My Closed Gap [-W-]Eng.
Updated version of the my Closed Gap indicator.
Starts drawing a horizontal line - the level of opening the gap, when the gap appears and finishes drawing the line when the gap closes.
You can set the minimum gap value at which the line will be drawn.
To do this, first select the appropriate operating mode, and then enter the required value in the corresponding field.
There are also other interesting modes of operation, the default is - without micro gaps.
The length is the number of candles, starting from the current one, in which gaps will be searched. The maximum value is 4990.
Rus .
Обновлённая версия индикатора My Closed Gap.
Начинает рисовать горизонтальную линию - уровень открытия гэпа, когда гэп появляется и заканчивает рисовать линию, когда гэп закрывается.
Можно задать минимальную величину гэпа при которой будет нарисована линия.
Для этого сначала нужно выбрать соответствующий режим работы, а затем ввести в соответствующее поле необходимое значение.
Так же имеются другие интересные режимы работы, по умолчанию стоит - без микро гэпов.
Длина - это количество свечей, начиная с текущей, в которых будут искаться гэпы. Максимальное значение - 4990.
CME Bitcoin Gap Finder Orderblock Support ResistanceCME Bitcoin Gap Finder Orderblock Support Resistance
I had a backlog of scripts to release, and so everyone is getting some Christmas gifts early!
I have been watching CME gaps and how they relate to BTC for over a year now. I find they make good orderblock support/resistance areas.
There is a limitation to how many lines I can draw with the new pine script functions. So for instance if you want to see the gaps from 2018 I have included a date range selector (similar to how a backtest works). This way you can only display the gaps from the dates ranges you want to see.
There's also the ability to check for gaps on the daily, 12h, 4h, and 1h charts. I recommend using 12H. But know that depending on what period you choose it will effect the size of the gaps, so experiment and see what works for you.
Lastly I included the ability to have background highlights whenever CME is closed on the weekend, just for visual reference.
You can use this indicator on any BTC ticker, and it will show you where the CME gaps are (without having to switch/reference the CME chart).
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 74th script on Tradingview!
💬Check my Signature for other information
Simple CME GAP displayAn indicator that displays the CME bitcoin rate gap in a simple manner.
One recent gap can be displayed.
Gap Automatic Retrocess LevelsThis Script detects Bearish / Bullish GAP at market opening 09:30 am NY and automatically traces backward levels, of which 2 are configurable at your discretion.
[AN] GapierA colored gap finder.
It colors a gap until it gets closed. It displays an info for the current opened gaps (range).
Allows to change the gap timeframe
Allows you to overlay gaps of other symbol on the current one
There are some assets that really like to fill the gaps. Using this indicator you can have a better understanding on where the price is heading (on the current trend).
Gap Up and Gap DownIdentify gap ups and downs by percentage and amount.
Set alerts for:
Gap up/down by %
Gap up/down by $
Piercing Line Pattern Trading Setupthis study is the first one of a series of scripts based on the candlesticks pattern which will be published over time. There are several such scripts out there that can be found on TradingView but they seem to be inaccurate with a lot of noises and messy hard to understand code. In this script, I've tried to have a clean and easy to get
of the pattern itself and the method for detecting it with enough parameters to filter out the noises.
Piercing Pattern
A piercing pattern is a technical trading signal that is formed by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap lower the following day with a bullish candlestick that covers at least half of the upward length of the previous day's bearish candlestick body, finishing with a close higher for the day. A piercing pattern often signals the end of a small to moderate downward trend. A piercing pattern can serve as a potential indicator for a bullish reversal. This pattern is formed by two consecutive candlestick marks. The first candlestick is bearish signifying a down day and the second is bullish signifying an up day. When a trader is watching for a bullish reversal any red candlestick followed by a green candlestick could be an alert. There are a few things that set a piercing pattern apart from a general red candlestick green candlestick pattern. In a piercing pattern, a green candlestick follows a red one with a significant gap in the red candlestick close and green candlestick open. On the second-day green candlestick, the candlestick’s body must also lengthen to cover at least half of the previous day’s red candlestick . Generally, the gap down and substantial increase to the closing price are good signs for a reversal. In a piercing pattern, the second-day green candlestick will close at or above the midpoint of the previous day’s red candlestick.
please provide me with your valuable comments,
thanks for your attention,
Gap Up Stats - Gap Strategie für Aktien! Was passiert eigentlich nach einem X% Gap? Diese Frage lässt sich nun einfach beantworten! Ändere die % und die Anzahl der Jahre, welche Du testen möchtest mit nur einem Klick. Die unterschiedlichen Werte zeigen Dir dann direkt, ob sich Deine Handelsthese mit den Statistiken der Aktie deckt.
In diesem Fall sehen wir, dass die Aktie über das letzte Jahr in allen Fällen unter dem Eröffnungspreis geschlossen hat. Der durchschnittliche Spike lag bei 16%. Damit ist ein Short die richtige Wahl und die potentiellen Level der Aktie können mit der Statistik vereint werden.
Bei Interesse ist dieses Skript bei uns erhältlich.
Viele Grüße
2nd Day Stats / BACKTESTING TOOL//English version below
## Deutsche Version
Was passiert am 2. Tag, nachdem wir X % am ersten Tag zurückgelegt haben? Genau dies lässt sich sehr gut backtesten und die Erkenntnisse im Markt anwenden. Dieses Tool eignet sich besonders für kleinere Aktien (Small-Caps) oder Aktien, die am Tag der Quartalszahlen große Bewegungen zurückgelegt haben. Backtesting war selten so einfach.
## English version
What happens after a strong day 1 move? Use the custom input to test, what happened after a 10% move on day one. Change the day 1 move % and the number of years to backtest. It's that simple. The tool is especially helpful for small-cap traders and for stocks after earnings.
Wirmchen 2nd Day StatsThis is a stats script for calculating gaps and opportunities to trade them in the market
requested by user felhvbn
WhiplashClimax setup looking for a reversal the next day after a gap, this works best if the signal is triggered after a prolonged move in one direction. Enter the position at the close of the day when you get a signal and exit for a loss the next day if not profitable, otherwise, trail a stop to lock profits.
CME Gap Finder - BitcoinOnly for Bitcoin!
This indicator locates weekly gaps created by the CME Futures market for Bitcoin.
As you can see, Bitcoin tends to close the weekly gaps created in the futures market so I thought this could be a very useful tool.
Instead of having to look between multiple charts, this simply overlays the past weeks open and close should a gap appear.
I hope you find this indicator useful!
Crypto GapCrypto trade 24 hours a day, so there is no real gap.
But the gap is a price area actually where nobody or very few people trade.
This script marks all those areas on your chart.
You'd better use the daily chart and change the marked candle color same as your chart background color, then you'll see the magic.
Gap Trader
Plot the most recent 20 gaps based on custom session info.
The session can be customized with a start time and an end time.
The previous open, high, low, close are only from the price during the session specified.
A gap line will stop printing the moment the gap is filled.
For CME futures, the session must be offset by one hour for Central time. I use the official cash close of 16:15 EST (yes, not 16:00) as this is the TRUE close when options go offline. Every day CME futures take a break between 16:15 - 16:30 EST for settlement, and then again from 17:00 - 18:00 EST.
To offset CME futures you must subtract an hour, the official NYSE hours for futures: 0830-1515, this translates to 9:30 AM EST - 4:15 PM EST.
For information about the probability of a previous day's gap being filled by the NYSE close:
MIND_THE_GAP: Locate gaps on all time frames. Alerts enabled. • Identify gaps on all time frames
• Ability to set gap sensitivity
• Daily gaps overlaid on intra-day time frames
• Horizontal bars indicate gap on the current time frame
• Circles indicate gap on the daily time frame
• Alerts enabled
Gap-O-MaticGap-O-Matic checks whether there is a gap in a user-defined security or symbol and gives you alerts, targets for the gap and tracks the gap until it has been filled. In addition, you can disable or show plots, and change the gap threshhold to pick how big of gaps you want Gap-O-Matic to alert you to and which it should ignore.
A good use case, for example, is to use Gap-O-Matic to monitor a CME/CBOE such as "BTC1!" while trading a bitmex chart. You wont need to check or chart out gap areas. Gap-O-Matic will automatically draw in the gaps on your chart for you.
Gap Measure PercentMeasures the gaps between bars - bullish or bearish - as a percent of the underlying's price.
MondayOpen Gap strategyThis strategy open orders on first bar of the week if there is a gap with Friday close price.
First bar could be on Sunday or on Monday, it depends on broker time.
Adjust starting hour with broker time. Use arrows to help finding correct broker time.
Also you should adjust gap size and exit hour.
Do not place on Daily charts.
Please use comment section for any feedback.
Next improvement (only to whom is interested to this script and follows me): study with alerts on multiple tickers all at one. Leave a comment if you want to have access to study.
********************************** IMPORTANT*******************************
I have developed an expert advisor for metatrader4 (MT4) and for jforex platform: results of expert advisor form 2015-01-01 to 2018-11-25 are very good with low drawdown and good profit.