上升波 6天 1.65%, 接著根據最高的收盤價進行大於4天-3.39%的下降波 rising wave 1.65% in 6 day pull a high price, and launch a drop down wave more than 4 day.
下降波 8天 - 4.37%, 接著拉出的最高價格為下降波的起始點 drop down wave -4.37% in 8 day, and pull a top price, this is the beginning of drop down wave.
上升波3天0.52%, 確立底部,接著上升波大於7天1.624% rising wave 0.52% in 3 day, build the bottom price and rising wave 1.62% more than 7 day.
上升波 4天 2.77%, 建立底部, 接著上升波6天1.16% rising wave 2.77% in 4 day, build the bottom price, and rising wave 1.16% more than 6 day.
突波2 天確立上升波底部, 接著大於8天7.985%上升波 get a pick 2 day, get the bottom and rising wave 7.985% more than 8 day.
觀望一天 近期收盤高點為 起跌點,下跌波8天 -16.6% hold 1 day, the highest of close is the beginning, drop down 16.6% in 8 day.
上升波7天 3.2%, 接著下跌波大於3天 -2.46% rising wave 3.2% in 7 day, and drop down wave -2.46% more than 3 day
區間超過10天寬度-+1.5% shaking and no reword, + - 1.5% more than 10 day.
觀察兩天後, 接著上漲波大於8天 4.295% hold 2 day, and rising wave 4.295% more than 8 day.
上升波 大於10天 無報酬 rising wave, more than 10 day, but no reward....
下降波 -9.27% 大於10天 drop down wave -9.27% more than 10 day.
上升波 2.91% 大於10天 rising wave 2.91% more than 10 day.