Inflation Adjusted Performance: Ticker/M2 money supplyPlots current ticker / M2 money supply, to give an idea of 'inflation adjusted performance'.
~In the above, see the last decade of bullish equities is not nearly as impressive as it seems when adjusted to account for the FED's money printing.
~Works on all timeframes/ assets; though M2 money supply is daily data release, so not meaningful to plot this on timeframe lower than daily.
~To display on same pane; comment-out line 6 and un-comment line 7; then save, remove and re-add indicator.
~Scale on the right is meaningless; this indicator is just to show/compare the shape of the charts.
Binance Basis OscillatorBinance Basis Oscillator illustrates the premium or discount between Binance spot vs perps.
This indicates whether speculators (i.e. traders on perps) are paying premium vs spot. If true then speculation is leading, indicating euphoria (at certain levels).
Conversely, spot leading perps (i.e. perps at a discount) shows extreme bearish conditions, where speculation is on the short side. Indicating times of despair.
Operating Cash Flow on Total Assets RatioThis indicator divides the company's Operating Cash Flow (TTM) by the company's Total Assets (FY). This ratio gives potential investors the amount of operating cash flow generated from every dollar of asset owned and is a measure of financial efficiency.
EPS & SalesHi everyone,
I just adapted a little utility script to visualise EPS % increase (quarters vs Year -1) and sales.
I used the code from @ARUN_SAXENA and modified it to fix what I saw as issues.
(Using base 3M instead of 1M +
request.earnings(syminfo.tickerid, earnings.actual, ignore_invalid_symbol=true)
instead of, "EARNINGS_PER_SHARE", "FQ")
Data will differ from MarketSmith because they use sometimes actual EPS sometimes standard, but think we can at least trust what we see in term of %
The tool is far from being perfect !
When was the last time we were in stagflation?Here I coded a strategy that indicates when we should enter a long position in the US dollar. The three indicators I used were the Inflation Rate, 10Y interest rate, and GDP growth rate. Right now in our economy, It seems as though we are in stagflation due to high inflation and declining GDP growth. Thoughts on how our government should handle the oversupply of money in the economy right now are another conversation. The reason I built this indicator is to see when the last time our country was in this type of market environment was and to see how far the dollar rose from that point on. It is necessary to say that the US dollar generally does not show these steep increases in value unless there is a hard cut in the Money supply. However, what we see is that the last time we were in stagflation was around the early 1980s when the dollar value rose to around 107( the levels we're at right now) and did not stop until It hit its peak at 150!!!! This isn't all that exciting really because if the FED follows a similar path as It did back in the '80s then we are going to see a whole lot more money supply being cut, an increase in interest rates, and a declining GDP Growth rate.
ATTENTION: This indicator does not tell you to buy any financial instrument that follows the DXY(US Dollar index), with that being said please feel free to comment and tell me your opinion. whether it's how bad my coding is(I'm a beginner sorry!!) or whether my ideas on our market environment right now are bogus or just do not make sense.
Average Price LineThis was published in substitute of the original AVG price line that was already implemented into TradingVIew.
Get the average price in the desired range you want.
EPS Surprise (Working)Plots the EPS surprise between reported and estimate.
* This is a working version of the old EPS Surprise indicator here that seems to have been abandoned.
FOMC AnnouncementsThis indicator plots vertical lines at the scheduled times of US Federal Reserve's FOMC Meeting Announcements. Usually, that time or the 24 hours before and after could see big moves in markets. You can change those dates and times in the settings, and could use the indicator option "Add this indicator to entire layout" if you want to easily reflect that across all panes of a layout. Those lines will show on any symbol you switch to, saving you time and effort of drawing them manually.
Gotobi TeriyakiUSDJPY Anomaly.
This anomaly originated in Japan.
Buy from 2:00 pm Japan time.
Sell at 9:55 Japan time.
Japanese importers often settle payments to suppliers in dollars, and exchange yen for dollars on settlement days (days falling on a 5 or 10, so-called goto days).
Therefore, on goto days, there is sometimes a shortage of dollars held by financial institutions. This is called the "middle price shortage," and financial institutions purchase dollars through the foreign exchange market to resolve the middle price shortage.
As a result, the dollar currency is bought and USD/JPY depreciates against the yen. Since the yen has historically appreciated against the dollar, exporting companies make forward exchange contracts with financial institutions as a risk hedge.
Financial institutions are therefore forced to procure dollars in the market because they do not have enough dollars in their balance sheets to deliver to exporters.
Five days is called "GO" in Japanese.
Ten days is called "TO" in Japanese.
In Japanese, a day is called "BI".
Now I can eat teriyaki all day long :)
Eurobond CurveABOUT
Dynamically plots 3 no. forward EUROBOND curves. When the curves converge (or worse crossover) there is higher risk of financial uncertainty and potential market correction.
The Eurobond Curves work in a similar way to treasury "yield curve inversion"; except the EUROBOND curves can signal much earlier than Treasuries therefore providing a leading indicator.
The indicator looks the the "near" (next year EUROBOND), "mid" (EUROBOND 2 years out) and "far" (EUROBOND 5 years out) to assess for crossovers.
When the "near" and "mid" curves crossover the "far" curve, concerning economic conditions are developing and it may be a good idea to reduce risk exposure to markets.
The EUROBOND curve crossover events are rare, and this indicator uses data back to 2005 (using approximately 25 TradingView security functions). Given there are relatively few crossover events, the reliability of this indicator should be considered low. Nonetheless, there is decent alignment with treasury yield curve inversions in the 20 year period assessed. Given treasury yield curve inversions have predicted every recession for the last 70 years, we still think the EUROBOND Curves are a useful datapoint to monitor into the future and provide confluence to other risk management strategies.
The Real GBTC Premium (Capriole Investments)The real Grayscale Bitcoin (GBTC) premium / discount.
Charts the premium / discount of GBTC trust versus the Bitcoin spot price.
The GBTC premium / discount is frequently calculated incorrectly as it needs to consider the amount of Bitcoin behind each share of GBTC, which changes over time.
This indicator allows for an estimate of that change through time, a more realistic representation of 1 BTC to 1 BTC within GBTC.
If the chart is red, at a discount = can buy a synthetic Bitcoin (GBTC) at a discount to the underlying asset Bitcoin.
If the chart is green, at a premium = can buy a synthetic Bitcoin (GBTC) at a premium to the underlying asset Bitcoin.
The user should also consider that to-date, GBTC charges an annual fee which depletes the value within the GBTC trust. Grayscale wants to convert GBTC to an ETF, but its applications have so far been rejected by the SEC.
If GBTC is converted to an ETF in the future, we might expect that any GBTC discount shown here will be neutralized; potentially offering an additional return to any holder of GBTC, though this cannot be known for sure until such a conversion occurs.
BEST Strategy Template AutoviewHello Traders
I've build a strategy template building for you the AUTOVIEW commands
I made this template based on this documentation:
You can select whether you want to use an SL or not, a TP or not, using the borrow/repay feature (only for Binance), ... and it will build dynamically the Autoview commands and will send them when entry/exit alerts trigger.
The template accept SL/TP in percentage or pips/USD distance from the entry price
MAGICAL !!!! (not really, just some dumb coding)
Users will have to specify from the settings:
- the Autoview account name
- the symbol name: I couldn't capture it from the chart because sometimes the symbol name on the broker side is different than the one from the TradingView side
- the position size
- the broker name (Tradovate, Binance, Bitmex, FTX, ...)
- if you want to send the alerts to your DEMO or LIVE account
- a debug mode to check if your alerts are well formatted
- and a few other interesting options...
If you want to use it, you'll have to update the dummy entries logic lines 97-98 and replacing those two lines by your own stuff
I'll make the ProfitView and 3Commas and Alertatron versions shortly.
Basically the same script but with the commands built for those 3 automation third-parties.
Best regards
SMC RulesThis script allowes you to have a plan always shown on the chart.
You know how it is, sometimes you miss things and if you dont see your plan then you miss maybe an important part... so for this i wrote that simple script here.
So far it has 5 Sections you can edit in the settings to your liking.
On top you can also edit the swing structure you are seeing, so you dont have to always swap timeframes.
Also implemented are the Session times for Frankfurt, London, New York and Asia.
Its not enabled on default, but i find it quiet handy to have..
(including alerts)
I will update it from time to time, if you wish for something just let me know.
Supply Weighted Moving AverageUse on a Weekly timeframe:
This moving average channel is weighted based on the new BTC offer:
I believe that the slope of the Bitcoin trend line correlates with the new supply and availability problem.
Thanks MJShahsavar
Original script "Weighted average moving average of the offer: Onchin"
Crypto addict 7 Accurate Buy & Sell indicators
The below indicators are recommended on the daily chart only.
Yellow Diamond - Possible bottom of the market. This diamond will only flash a few times in a cycle on the BTC chart. This is actually one the BEST buying signal
Green Buy – Buy
Red Sell - Sell / take profits
BIG red cross – Possible top and best signal to sell or take profits
BIG green cross – possible bottom and the best signal to buy
Silver Line – 111 MA
The modified 111 moving average is also a very good indicator. The market will test this support/resistance before the 200 moving average.
Purple line – 200 MA
The modified 200 moving average is a very good indicator. You will get a feel if the markets are in a up or down trend and identifying support and resistance areas. A daily candle close above the line is support and markets can move upwards. A daily close below indicate resistance and markets will move downwards
Red line – Confirmed bullish / bearish cycle!!
Green Line - This MA line indicate the bottom of the cycle - your absolute best entry point for the next cycle. This MA got a 10-year accurate record.
Remember that past history does not guarantee future results.
Crude Oil: Backwardation Vs ContangoCrude Oil, CL
Plots Futures Curve: Futures contract prices over the next 3.5 years; to easily visualize Backwardation Vs Contango(carrying charge) markets.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation(As the above; contract prices decreasing into the future): it's a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
TO UPDATE (every year or so): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of several similar Futures Curve indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains | VIX | Crude Oil
If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the multiple indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
-If this takes too long to load (due to so many security calls); comment out the more distant future half of the contracts; and their respective labels. Or comment out every other contract and every other label if you prefer.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 20th June 2022
© twingall
VWAP/EMA50/EMA200We script this one for combining VWAP , EMA50 and EMA200. The tool is fantastic if traders know how VWAP , EMA work? Just adding this script in your favorite and work like charm:
VWAP: How to trade with that
- One of the simplest uses of the VWAP is gauging support and/or resistance.
- A trader who is long a stock can use the VWAP as a target exit if its trading below.
- A stock trading over intraday VWAP may be bullish , while a stock trading under may be bearish .
EMA 50/EMA200: How to trade with that timeframe 50-day or 200-day period
- Identify the trend of market in longterm
- Golden-cross (short term EMA cross above longterm EMA ) is call golden-cross signals. It is opportunity for buying.
- Deal-cross ( short term EMA cross below longterm EMA ) is call dead-cross signals. It is opportunity for selling.
- Identify support levels
- Identify resistance levels
Let me know if you see anything else that should be added/changed.
VIX: Backwardation Vs ContangoVIX: Backwardation Vs Contango
Quickly visualize Contango vs Backwardation in the S&P 500 Volatility Index by plotting the prices of the futures contracts over the next 9 months
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
TO UPDATE(every few months recommended): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of several similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains | VIX
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and pin to Scale A to plot on the same scale as price
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Metals:Backwardation/ContangoMETALS: Gold , Silver , Copper ( GC , SI, HG)
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Gold ( GC ); 21 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Grains:Backwardation/ContangoGRAINS: Wheat , Soybeans , Corn (ZW, ZS, ZC )
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
The above chart shows a nice example of backwardation.
Note: indicator does not map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Wheat (ZW); 15 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall
Meats: Backwardation/CantangoMEATS: Live Cattle , Feeder Cattle, Lean Hogs (LE, GF , HE)
Quickly visualize carrying charge market vs backwardized market by comparing the price of the next 2 years of futures contracts.
Carrying charge (contract prices increasing into the future) = normal, representing the costs of carrying/storage of a commodity. When this is flipped to Backwardation (contract prices decreasing into the future): its a bullish sign: Buyers want this commodity, and they want it NOW.
Note: indicator does NOT map to time axis in the same way as price; it simply plots the progression of contract months out into the future; left to right; so timeframe DOESN'T MATTER for this plot
There's likely some more efficient way to write this; e.g. when plotting for Live Cattle (LE); 8 of the security requests are redundant; but they are still made; and can make this slower to load
TO UPDATE(once a year will do): in REQUEST CONTRACTS section, delete old contracts (top) and add new ones (bottom). Then in PLOTTING section, Delete old contract labels (bottom); add new contract labels (top); adjust the X in 'bar_index-(X+_historical)' numbers accordingly
This is one of three similar indicators: Meats | Metals | Grains
-If you want to build from this; to work on other commodities ; be aware that Tradingview limits the number of contract calls to 40 (hence the 3 seperate indicators)
-Right click and reset chart if you can't see the plot; or if you have trouble with the scaling.
-Right click and add to new scale if you prefer this not to overlay directly on price. Or move to new pane below.
--Added historical input: input days back in time; to see the historical shape of the Futures curve via selecting 'days back' snapshot
updated 15th June 2022
© twingall