Days Higher Than Current PriceThe "Days Higher Than Current Price" indicator is a color-coded tool that provides insights into the historical price performance of an underlying asset. By analyzing the number of bars prior to the selected day that had higher closing prices, this indicator visually represents the comparative strength or weakness of the current price level.
The "Days Higher" indicator utilizes a color-coded scheme to indicate the number of days in the asset's price history where the closing prices were higher than the current day's price. The color spectrum ranges from red to blue, representing varying levels of historical price strength.
Color Coding:
The color coding scheme of the indicator offers a quick and intuitive understanding of the price performance:
Red: Represents a higher number of days in the asset's price history where the closing prices were higher than the current day's price. This suggests a weaker price trend or a potential reversal and indicates relative price weakness.
Blue: Represents a lower number of days in the asset's price history where the closing prices were higher than the current day's price. This indicates a strong trend of higher prices and suggests relative price strength.
Orange & Green: Correspond to different numbers of days where the closing prices were higher than the current day's price. The specific color gradations between red and blue reflect increasing or decreasing historical price strength.
The "Days Higher" indicator examines each bar in the asset's price history leading up to the selected day. It counts the number of bars where the closing prices were higher than the current day's price.
The indicator then assigns a specific color to the price chart based on the count of such days, providing a visual representation of historical price strength relative to the current price level.
The "Days Higher" indicator offers traders and investors a unique perspective on the historical price performance of an asset. By assessing the color-coded chart, market participants can quickly gauge the presence of strong or weak historical price trends.
This information can be used to identify potential support or resistance levels, assess the overall strength of a trend, or evaluate the likelihood of a price reversal. Traders may incorporate this indicator into their analysis to make more informed trading decisions based on the historical price strength indicated by the color-coded chart.
It is important to note that this tool should be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and indicators to validate signals and make well-rounded trading decisions.
Example Charts:
Price Action Box RetracementsThe Price Action Box Retracements Indicator offers a fresh perspective on price analysis, departing from the conventional fixed-length lookback period commonly used in trading indicators. This indicator embraces a more flexible and adaptable approach, taking into account changes in price action behavior and avoiding overfitting. With a design philosophy rooted in the principle of "Keep it simple, stupid!" (KISS), this indicator allows users to customize just one variable: Price Box Size.
Imagine the price action as a journey within a box or channel, defined by significant pivots from the past that act as support and resistance levels. The Price Action Box Retracements Indicator visualizes the midpoints between these pivots, representing half-point retracements. By adjusting the "Price Box Size" variable, users can select the size of the price action box that the script will identify on the chart. A larger value will look for a larger box/channel, meaning the price will stay within it for a longer duration. Think of it as switching to a slower timeframe without changing the chart resolution.
The indicator plots a median line within the price action box, which changes color based on the position of the price action within the box. When the price action is trading below the median, the line is displayed in red, indicating a potential for short entries. Conversely, when the price action is above the box median, the line turns green, suggesting opportunities for long entries. An orange color is used when the price action breaks outside the box, signaling the start of a new trend or a measured move where the box size is expected to double.
Sudden changes in the median location are crucial signals that the price action has broken outside its previous box and created a new one. Usually, the price action will attempt to return back and test its old box boundaries or median (support/resistance) before continuing further. If the new box is positioned above the previous one, it indicates an upward channel (uptrend), while a box below the previous one suggests a descending channel (downtrend). A flat median line represents a ranging market, where the price action lacks a clear directional bias.
In addition to the median plot, the script also offers a pivot-anchored moving average, assisting traders in identifying smaller trends and potential entry points within a larger price action box.
Experience a new approach to price analysis with the Price Action Box Retracements Indicator and enhance your trading strategies with simplicity and flexibility.
K's Pivot PointsPivot points are a popular technical analysis tool used by traders to identify potential levels of support and resistance in a given timeframe. Pivot points are derived from previous price action and are used to estimate potential price levels where an asset may experience a reversal, breakout, or significant price movement.
The calculation of pivot points involves a simple formula that takes into account the high, low, and close prices from the previous trading session or a specific period. The most commonly used pivot point calculation method is the "Standard" or "Classic" method. Here's the formula:
Pivot Point (P) = (High + Low + Close) / 3
In addition to the pivot point itself, several support and resistance levels are calculated based on the pivot point value.
K's Pivot Points try to enhance them by incorporating multiple elements and by applying a re-integration strategy to validate two events:
* Found_Support: This event represents a basing market that is bound to recover or at least shape a bounce.
* Found_Resistance: This event represents a toppish market that is bound to consolidate or at least shape a pause.
K's Pivot Points are calculated following these steps:
1. Calculate the highest of highs for the previous 24 periods (preferably hours).
2. Calculate the lowest of lows for the previous 24 periods (preferably hours).
3. Calculate a 24-period (preferably hours) moving average of the close price.
4. Calculate K's Pivot Point as the average between the three previous step.
5. To find the support, use this formula: Support = (Lowest K's pivot point of the last 12 periods * 2) - Step 1
6. To find the resistance, use this formula: Resistance = (Highest K's pivot point of the last 12 periods * 2) - Step 2
The re-integration strategy to find support and resistance areas is as follows:
* A support has been found if the market breaks the support and shapes a close above it afterwards.
* A resistance has been found if the market surpasses the resistance and shapes a close below it afterwards.
The lookback period (whether 24 and 12) can be modified but the default versions work well.
ICT TGIF_V2 [MK]The ICT T.G.I.F (Thank God Its Friday) works on the following strategy:
1. Friday makes the High/Low of the Week.
2. The Weekly High/Low range is used to calculate 20-30% levels. (see chart above)
3. Trades are taken in the Friday PM session (NY EST) with the idea that price may retrace to the 20-30% level.
The indicator plots the following levels:
1. Week High
2. Week Low
3. Week Open
3. 20-30% level in upper part of weekly range (only shows if Friday has made the high of the week)
4. 20-30% level in lower part of weekly range (only shows if Friday has made the low of the week)
It is possible to show all historical levels listed above for the purpose of back-testing the TGIF strategy.
Also it is possible to disable all the historical and current levels, in which case only the 20-30% levels will show when Friday has made the Week High/Low (the 20-30% level only shows from 1200-1600 on Friday to keep charts as clean as possible.
Users of this script, and any script for that matter, should always do proper back-testing before taking any trades.
Many thanks should be given to ICT (The Inner Circle Trader) for bringing this strategy to the trading community.
Below shows indicator with all levels turned ON
Below shows indicator with all levels turned OFF (this allows for cleaner charts)
Probability Box Rule of Thirds [PPI]█ Probability Box Rule of Thirds
The Probability Box Rule of Thirds , is a visual indicator that helps traders identify possible overbought and oversold conditions. It does this by dividing the price range – highest high minus the lowest low of a given lookback period or date range – into thirds. Each third has distinct probability characteristics and when combined represent a probability box.
We have spent years refining the probability box concept, and have previously published a How To on Trading View – "How to Trade Probability Ranges – The Critical Rule of 1/3" which can be found here:
To quickly summarize the How To – when using the Rule of Thirds , you are using a combination of statistics, probabilities of success, and prior price action to determine when to enter a trade. The visual range division helps remove subjectivity and clearly shows when the trading odds are stacked in your favor. By identifying and taking higher probability trades, you have a higher chance of success as trading is all about probability and risk management.
Implementing the Rule of Thirds starts with finding an instrument that is consolidating and identifying the nearest important support and resistance levels based on your targeted trading timeframe or lookback period.
The range between the support and resistance levels is divided into thirds to form three zones within the consolidation range.
When going LONG , you want to BUY in the bottom third of the range. Once you buy, your objective is to hold during the middle third and sell when the price enters the top third.
When you buy in the lower third, there's a 66.6% probability of success. If you buy in the middle third, you only have a 50% / 50% chance of success. Going long in the top third of the range gives you a 33.3% chance of success as you are already close to the identified resistance level.
When going SHORT , the sequence and odds are reversed. You want to SELL in the top third of the range, hold the middle third and exit in the bottom third of the range. This gives you a 66.6% chance of success when entering in the top third, a 50% / 50% chance when entering in the middle third, and a 33.3% chance in the bottom third given you are already close to the identified support level.
When the price lies in the middle third, the even 50% / 50% odds provide no probability edge and a trader is better off waiting until the price reaches the upper or lower thirds of the price range.
The Rule of Thirds allows us to quickly visually evaluate trades based on probabilities, selectively enter trades that have the highest odds of success, and avoid likely losing trades. The Rule of Thirds gives you confidence to hold trades based on prior trading ranges and provides clear levels where the prices are likely to either reverse or start trending.
The Probability Box Rule of Thirds automatically implements the first two steps of the Rule of Thirds by using the highest high and lowest low of a given lookback period to identify the support and resistance levels, and automatically divides the range into thirds. The rest of the Rule of Thirds rules remain the same.
Just having the price within the bottom thirds or top thirds, however, does not mean the price will immediately reverse. The GE chart below is an example of a stock that remained 'stuck' in the upper thirds of the price range for an extended amount of time:
And the CVS chart below is an example where the price is 'stuck' in the lower thirds of the price range:
While the price is in the upper or lower thirds, it is very important that the trader should use other indicators to identify when a significant trend reversal occurs. Once a trend reversal event happens, the trader either enters a trade AND/OR exits a trade if already in one.
When the price exceeds the bounds of the probability box, there are three possible outcomes – a strong continuation trend, the price consolidates around the probability box edge, or a trend reversal. Your favorite indicators will help determine which event is happening.
The CVS chart above is a good example of the probability box being exceeded with the last bar. The price exceeding the price range is temporary event as the price range will expand to encompass the revised price range on the next trading day.
█ Indicator Features
Each supported timeframe – Monthly, Weekly, and Daily – allows the selection of an appropriate lookback period for your trading style. The defaults are a good starting point for swing trading and long-term investing. You many need to experiment to find the optimal lookback period for your trading style.
Even if you only day trade, the Probability Box Rule of Thirds with the appropriate lookback periods can help you visualize the bigger picture of where the instrument is heading.
When viewing the charts, you can find the currently selected lookback period above the upper edge of the price range.
The indicator will display a dotted yellow line at 50% of the price range and show the line's value when requested.
The visibility of the actual thirds and border price values are controlled by the " Show Probability Box Values " checkbox. You may need to expand the chart's right margin to see the values.
The " Show Internal Labels " checkbox controls the display of the internal ⅓ Division labels and the percentage odds, along with the 50% label. This option by default is set to off.
The " Show Error Messages " checkbox controls the display of error messages and by default is turned on. Turn off to prevent error messages from being shown on intraday timeframes. Save as indicator default to prevent having to turn off this setting each time added to chart.
The color and transparency controls allow the user to modify the colors used for each third. The default settings are optimized for use with a DARK background.
█ Implementation Notes
IMPORTANT - the Probability Box Rule of Thirds is set up to only handle Monthly, Weekly and Daily charts. This is intentional as the indicator is designed to be used for safer multiple day and longer swing trades. When viewed on intraday charts, the indicator will be hidden.
The Probability Box Rule of Thirds uses a rolling window of the equivalent number of bars for the lookback period rather than relying on the bar starting and ending dates. This allows the use of a standard number of days in the selected lookback window across various instruments and ensures fast, efficient calculations.
The lookback periods are adjusted when non-standard timeframe multipliers are used – e.g., a 12M chart timeframe and a 3-year lookback period will result in a 3 bar lookback. Fractional bars in this calculation are rounded up and any incompatible lookback period and chart timeframe combination will generate a runtime error.
In summary, the Probability Box Rule of Thirds automates and visually identifies overbought and oversold areas, which combined with the Rule of Thirds probability risk profiles, increases your odds of success through better trade selections and higher confidence in your trades.
█ Disclaimer
There is substantial risk in trading. Losses incurred in trading can be significant. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. We make no claims whatsoever regarding the impact of past or future performance on your trading results.
Super PivotsThis is Super Pivots !!
This indicator can do the following:
Display Pivots for all time frames on the chart.
Display Pivots for shorter time frames (such as 1-hour timeframe).
Display Pivots for the market.
Wick Reversal Indicator - Aligned with "Secrets of a Pivot Boss"The Wick Reversal Indicator is a powerful technical tool developed in accordance with the pseudocode outlined in the book "Secrets of a Pivot Boss" by Franklin O. Ochoa, Jr. This indicator assists traders in identifying potential market reversal points with enhanced precision.
By closely following the principles discussed in the book, the Wick Reversal Indicator evaluates key factors such as candlestick body size, wick length, and the relationship between close and open prices. It provides clear bullish and bearish reversal signals, visualized through triangular markers on the price chart.
Traders can fine-tune the sensitivity of the indicator by adjusting the Wick Multiplier and Body Percentage parameters to match their trading preferences and timeframes. This customization feature ensures adaptability to different market conditions and trading strategies.
With the Wick Reversal Indicator, traders gain an automated and objective tool for identifying potential market reversals, backed by the time-tested methodology presented in "Secrets of a Pivot Boss." It serves as a valuable addition to traders' analysis, aiding in informed decision-making and enhancing trading outcomes.
Range H/L Buy and Sell SignalThe "Range H/L Buy and Sell Signal" indicator is designed to identify potential buy and sell signals based on a specified price range and market volatility. This indicator can be used in the TradingView platform to assist traders in making informed decisions.
The indicator allows customization of several parameters to adapt to different trading strategies. These parameters include the start and end times for the price range, the volatility threshold, and the desired breakout conditions.
To begin, the indicator calculates the range start and end timestamps based on the provided hours and minutes. This defines the time period within which the indicator will analyze price movements.
Next, the indicator determines the highest high (High) and lowest low (Low) within the specified price range. These levels represent the upper and lower boundaries of the range and act as potential breakout points.
Volatility is also taken into account to filter out false signals. The indicator calculates the true range and the average true range over a period of 14 bars. The true range measures the price range from the current high to low, while the average true range provides an indication of market volatility.
Based on the breakout conditions and the volatility threshold, buy and sell signals are generated. A buy signal occurs when the closing price crosses above the High and the true range is greater than the volatility threshold multiplied by the average true range. Conversely, a sell signal is triggered when the closing price crosses below the Low and the true range exceeds the volatility threshold multiplied by the average true range.
The indicator visually displays the High and Low levels as plotted lines on the chart. Additionally, it marks the buy signals with green labels labeled "BUY" below the corresponding bars and the sell signals with red labels labeled "SELL" above the bars.
It is important to note that this indicator should be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and indicators for comprehensive market analysis. Trading always carries risks, and it is crucial to exercise caution and conduct thorough analysis before making any trading decisions.
Divergent Trades LLC:
Disclaimer: The information provided by the Divergent Trades LLC indicator is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial advice or a recommendation to buy, sell, or trade any financial instrument. Divergent Trades LLC is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using this indicator. Trading in the financial markets carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before making any investment decisions, please consult with a financial advisor and do your own due diligence. Past performance is not indicative of future results. By using the Divergent Trades LLC indicator, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this disclaimer and agree to its terms and conditions.
HTF Candle Support & Resistance «NoaTrader»This script uses higher timeframe candle's High, Low & Close as a source for drawing a line representing potential Supports and Resistances.
The more lines you see on a level, probably the more important that level is.
The script has a single input for setting the source candle's timeframe, so it can be used on any timeframe with the proper settings. For example, higher timeframes like weekly and monthly can use "3M" or "12M" settings, Daily timeframes with "W", or even lower timeframes like minutes and seconds with "240" and "60" (M means monthly candle, W is weekly, and numbers are for minutes.)
As you can see on the code:
Red lines represent candle's High.
Green lines represent candle's Low.
Blue lines represent candle's Close.
Give it a try on different timeframes with different settings to see interesting gaps between lines!
Anchored VWAP (Auto High & Low)OVERVIEW
This script plots, and auto-updates, 3 separate VWAPs: a traditional VWAP, a VWAP anchored to a trends high, and another anchored to a trends low.
VWAP and Anchored VWAPs are commonly used by institutions responsible for the majority of market volume on a given day. Citadel Trading, for example, accounts for approximately 35% of all U.S. listed retail volume , largely executed through program trades over the course of a day, week, or month.
Because VWAP is a prominent market maker tool for executing large trades, day traders can use it to better anticipate trends, mean reversion, and breakouts.
This is most useful on charts with intraday time frames (1 minute, 5 minute etc.) commonly used for day trading. This is not ideal for larger time frames (1 hour or greater) commonly used for swing trading or identifying larger trends.
You can configure:
The size, color, and visibility of 6 different plots (VWAP, High Anchor, Low Anchor, Average of Anchors, Quarter Values, Interim Bands)
How smooth the average displays
1. "How To Measure Anything" by Douglas W. Hubbard
2. "Maximum Trading Gains With Anchored VWAP" by Brian Shannon
Better understanding probability and how to analyze risk (first book), as well as the tools market makers use (second book), has completely reframed how I approach day trading.
QFL Drop %This script helps Quick Fingers Luc strategy traders
The script works as follows
When a new low is formed lower than the previous one, the script calculates the percentage difference between them and stores it in an array
and calculates the average of the stored percentages, the maximum percentage, the minimum percentage
and displays them on the chart, this helps the trader to determine where the drop could go after the bottom is broken.
Algo LinesThe primary objective of this indicator is to identify and draw significant trendlines based on pivot points. These trendlines can help traders make informed decisions by providing a visual representation of support and resistance levels in the market.The script consists of several input parameters, functions, and variables that work together to create dynamic trendlines based on pivot points. The input parameters allow users to customize the appearance and behavior of the indicator, including the colors of the trendlines, the timeframe, and the maximum number of crossed lines to display.
The core of the script is built around two main functions:
1. createLine(): This function is responsible for creating a new trendline based on the provided pivot points. It takes five arguments - pivot type, x1, y1, x2, and y2 coordinates - and returns a new line object. Depending on the pivot type, the function adds the new line to either the dtlArray (down trendline array) or utlArray (up trendline array).
2. getSlope(): This function calculates the slope of a given line and returns the extended price level based on the current bar index. It takes one argument - the line object - and uses its coordinates to compute the slope.
The script also employs several variables to store and manipulate pivot points and trendlines. These include arrays for up and down trendlines (dtlArray and utlArray), variables for storing pivot point coordinates (utlX1, utlY1, etc.), and temporary arrays for storing crossed trendlines (tempUtl and tempDtl).
Creating Trendlines
The Algo Lines script identifies pivot highs and pivot lows using the ta.pivothigh() and ta.pivotlow() functions. When a new pivot low is detected, the script updates the utlX1 and utlY1 variables with the previous pivot low coordinates, and the utlX2 and utlY2 variables with the current pivot low coordinates. If the rate of change between these points meets the minimum threshold specified by the user, the createLine() function is called to create a new up trendline.
Similarly, when a new pivot high is detected, the script updates the dtlX1 and dtlY1 variables with the previous pivot high coordinates, and the dtlX2 and dtlY2 variables with the current pivot high coordinates. If the rate of change between these points meets the minimum threshold specified by the user, the createLine() function is called to create a new down trendline.
Processing Trendlines
The Algo Lines script processes up and down trendlines separately. For each trendline in the utlArray, the script checks if the price has crossed the trendline based on the user's chosen cross source (either close or high/low). If the price crosses a trendline, the script creates a new dashed line with the pastColor and adds it to the temporary array (tempUtl). The original trendline is then deleted.
The same process is applied to the dtlArray, except that the temporary array used is tempDtl. In both cases, if the number of crossed lines exceeds the maximum specified by the user, the oldest crossed line is removed from the temporary array.
The Algo Lines indicator offers traders a powerful tool for identifying significant trendlines based on pivot points. By providing a customizable and dynamic visual representation of support and resistance levels, the script enables traders to make better-informed decisions in the market. The concise and well-structured Pine Script code adheres to TradingView's house rules and ensures a seamless integration with the platform.
[DisDev] D-I-Y Gridbot🟩 This script is a “do-it-yourself” Grid Bot Simulator, used for visualizing support and resistance levels. Prices are divided into grids, or trade zones, that will trigger signals each time a new zone is entered. During ranging markets, each transaction is followed by a “take profit.” As the market starts to trend, transactions are stacked (compare to DCA ), until the market consolidates. No signals are triggered above the upper gridline or below the lower gridline. Unlike the previous version, all grids may be adjusted in real-time by dragging the gridlines up and down to the desired support and resistance levels.
When adding the indicator to a new chart, you must choose six grid levels by clicking on the desired support or resistance price. You can change all of these levels at any time directly on the chart.
The D-I-Y Gridbot is an interactive tool designed for visualizing support and resistance levels. As a continuation of the original Gridbot Simulator , which has received significant recognition on TradingView, earning over 4000 boosts and an Editor's Pick status. This tool serves not only as an evolved version of its predecessor, but also as an open-source template for developing future gridbots. It aims to foster discussions and facilitate innovations around grid-trading strategies.
One of the new features of this gridbot is the real-time adjustability of all gridlines. Users can move these lines up and down to set their desired support and resistance levels in response to changing market conditions. Additionally, the D-I-Y Gridbot is compatible with multiple timeframes and can be used on most TradingView charts.
Drag gridlines up or down to desired price level.
Key Features 🔑
All gridlines are adjustable in real-time, directly on the chart
Signals can be filtered by a customizable moving average or by VWAP
Customizable support and resistance levels
Potentially increases profitability in ranging markets
Benefits 💸
Customizable Support and Resistance Levels : The D-I-Y Gridbot allows users to set their preferred support and resistance levels, which can be changed at any time directly on the chart. This provides users with the ability to customize their trading parameters based on their strategy and risk tolerance.
Various Trading Strategies : The D-I-Y Gridbot supports various trading strategies, including Mean Reversion, Ranging Markets, and Dollar-cost averaging (DCA). This allows users to capitalize on price reversals, execute buy and sell orders at predetermined levels, and buy more of an asset as the price falls, respectively.
Multi-Timeframe and Versatility : The D-I-Y Gridbot is compatible with multiple timeframes and can be used on any TradingView chart.
Experimental and Educational : The D-I-Y Gridbot is considered a proof-of-concept tool that is both experimental and educational. This can provide traders with a deeper understanding of grid trading strategies and the ability to experiment with different trading parameters and strategies.
Inputs 🔧
Trigger : Candle location to trigger the signal. "Wick" will use either high or low, depending on the signal direction. "Close" will use the close price. “MA” will use the selected moving average or VWAP.
Confirmation : Market direction to confirm the candle trigger. "Reverse" will confirm the signal when the price crosses back over the trigger. "Breakout" will confirm when the price breaks out of the trigger.
Number of Support/Resistance zones : 1 = Only Top Grid is Support/Only Bottom Grid is Resistance. 2 = Top two grids are Resistance/Bottom two grids are Support. 3 = Top three grids are Resistance/Bottom three grids are Support
MA Type : Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Hull Moving Average (HMA), Simple Moving Average (SMA), Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA), Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
MA Filter : Use Moving Average as a reversion filter for signals. When enabled, no buys when above MA, no sells when below. Use in conjunction with S/R zones to reduce false signals.
Allow Repeat Signals . When enabled, signals will reset when nearest gridline is triggered. When disabled, only one signal will be triggered per gridline.
Line/Fill colors
Gridlines . Adjusts gridline prices manually.
Left : Trigger = Wick. Confirm = Breakout. Buys are signaled when LOW breaks below gridline. Sells are triggered when HIGH breaks above gridline.
Right : Trigger = Close. Confirm = Breakout. Buys are signaled when the candle CLOSES below the gridline. Sells are triggered when the candle CLOSES above the gridline.
Left : Confirm=Breakout. Signals on breaking through the next gridline.
Right : Confirm=Reverse. Signals only when crossing back from the gridline.
S/R Zones=1. Upper gridline is Resistance / Lower is Support. Middle 4 are neutral.
S/R Zones = 3. Upper three gridlines are Resistance / Lower three are Support
If gridlines are dragged out of order on a live chart, they will auto-sort into the correct order.
Price levels may be entered in settings, or adjusted in real-time directly on the chart.
When changing symbols, remember to adjust the gridlines to accommodate the new symbol.
Alerts 🔔
Users can set alerts based on their chosen parameters for triggers, confirmations, number of support/resistance zones, and smoothing type, enabling precise control over alert conditions.
Trading Strategies 📈
Mean Reversion: The script can be used to capitalize on price reversals back to the mean.
Ranging Markets: The script excels in ranging markets, executing buy and sell orders at predetermined levels.
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA): The script can be used to execute DCA orders, buying more of an asset as the price falls, and lowering the average cost per unit.
Timeframes and Symbols ⌚
Multi-Timeframe: The indicator is compatible with multiple timeframes.
Versatile: Can be used on any crypto trading pair on TradingView.
Algorithm and Calculation 🛡️
Grids are set and adjusted when loading the indicator on the chart and may be customized anytime afterward by clicking and dragging the gridlines on the chart.
Gridlines are updated, sorted, and stored in a float array.
Signals are calculated based on candle trigger, market direction, and previous price level.
Chart Examples 📊
S/R Zones = 3: Three Support and Three Resistance. Filter = 50-period Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
S/R Zones = 1: One Support, One Resistance, and Four Neutral Zones. Support Zones: Buys only. Resistance Zones: Sells only. Neutral Zones: Grid-dependent
When MA filter is enabled, Buys are only triggered below Moving Average, and Sells are only triggered above.
Trigger = Wick. Confirmation = Breakout. Buys are signaled when Low breaks above the next grid level. Sells are signaled when High breaks below the next grid level.
The D-I-Y Gridbot is a proof-of-concept, emphasizing its experimental and educational nature. In future versions, we will aim to incorporate concepts such as auto-adjusting grids and angled grids for trending markets. The script is designed to evolve through user feedback and suggestions, shaping its future iterations.
Credit: This is a continuation of the Gridbot series by xxattaxx-DisDev . Explicit permission was granted by user xxattaxx-disdev to re-use all Gridbot code and all materials without restrictions.
This indicator is a proof-of-concept and is considered experimental and educational. When gridlines are drawn in hindsight, signals appear to be predictive and valid. Future results may always vary when the trend direction changes. Comments and suggestions are encouraged.
This indicator is provided as a tool for traders and should not be used as the sole basis for making trading decisions. Always conduct your own research and consider your risk tolerance before entering any trades.
Scalp Pump-Dump Detector with AlertsThis script displays the percentage of movement of all candles on the chart, as well as identifying abnormal movements to which you can attach alerts. An abnormal movement is considered a rise or fall that exceeds the parameter set in the settings (by default, 1% per 1 bar).
Added a function to display the volume on abnormal candlesticks.
Daily Monday Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly High Low Mid This indicator can be useful for traders who are interested in analyzing price movements over different time periods. By displaying the daily, Monday, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly high and low values along with their mid values on a chart, traders can get a better understanding of how prices have behaved over longer periods of time.
For example, a trader might use this information to identify trends or patterns in the market. They might look for occasions when the daily high and low values move outside of an established range or when the weekly or monthly mid values cross certain key levels. This could signal a potential change in the market trend that the trader could act upon.
Additionally, the code can help traders identify key support and resistance levels based on the high and low values of the candles. By plotting these values on a chart, traders can see where prices tend to find support or resistance over different time periods. This information can be used to place stop loss orders or take profit orders at important levels.
Overall, the benefit of using the code you provided is that it offers traders a comprehensive view of price movements over different time periods, which can aid in making more informed trading decisions.
Each level described above has its own unique label, which is abbreviated for convenience. These abbreviations are listed below for quick reference:
For daily levels: DH (Daily High), DM (Daily Mid), and DL (Daily Low)
For Monday levels: MonH (Monday High), MonM (Monday Mid), and MonL (Monday Low)
For monthly levels: MH (Monthly High), MU50 (Monthly 50 percent of Mid and High), MM (Monthly Mid), MD50 (Monthly 50 percent of Mid and Low), and ML (Monthly Low)
For quarterly levels: 3MH (Quarterly High), 3MU50 (Quarterly 50 percent of Mid and High), 3MM (Quarterly Mid), 3MD50 (Quarterly 50 percent of Mid and Low), and 3ML (Quarterly Low)
For yearly levels: YH (Yearly High), YU50 (Yearly 50 percent of Mid and High), YM (Yearly Mid), YD50 (Yearly 50 percent of Mid and Low), and YL (Yearly Low)
These labels can help you quickly identify the different levels and keep track of important price points.
If the chosen timeframe does not fall under the category of intraday, daily and Monday level will not be displayed.
Please feel free to send your suggestions to @z_mehran.
MokuNui - Supply n Demand (Auto-Levels)This indicator aims to identify supply and demand levels in the market by calculating buy and sell pressure based on weighted closing prices.
The indicator starts by defining several variables and input parameters. The 'n' parameter determines the period used for calculations, while the 'DemandIndexValue' parameter sets the threshold for identifying demand levels.
The indicator uses the high, low, close, volume, and bar index data to calculate various values. It calculates the weighted closing price (wC) as the average of the high, low, and twice the closing price divided by four. It also calculates the rate of change of the weighted closing price (wCR) as the difference between the current wC and the previous wC divided by the minimum value between the two.
Next, it calculates the buy pressure (buyP) and sell pressure (sellP) values based on the wCR and volume. If the wCR is positive, buyP is set to vR (volume divided by the average volume), and sellP is set to vPerC (vR divided by the exponential of the minimum value between 88 and cR). Otherwise, if wCR is negative, the values are assigned in the opposite way.
To smooth out the buy and sell pressure values, the indicator uses a rolling average calculation. It maintains two variables, buyPres and sellPres, which are updated for each new data point. These variables store the cumulative sum of the buy and sell pressure values over the specified period 'n' and divide it by 'n' to get the average. This process helps reduce noise and provide a smoother representation of the pressure values.
The indicator then calculates the Demand Index (DI) based on the buyPres and sellPres values. If the difference between the current and previous buyPres and sellPres values is positive, DI is set to - (buyPres / sellPres) if sellPres is not zero; otherwise, it is set to -1. If the difference is negative, DI is set to sellPres / buyPres if buyPres is not zero; otherwise, it is set to 1. The DI value is used to determine the direction of demand in the market, with values less than 0 indicating a downtrend and values greater than 0 indicating an uptrend.
Using the DI values, the indicator calculates the Demand Index (DMI) by assigning a value of -1 - DI for downtrends and 1 - DI for uptrends. These values represent the market sentiment regarding supply and demand.
The indicator then tracks the lowest demand level (DemandL) and the highest demand level (DemandH). When the DMI crosses under the specified DemandIndexValue, it updates the DemandL to the current low price (l). If the DMI is less than -0.2 and the current low price is lower than the previous DemandL, it updates the DemandL; otherwise, it retains the previous value. The indicator also tracks the bar index (DemandX) corresponding to the demand level.
Similarly, the indicator tracks the highest supply level (SupplyH) and the lowest supply level (SupplyL). When the DMI crosses over the DemandIndexValue, it updates the SupplyH to the current high price (h). If the DMI is greater than 0.5 and the current high price is higher than the previous SupplyH, it updates the SupplyH; otherwise, it retains the previous value. The indicator also tracks the bar index (SupplyX) corresponding to the supply level.
Using the recorded demand and supply levels, the indicator draws lines and cloud areas on the price chart to represent them. It creates a shaded area (dcloud) between the DemandL and DemandH using the function with a specified color. Similarly, it creates a shaded area (scloud) between the SupplyL and SupplyH to represent the supply zone. Additionally, it creates a shaded area (rcloud) above the SupplyH to indicate potential resistance levels based on the Average True Range (atr).
The indicator also plots two lines, DH and DL, to represent the demand levels. The line.set_xy1 and line.set_xy2 functions are used to set the line's coordinates based on the bar index and the corresponding demand level. The line.set_extend function is used to extend the line to the right of the chart.
Likewise, it plots two lines, SH and SL, to represent the supply levels. These lines are set using the same functions as the demand lines.
Finally, the indicator plots two lines, RH and RL, to represent the potential resistance levels. These lines are set based on the bar index and the calculated resistance value. They are also extended to the right of the chart.
Akamai Reversal (Repaint's)The indicator is called "Akamai Reversal (Repaint's)" and is designed to be overlaid on the price chart. It uses three exponential moving averages (EMAs) with lengths of 9, 14, and 21 respectively, referred to as Superfast, Fast, and Slow. The indicator generates buy signals when the Superfast EMA is above the Fast EMA, the Fast EMA is above the Slow EMA, and the lowest price in the previous bar is above the Superfast EMA. It generates sell signals when the Superfast EMA is below the Fast EMA, the Fast EMA is below the Slow EMA, and the highest price in the previous bar is below the Superfast EMA. The indicator calculates and tracks bullish and bearish momentum based on the buy and sell signals. It uses a ZigZag indicator to identify price reversals based on either a percentage or absolute amount specified by the user. The indicator calculates the Average True Range (ATR) and uses it to determine the reversal amount. It tracks the state of the price trend (uptrend or downtrend) and identifies high and low points in the trend. The indicator includes options to display bubbles with information such as price changes, price levels, and bar counts associated with trend changes.
*ATR Levels*This script is an enhanced version of "Saty's ATR Levels". With the help of SimpleCryptoLife, he reimagined the script to include these differences:
-view the ATR levels easily with labels and know where the price action is in relation to a specific level
-the included "price follow line" extends across the screen and through the ATR levels label to allow you to easily identify which level you're in or about to enter either on an upswing or downswing
- a +/- 4 and 5 ATR level created that can be turned on for those crazy runners, occasionally a stock will run >5 ATR if you're lucky
Select levels are standard when firing up the indicator but you can click on the appropriate levels to suit your needs and save it from there.
There are several modes to choose from >> Day, Multiday, Swing, Position and Long-Term - Try them out and see what works best for your trading style. For instance:
-Day mode is great for, you guessed it, day trades whether long or shot and ideally paired with 1h or less timeframes
-Multiday is similar to Swing mode and is great for trades less than a week and generally paired with 30m to 1 day timeframe
-Swing mode is great for 1-3 week trades and can be used on higher timeframe such as 30m to 1 day
-Position & long term are of course for longer term trades and ideally paired with 4 hour to 1 month timeframes
ATR length of 14 is standard (look up "Wilder's 14")
Trend indicator based off of the 9-21-34 EMAs // - Range against ATR for each period // - Put and call trigger levels table was created by Saty, located in upper right
Generally, once a candle hits the 23.6% level, look to "go long" but be sure to wait for confluences that support your strategy. Maybe you can wait till the 38.2 level or even higher, dependent on your risk tolerance (stop loss recommended). A candle could come back and retest a certain level that you're eyeing and then continue upwards. As each level is hit, the greater the chance to hit 1 ATR (or higher!). You can start to scale out of a trade at any level but any of the main ATR levels like +1, +2 and so on would be ideal places to take some profit. Keep in mind that a stock can make a run in the pre-market and once the opening bell hits the stock might already be above the +1 ATR level or higher. Conversely the aforementioned is true for stocks to short. The -23.6% level would a "trigger" level but you can use -38.2 etc
Regarding the "use current close" check box: if you're in after or pre-market hours, the ATR levels will remain from the previous day so you'll want to check this box to see what the new levels will be for the current day. But you'll want to uncheck it and leave it unchecked throughout the trading day.
If you find this indicator invaluable and it helps you become a more consistent and profitable trader, feel free to give it a boost and leave a comment if you so desire. As always, trade at your own risk and never use more money than you afford to lose.
Session Tick-BoxThe "Session Tick-Box" is designed to display session-related information on the chart (HIGH/LOW box). Here's a breakdown of its features and functionalities:
Session Settings:
You can specify different sessions such as the Cash Session, Asian Session, European Session, and Offset Session using the input.session() function.
The sat.session_tick() function is used to calculate the low, high, fill color, open bar status, and session open status for each session.
Display Settings:
You have the option to show a new daily session using the separateDays input. The background color for the new session can be customized using the Day_Bg input.
The colorDays input allows you to enable or disable coloring the background based on different days of the week.
You can customize the colors for the Cash, Asian, European, and Offset sessions using the respective color inputs.
Other Features:
The indicator calculates the percentage change between the low and high of each session using the sat.AbsPercentChange() function.
Labels are added to mark the high and low points of the sessions.
A vertical line is drawn between the low and high points of each session using the function.
The fill() function is used to create a shaded area between the low and high lines of each session.
Overall, the "Session Tick-Box" indicator provides visual representation and analysis of different sessions on the chart, including their respective ranges and percentage changes.
Rolling Pivot PointsStandard Pivot Points are calculated from the previous day’s (week/month/year) close/low/high values. But what is the day close for cryptocurrencies trading 24/7 on exchange? Does it make sense to use a specific time price as a close if it continues trading after that?
So I solved that issue with Rolling Pivot Points, where I calculate pivot points not at the end of the period but for every bar on a rolling basis. Every time I recalculate pivot points, I look at a window of period length in bars and base my calculations on these bars. This way, you get smooth pivot points changing with every bar, and it should better represent support and resistance for the price.
In this indicator, I implement three types of pivot points.
In terms of period, you can select any one you want. If you’ll keep Auto Indicator well, compute period automatically. For two days, for example, use ‘Day’ in Period and 2 in Period Mult parameters.
You can also change the type of MA used to smooth Pivot Points.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may perform less well than in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Market Structure & Price Action Toolkit (Expo)█ Overview
This comprehensive Market Structure and Price Action toolkit integrates pioneering price action concepts, including fractal-based market structure, grid-price action system, retail and institutional levels/zones, liquidity concepts, and a plethora of advanced customization options to give you a trading advantage via price action automatically. Different from traditional technical indicators, which can be lagging, complex, and cluttered, this indicator focuses solely on raw price data to deliver accurate and real-time insights. All the features in this script originate exclusively from price action, concentrating on fractals-based swing highs, swing lows, and market structure. This enables users to automate their price action analysis across any market or timeframe.
The toolkit focuses on the real-time application of price data rather than historical data to ensure its usefulness for price action and smart money (ICT) traders. With this indicator, users can automate their price action analysis across various markets and timeframes, gaining a significant edge in their trading strategies.
█ Features and How They Work
█ Trading Systems
Market Structure:
Market Structure deals with the interpretation of price action that forms the market structure, focusing on understanding key shifts and changes in the market that may indicate where 'smart money' (large institutional investors and professional traders) might be moving in the market. This feature is based on real-time fractals instead of static pivot points. Fractals are based on the idea that markets are patterned, and those patterns repeat themselves on all scales – hence, the term "fractal", which means "fraction of the whole". The function uses fractal zones that refer to areas where the price is likely to experience a change in direction. These zones are identified by observing a series of fractal points.
The grid system works similarly to the market structure but displays the data as a grid of support and resistance zones. This is a new and unique approach to understanding market structure. It might be a more convenient way for traders to understand how to act.
█ Retail Zones
Support and Resistance zone are often seen and displayed with a delay. This feature is 100% real-time and displays SR levels as the price reacts and forms new highs and lows.
Confirmed Support/Resistance:
As the name suggests, the confirmed zone is first displayed on the chart when the price has reacted to a high/low formation over x period of time. This feature is handy to trade retest after breakouts of the zone.
We wanted to keep the retail zones simple regarding how they work and function to help all kinds of traders understand how to use them.
█ Institutional Zones
Calculating supply and demand in its raw form is challenging due to the complexity and dynamism of financial markets. However, the function uses several concepts to gauge supply and demand levels.
Buying and Selling pressure: The buying pressure represents the highest price point (over x period and volume), while the selling pressure price represents the lowest price point (over x period and volume). The gap between the two is known as the buying/selling pressure spread. A narrow spread often signifies high liquidity and balanced supply and demand, while a wider spread might indicate imbalances.
Price Trends: Upward price movements indicate higher demand, while downward trends may suggest increased supply.
Order blocks:
Order blocks are similar to supply/demand, and the main difference is that an order block is created at specific price action and market structure patterns.
█ How to use the Market Structure Toolkit
Market Structure
Market Structure + Confirmed S/R
Grid System
Demand Zone
Supply Zone
Order Block
Support/Resistance Zones
Confirmed Support/Resistance Zone
Retest of SR Levels
█ Why Use Price Action and Market Structure
A comprehensive trading strategy often involves using both price action and market structure. Traders can use price action to understand the immediate behavior of the price and market structure to understand the broader context within which the price is moving.
Market Structure combined with Price Action refers to the observable pattern of price movement. Traders use this structure to identify trend direction (up, down, or sideways), market phase (trend or range), and key price levels (like support and resistance).
Here are some core concepts within price action trading:
Trend Identification: This is a fundamental aspect of price action trading. By simply looking at the raw price data on a chart, traders can identify whether the instrument is in an uptrend (making higher highs and higher lows), a downtrend (making lower highs and lower lows), or ranging sideways.
Support and Resistance Levels: These are horizontal lines drawn on a chart where the price has historically had difficulty moving beyond. Support is a price level where buying pressure is strong enough to prevent the price from falling further, while resistance is a level where selling pressure is strong enough to prevent further price increases.
Candlestick Patterns: Price action traders rely heavily on candlestick patterns, which can provide a lot of information about market sentiment.
Chart Patterns: In addition to individual candlestick patterns, price action traders often look for larger chart patterns like double tops/bottoms, triangles, wedges, head and shoulders patterns, and more. These patterns can take longer to form but can also provide insight into potential price movement.
Price Zones: Rather than exact price levels, many price action traders consider zones of support and resistance, understanding that market behavior isn't always perfectly precise. A zone might cover a small range of prices at which the market has repeatedly reversed in the past.
The idea behind price action trading is that the price itself can provide clues to what the market might do next. Traders who follow this approach believe that price is the final determinant of value and contains all the information needed.
█ Any Alert Function Call
This function allows traders to combine any feature and create customized alerts. These alerts can be set for various conditions and customized according to the trader's strategy or preferences.
█ In conclusion, This toolkit is particularly useful for price action and smart money traders, as it prioritizes real-time application of price data, which in turn allows a more responsive and informed decision-making process in trading.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Fibonacci Levels on Any Indicator [By MUQWISHI]▋ INTRODUCTION :
A “Fibonacci Levels on Any Indicator” can be applied to any indicator to draw Fibonacci levels based on provided conditions of two price points to produce a sequence of horizontal line levels starting from 0% to 100% in addition to extension levels. The 0% level is measured as the start of retracement, while the 100% level is the beginning of the extension levels. This tool was developed to be easy to add to any indicator, and it could be valuable to some traders in terms of managing trades by setting targets and reducing risk in the trend direction.
1. Starting Point. What’re the conditions / When will the drawing of the Fibonacci levels begin?
2. Ending Point. What’re the conditions / When will the drawing of the Fibonacci levels end?
3. High Point. What is the price for a 100% Fibonacci level (0% for the downside)?
4. Low Point. What is the price for a 0% Fibonacci level (100% for the downside)?
Need to specify the condition when the drawing of Fibonacci levels starts and ends, and the indicator shows different prepared conditions.
New Phase: Import a value (plot) from an existing indicator, where its status changes from NaN to a real number.
Crosses Above/Below: Import a value(1) (plot) from an existing indicator, where it crosses above/below value(2).
Reversal Up/Down: Import a value(1) (plot) from an existing indicator, where it rises/decreases than the previous value(1).
First/Last Bar: Useful to draw stationary Fibonacci levels.
➤ UPPER & LOWER PIVOTS (0% & 100%):
Need to specify the two price points representing 0% & 100% Fibonacci levels to expose the sequence of Fibonacci lines.
Upper Pivot. By default, the ATR Upper Band. It’s possible to import a custom value from an existing indicator.
Lower Pivot. By default, the ATR Lower Band. It’s possible to import a custom value from an existing indicator.
Ability to customize line & label style, color, reverse, and hide/show levels.
Here are some examples of implementing the indicator.
Note: All presented examples below are for demonstration purposes, and they're not trading suggestions.
# Example 1: (Reversal Up/Down)
We want to implement Fibonacci levels on the Hull MA by mohamed982 . Our requirements are as follows:
Fibonacci levels start when the Hull MA reverses up.
Fibonacci levels end when the Hull MA reverses down.
Upper Pivot is the ATR Upper Band.
Lower Pivot is the ATR Lower Band.
After adding the required indicator (Hull MA), here’re the implementation and results
# Example 2: (Crosses Above/Below)
We want to implement Fibonacci Level on the Squeeze Momentum by LazyBear . Our requirements are as follows:
Fibonacci levels start when the Squeeze Momentum histogram crosses above 0.
Fibonacci levels end when the Squeeze Momentum histogram crosses below 0.
Upper Pivot is the Bollinger Upper Band.
Lower Pivot is the Bollinger Lower Band.
After adding the required indicators (Squeeze Momentum & Bollinger Band), here’re the implementation and results
# Example 3: (Crosses Above/Below)
We want to implement Fibonacci Level on the Crossing Moving Averages. Our requirements are as follows:
Fibonacci levels start when the 20-EMA crosses above 100-MA.
Fibonacci levels end when the 20-EMA crosses below 100-MA.
Upper Pivot is the ATR Upper Band.
Lower Pivot is the ATR Lower Band.
After adding the required indicators (20-EMA & 100-MA), here’re the implementation and results
# Example 4: (New Phase: When the previous value is NaN, and the current value is a real number.)
We want to implement Fibonacci Level on the Supertrend. Our requirements are as follows:
Fibonacci levels start when an up-Supertrend (green) line shows up.
Fibonacci levels end when a down-Supertrend (red) line shows up.
Upper Pivot is the down-Supertrend.
Lower Pivot is the up-Supertrend.
After adding the required indicator (Supertrend), here’re the implementation and results
# Example 5: (First/Last Bar)
We want to implement Fibonacci Level between two points, 330 & 300. Our requirements are as follows:
Fibonacci levels start at first bar on the chart.
Fibonacci levels end at last bar on the chart.
Upper Pivot is 330.
Lower Pivot is 300.
Here’re the implementation and results.
To customize the number of bars back (like 50 bars)
▋ Final Comments:
The “Fibonacci Levels on Any Indicator” is made to apply on other indicators for planning Fibonacci Levels.
It can be implemented in different ways, along with presented examples.
This indicator does not work with plots that were developed by drawing classes.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Monday_Weekly_Range/ErkOzi/Deviation Level/V1"Hello, first of all, I believe that the most important levels to look at are the weekly Fibonacci levels. I have planned an indicator that automatically calculates this. It models a range based on the weekly opening, high, and low prices, which is well-detailed and clear in my scans. I hope it will be beneficial for everyone.
***The logic of the Monday_Weekly_Range indicator is to analyze the weekly price movement based on the trading range formed on Mondays. Here are the detailed logic, calculation, strategy, and components of the indicator:
***Calculation of Monday Range:
The indicator calculates the highest (mondayHigh) and lowest (mondayLow) price levels formed on Mondays.
If the current bar corresponds to Monday, the values of the Monday range are updated. Otherwise, the values are assigned as "na" (undefined).
***Calculation of Monday Range Midpoint:
The midpoint of the Monday range (mondayMidRange) is calculated using the highest and lowest price levels of the Monday range.
***Fibonacci Levels:
// Calculate Fibonacci levels
fib272 = nextMondayHigh + 0.272 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fib414 = nextMondayHigh + 0.414 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fib500 = nextMondayHigh + 0.5 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fib618 = nextMondayHigh + 0.618 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fibNegative272 = nextMondayLow - 0.272 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fibNegative414 = nextMondayLow - 0.414 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fibNegative500 = nextMondayLow - 0.5 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fibNegative618 = nextMondayLow - 0.618 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fibNegative1 = nextMondayLow - 1 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
fib2 = nextMondayHigh + 1 * (nextMondayHigh - nextMondayLow)
***Fibonacci levels are calculated using the highest and lowest price levels of the Monday range.
Common Fibonacci ratios such as 0.272, 0.414, 0.50, and 0.618 represent deviation levels of the Monday range.
Additionally, the levels are completed with -1 and +1 to determine at which level the price is within the weekly swing.
***Visualization on the Chart:
The Monday range, midpoint, Fibonacci levels, and other components are displayed on the chart using appropriate shapes and colors.
The indicator provides a visual representation of the Monday range and Fibonacci levels using lines, circles, and other graphical elements.
***Strategy and Usage:
The Monday range represents the starting point of the weekly price movement. This range plays an important role in determining weekly support and resistance levels.
Fibonacci levels are used to identify potential reaction zones and trend reversals. These levels indicate where the price may encounter support or resistance.
You can use the indicator in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and indicators to conduct a more comprehensive analysis. For example, combining it with trendlines, moving averages, or oscillators can enhance the accuracy.
When making investment decisions, it is important to combine the information provided by the indicator with other analysis methods and use risk management strategies.
Thank you in advance for your likes, follows, and comments. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."