As of the most recent earnings, AQMS for the first time ever reached positive COH balance of ~65m. Meaning that their R&D for their Aqua refining machinery is complete and have a finished and working product ready to be mass produced. The chart indicates that it is bouncing support and if it continues to rise we see that it will fight to break through resistance between $9-$10 a share.
AQMS engages in the clean, pure production of lead (eventually more metals) through its patented aqua refining process. Aqua refining is not only meant to replace the current, extremely pollutive, smelting process, but also to eliminate 99% of carbon emissions as well as by cutting current production time in half. The pure lead they produce is used in phone and car batteries and there is a shortage due to happen with the current Lithium-Ion based batteries.
Under Biden, clean energy is poised to have a good run on the upside.