, which may lead to a large amount of decline.
2. This indicator detects the previous high and the previous low of 5, 10, 20 lengths at the same time, instead of only detecting a fixed length, so that more deviations can be found.
1. When MACD-diff line(orange color) is at a high point, once it falls by 1 k line, it will detect the divergence from the previous high point. This can quickly find the divergence that has taken effect and help you quickly capture the trend before a sharp decline or rise.
2. This indicator detects the previous high and the previous low of 5, 10, 20, 40 , 60 lengths at the same time, instead of only detecting a fixed length, so that more divergences can be found.
Because it is a quick divergence detection, it is recommended to confirm that the divergence takes effect after the current k is completely closed first. I have identified this state in the indicator as "k not end".
Disadvantages and Risks:
Since it is a quick discovery, there will be error identification. Error divergences will recolor to grey.
Use Alert catching divergence occurrences.
Please do not:
Don't go short in the uptrend, don't go long in the downtrend.
Top divergences that occur because of a strong uptrend are usually only temporary pullbacks. Bottom divergences in persistent declines are also temporary rallies. Do not attempt to trade such low-return trades.
It is recommended to use the divergence indicator when the stock price has made a new high and retraced, and once again made a new high, because this often leads to the end of the trend.
Divergence how to use:
1. After the previous candlestick was completely closed, a bottom divergence was found.
2. Open an long order at the beginning of the second bar, or as close to the bottom as possible (because the stop loss will be smaller).
3. Break the stop loss price below the previous low where the divergence occurred, which already means that the divergence is wrong.
MACD Scalper AnalysisThis is a scalper analysis movement designed around MACD and 200 EMA
The rules are simple:
For long we check if the close of the candle is above the ema200 and we have a crossover between macd and signal
Once this happens we analyse the next candle, if its close higher than open , we can consider it a win and if its close lower than open we consider a lose.
For short we check if the close of the candle is below the ema200 and we have a crossunder between macd and signal
Once this happens we analyse the next candle, if its close higher than open , we can consider it a loss and if its close lower than open we consider a win.
Once we have all of this we analyse the average percentage movement and establish if the specific asset or timeframe is worthy for us.
At the same time it can give a good idea if we can go with a divergence strategy, like for example we have a short entry, but we will actually go long and viceversa.
If you have any questions let me know !
Infiten Slope StrategyThis model is an index fund trading model, which uses moving averages and price percentage oscillators to minimize downside exposure.
MACD in BANDSMy idea is to make the MACD histogram oscillating in a range from 0-100 just like the RSI .
I did it successfully, but compared to normal MACD histogram it is too low and hard to see because most values just fluctuate slightly above or below 50. So I'm happy and grateful to anyone who can offer guidance.
Awesome Oscillator PlusThe Awesome Oscillator is an indicator used to measure market momentum. AO calculates the difference of a 34 Period and 5 Period Simple Moving Averages. The Simple Moving Averages that are used are not calculated using closing price but rather each bar's midpoints. AO is generally used to affirm trends or to anticipate possible reversals.
The Awesome Oscillator's saucer is a trading signal that many analysts use to identify potential rapid changes in momentum. The saucer strategy involves looking for changes in three consecutive bars that are on the same side of the zero line.
AO's saucers can be either bullish or bearish. A bullish saucer can be identified when the awesome oscillator is above the zero line and there are two consecutive red bars – with the second bar being lower than the first – which are followed by a green bar.
On the other hand, a bearish saucer can be identified by two consecutive green bars below the zero line – with the second bar being lower than the first – which are immediately followed by a red bar.
Bullish saucer = Background and green arrow
Bearish saucer = Background and red arrow
Alerts can be triggered when a bullish or bearish saucer occurs.
Blue dots mean that the maximum or minimum of 150 periods has been exceeded (you can change the number of periods). Also added a signal line which can be exchanged for different moving averages.
The MACD line and histogram have a setting of Fast MA = 13, Slow MA = 21 and Signal = 8.
Added light blue dots as bullish signals (MACD line below zero and line crossing) and pink dots as bearish signals (MACD line above zero and line crossing). Alerts can be activated to notify such signals.
Waddah Attar Explosion V3 [NHK] -Bollinger - MACDWaddah Attar Explosion Version3 indicator to work in Forex and Crypto, This indicator oscillates above and below zero and the Bollinger band is plotted over the MACD Histogram to take quick decisions, Colors are changed for enhanced look. dead zone is plotted in a background area and option is provided to hide dead zone. One can easily detect sideways market movement using Bollinger band and volume. when volume is in between Bollinger band no trades are to be taken as volume is low and market moving in sideways
credits to: @shayankm and @LazyBear
Read the main description below...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is a port of a famous MT4 indicator. This indicator uses MACD /BB to track trend direction and strength. Author suggests using this indicator on 30mins.
Explanation from the indicator developer:
"Various components of the indicator are:
Dead Zone Line: Works as a filter for weak signals. Do not trade when the up or down histogram is in between Dead Zone.
- Pink histogram shows the current down trend.
- Blue histogram shows the current up trend.
- Sienna line / Bollinger Band shows the explosion in price up or down.
Signal for ENTER_BUY: All the following conditions must be met.
- Blue histogram is raising.
- Blue histogram above Explosion line.
- Explosion line raising.
- Both Blue histogram and Explosion line above DeadZone line.
Signal for EXIT_BUY: Exit when Blue histogram crosses below Explosion line / Bollinger Band.
Signal for ENTER_SELL: All the following conditions must be met.
- Pink histogram is raising.
- Pink histogram above Explosion line.
- Explosion line raising.
- Both Pink histogram and Explosion line above DeadZone line.
Signal for EXIT_SELL: Exit when Pink histogram crosses below Explosion line.
All of the parameters are configurable via options page. You may have to tune it for your instrument.
[blackcat] L2 James Garofallou RSI In 4 DimLevel 2
Traders’ Tips of September 2020, the focus is James Garofallou’s article in the September issue, “Tracking Relative Strength In Four Dimensions”.
In “Tracking Relative Strength In Four Dimensions” in this issue, author James Garofallou introduces us to a new method of measuring the relative strength of a security. This new technique creates a much broader reference than would be obtained by using a single security or index and combines several dimensions, as the author calls them, into a single rank value. This study compares a security to another in four dimensions, as explained in the article. James Garofallou presents a metric for a security’s strength relative to 11 major market sectors and over several time periods. All this is squeezed into a single value. The first step is the RS2. It normalizes the security to a market index, then calculates four moving averages and encodes their relations in a returned number. I just modified it by using most BTC-correlated instruments to reflect how BTC response to their performance.
This is a Level 2 free and open source indicator.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
MACD Divergence Fast by RSUAdvantages:
1. When MACD-diff line(orange color) is at a high point, once it falls by 1 k line, it will detect the divergence from the previous high point. This can quickly find the divergence that has taken effect and help you quickly capture the trend before a sharp decline or rise.
2. This indicator detects the previous high and the previous low of 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 lengths at the same time, instead of only detecting a fixed length, so that more divergences can be found.
Because it is a quick divergence detection, it is recommended to confirm that the divergence takes effect after the current k is completely closed first. I have identified this state in the indicator as "k not end".
Disadvantages and Risks:
Since it is a quick discovery, there will be error identification. Error divergences will recolor to grey.
Use “RSI Divergence Fast by RSU” at the same time, because RSI divergence usually occurs before macd, if the position diverges at the same time, the probability of success will increase.
Please do not:
Don't go short in the uptrend, don't go long in the downtrend.
Top divergences that occur because of a strong uptrend are usually only temporary pullbacks. Bottom divergences in persistent declines are also temporary rallies. Do not attempt to trade such low-return trades.
It is recommended to use the divergence indicator when the stock price has made a new high and retraced, and once again made a new high, because this often leads to the end of the trend.
Divergence how to use:
1. After the previous K line was completely closed, a bottom divergence was found.
2. Open an long order at the beginning of the second bar, or as close to the bottom as possible (because the stop loss will be smaller).
3. Break the stop loss price below the previous low where the divergence occurred, which already means that the divergence is wrong.
[CP]Pivot Boss Multi Timeframe CPR Inception with MACD and EMAINTRODUCTION:
This indicator combines multi-timeframe CPR bands with MACD Momentum and EMA trend, all projected on the candlestick chart through a novel visualization.
If you have seen my other indicators on TradingView, you would know that I use floor pivots a lot and “Secrets of a Pivot Boss” is my favorite book. While using floor pivots, time and again I have noticed an interesting price behavior,
Trending moves in price typically start from around the Central Pivot Range (CPR). The CPR could be from ANY timeframe. These moves can easily be caught using simple momentum and trend indicators like MACD and EMA crossovers.
Yes, it is that simple. Follow along to understand how to use this indicator.
TradingView limits the max number of labels that can be shown on a chart to 500. Therefore, if you go far back enough, you won't see any markings for the MACD or EMA setups. If you are looking to test the efficacy of this indicator in the past, change the start and end dates to your desired timeframe and then select the ‘Mark MACD and EMA Setups in Range?’ option.
Here you can select CPRs and their bands from which timeframes are shown on the chart. I will share my favorite settings later in this description.
Show CPR Labels: CPRs markings can carry labels, so that you don’t confuse between which line is what. Use this setting to toggle them On/Off.
Show Next Time Period Pivots: Check this option if you want to see the CPR of the next time period. This is typically done to figure out the ’Two Day CPR Relationship’ . Read the book, “Secrets of a Pivot Boss”, to understand more.
Show EMA on the Chart: EMAs will be plotted on the chart. Standard stuff.
Mark EMA Crossovers on Chart: EMA crossovers will be marked on the chart in diamond shapes. If you are using EMA crossovers, I recommend setting this option to True.
Rest of the EMA settings are fairly obvious.
Projecting MACD parameters directly on the candlesticks is surely going to give you a new perspective about price action and MACD.
Also, in order to better understand the MACD projections on the chart, you can add a standard MACD indicator on the chart with default settings to figure out what my indicator is actually showing you.
Marking MACD Crossovers on Chart: Marks the MACD signal crossovers on the chart. This visualization was a game changer for me.
Show MACD Histogram on Chart: Projects the complete MACD Histogram in a novel fashion (Try it!). You will be able to visually see the ebbs and flow of momentum in the charts.
Mark MACD Histogram Peaks on Chart: Marks only the MACD peaks instead of the complete histogram. Peaks are a great way to enter an ongoing trend and to play an intraday rangebound market.
Rest of the settings are just the standard settings that you will find in a typical MACD indicator.
Not shown in the settings panel, but I have added alerts for EMA and MACD Crossovers so that you don’t have to sit in front of the charts or constantly check the price all day long.
If you don’t know how to set alerts in TradingView, then please Google it.
This indicator can be used in intraday as well as in higher timeframes.
There are quite a few variations possible, I personally prefer to use the EMA crossovers in intraday (5m) and MACD on Daily timeframes.
This is just a matter of personal preference, some people might prefer using EMAs only or MACD only in all timeframes.
Here are my personal settings for the intraday 5-minute timeframe:
Turn on all the CPR pivots starting from Yearly all the way to Daily. You can turn on 6 hourly and 4 hourly as well if you want.
Hourly CPR is mostly used when the price is in a strong trend and you missed the entry and don’t know when to enter. Price will typically experience pullbacks towards the Hourly CPR, before resuming in the direction of the trend. That is your chance to hop onto the bandwagon.
For Intraday, I keep the Bands off. Just a personal preference here.
You can turn ON the Show CPR Labels , if you want.
Turn ON both the options in the EMA TREND section. You would want to see the EMA crossovers marked on the chart as well as the EMAs themselves, as the distance between the two EMAs will give you an idea about the strength of the trend.
Keep rest of the settings in the EMA section as default (you can change the colors if you wish). I keep the same EMAs as the ones kept in the MACD indicator. I like to keep things simple.
In the MACD MOMENTUM section, turn ON Mark MACD Histogram Peaks on Chart and all the other options turned OFF. Leave the other settings as default. By the way, these are the default settings of the standard MACD Indicator.
You can set up EMA Bullcross and Bearcross alarms if you like.
Before checking out the examples, remember one super simple rule:
Look for price settling above/below a pivot, and then a move away from the pivot in any direction is typically a trending move.
You can use hourly pivots or MACD Histogram peaks marked on the chart to enter an existing trend, or add to your positions.
Let’s have a look at a few recent intraday examples from the Crypto, Indian, and US equity markets.
I have added my comments in the charts to make you easily understand what is going on.
Understand that both, moving average crossover and MACD, will give out a lot of signals (chop) every day. But almost 70% of them are going to be fake signals. It is the signals that you get when the price is near a Pivot, that tend to convert into gorgeous trending moves that last.
BTC 5m Charts
NIFTY Futures 5m Charts (good intraday trends are hard to find here, as the market is very efficient)
TSLA 5m Charts
Some important points for using this indicator in higher timeframes:
For higher timeframes, my personal preference is to go with the MACD indicator. I personally find MACD to be lethal on daily and weekly timeframes, if you know how to use it well.
The default settings of the indicator are the settings I use for both, Daily and Weekly, timeframes. Additionally, I turn off the CPR labels.
In theory large trending moves still have a big probability to start near an important pivot level, however, in larger timeframes, trending moves can start from anywhere. They need not start in the vicinity of any important pivot (but they often do!).
Weekly pivots can act as great pullback levels when the price is in strong momentum, when trading on the daily timeframe.
Quarterly Pivots act as great pullback levels when the price is in strong momentum, when trading on the weekly timeframe.
BTC Weekly Chart
BTC Daily Chart
Nifty Weekly Chart
Nifty Daily Chart
NASDAQ Weekly Chart
NASDAQ Daily Chart
Please understand that I have Cherry Picked the examples to showcase the capability of the indicator and its usage.
DO NOT conflate the accuracy of examples with the accuracy of this indicator.
Biggest catch is the fact that this indicator, like every other indicator out there, will have whipsaws. Some I have also marked in the example charts.
You need to come up with your own technique to avoid whipsaws, one technique I have shared here…… big moves typically start near pivots.
Work on avoiding whipsaws and finding you own edge in the markets.
If you really want to learn how to use Pivots, read the book ’Secrets of a Pivot Boss’ . This book can change your life.
FinancialWisdom Breakout IndicatorBreakout is detected when:
1- Price is higher than previous 6 bars
2- price is above 1% of previous high and below 20%
3- price is above 20 week moving average
4- Volume is higher by 30% of 1 candle before.
5-MACD is positive
Remember indicators/strategies are there to help you in your trading and not to trade based on them solely.
Not a financial advise.
Midas Mk. II - Ultimate Crypto Swing>> This scrip is only meant to be used in 4hour crypto chart <<
How It Works - To swing trade in a 4 hr candles, which has a much larger range than shorter timeframe candles, the script utilizes a longer timeframe ema, sma and MACDs to account for such. When the ema and sma crosses and the rate of change of the MACD histogram is in favor of the direction, then the system provides a long/short signal.
How To Use - The script works the best when the signal is in par with other analyses (trend, harmonic patterns, etc.) This script does not provide any exit signals , so I recommend exiting when the candle breaks out of the structure, or other strategies.
Updates or revisions will be recorded in the comments. Good luck with this script!
(MACD-Price) Displaying MACD Indicators on Price Chartshello?
Although it is a simple indicator, I decided to disclose it because I thought it was a pretty useful (?) indicator.
** Others may have previously published indicators similar to this indicator.
** Please understand this.
** All charts or indicators disclosed are not guaranteed to result in profit or loss.
** Therefore, please use it as a reference for your own trading strategy.
(design purpose)
The MACD indicator is a secondary indicator and is located below the price chart.
Accordingly, it is not easy to check along with the price flow.
Therefore, the index has been reorganized to display important factors in interpreting the MACD index according to the price change.
(Metric Description)
- The center line of the EMA line corresponding to the MACD value and the signal value displayed in the MACD indicator is designed to receive the Close value or Open value among prices according to changes in the rise and fall.
- The color of the line displayed in the manner described above is designed to change color when the Histogram passes the zero point, so that you can check whether the current state is in an uptrend or a downtrend.
Uptrend: green
Downtrend: blue
(How to Interpret and Apply)
- Buy when the 'Buy / Sell line' of the MACD-P indicator is level and the color is green, and when it crosses the 'Buy / Sell line' upwards.
- Sell when the 'Buy / Sell line' of the MACD-P indicator is level and the color is blue, and when it crosses below the 'Buy / Sell line'.
CCI SupertrendCCI Supertrend
+ This simple scripts base on CCI level to plot "Supertrend".
+ When CCI move above level 0, SuperTrend lowerBand is plotted.
+ When CCI move below level 0, SuperTrend upperBand is plotted.
[blackcat] L2 Vitali Apirine Stochastic MACD OscillatorLevel 2
Traders’ Tips of November 2019, the focus is Vitali Apirine’s article in the November issue, “The Stochastic MACD Oscillator”.
In “The Stochastic MACD Oscillator” in this issue, author Vitali Apirine introduces a new indicator created by combining the stochastic oscillator and the MACD. He describes the new indicator as a momentum oscillator and explains that it allows the trader to define overbought and oversold levels similar to the classic stochastic but based on the MACD. The STMACD reflects the convergence and divergence of two moving averages relative to the high–low range over a set number of periods.
This is a Level 2 free and open source indicator.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
MACD Strategy AlertThis Indicator will only give you potential entry base on MACD strategy combine with a 200 EMA
-Sell when price under 200 ema and MACD is crossing the signal line above 0
-Buy when price above 200 ema and MACD is crossing the signal line under 0
-Sending Alert for each Potential Entry
HULL MACDThis MACD modification uses a fast HULL MA instead of the regular one. Also includes 2 horizontal lines. When using it on a daily timeframe the lower borders should be used for guidance to know when the market has gone too far away from the average price and thus a reversal might happen.
On smaller timeframes the dotted lines can be used for this purpose.
AMACD - All Moving Average Convergence DivergenceThis indicator displays the Moving Average Convergane and Divergence ( MACD ) of individually configured Fast, Slow and Signal Moving Averages. Buy and sell alerts can be set based on moving average crossovers, consecutive convergence/divergence of the moving averages, and directional changes in the histogram moving averages.
The Fast, Slow and Signal Moving Averages can be set to:
Exponential Moving Average ( EMA )
Volume-Weighted Moving Average ( VWMA )
Simple Moving Average ( SMA )
Weighted Moving Average ( WMA )
Hull Moving Average ( HMA )
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (RMA) ( SMMA )
Symmetrically Weighted Moving Average ( SWMA )
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average ( ALMA )
Double EMA ( DEMA )
Double SMA (DSMA)
Double WMA (DWMA)
Double RMA ( DRMA )
Triple EMA ( TEMA )
Triple SMA (TSMA)
Triple WMA (TWMA)
Triple RMA (TRMA)
Linear regression curve Moving Average ( LSMA )
Variable Index Dynamic Average ( VIDYA )
Fractal Adaptive Moving Average ( FRAMA )
If you have a strategy that can buy based on External Indicators use 'Backtest Signal' which returns a 1 for a Buy and a 2 for a sell.
'Backtest Signal' is plotted to display.none, so change the Style Settings for the chart if you need to see it for testing.
CCI MTF Ob+OsHello Traders,
This is a simple Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator with multi-timeframe (MTF) overbought and oversold level.
It can detect overbought and oversold level up to 5 timeframes, which help traders spot potential reversal point more easily.
There are options to select 1-5 timeframes to detect overbought and oversold.
Green Background is "Oversold" , looking for "Long".
Red Background is "Overbought" , looking for "Short".
Have fun :)
TMA-LegacyThis is a script based on the original TMA- RSI Divergence indicator by PhoenixBinary.
The Phoenix Binary community and the TMA community built this version to be public code for the community for further use and revision after the reported passing of Phoenix Binary (The community extends our condolences to Phoenix's family.
The intended uses are the same as the original but some calculations are different and may not act or signal the same as the original.
Description of the indicator from original posting.
This indicator was inspired by Arty and Christy .
Here is a brief overview of the indicator from the original posting:
1 — RSI Divergence
Arty uses the RSI divergence as a tool to find entry points and possible reversals. He doesn't use the traditional overbought/oversold. He uses a 50 line. This indicator includes a 50 line and a floating 50 line.
The floating 50 line is a multi-timeframe smoothed moving average . Price is not linear, therefore, your 50 line shouldn't be either.
The RSI line is using a dynamic color algo that shows current control of the market as well as possible turning points in the market.
2 — Smoothed RSI Divergence
The Smoothed RSI Divergence is a slower RSI with different calculations to smooth out the RSI line. This gives a different perspective of price action and more of a long term perspective of the trend. When crosses of the floating 50 line up with the traditional RSI crossing floating 50.
3 — Momentum Divergence
This one will take a little bit of time to master. But, once you master this, and combined with the other two, damn these entries get downright lethal!