Hi guys John the forex guy here alias name of course. Today's Lesson is a bit broad if you watch the video one of the key things you'll learn is that stacking the odds in your favour will save you from going broke. In this case we're testing out trading for 1 year with a minimum of $666 and only risking $20 on each trade, minimum target should be /is $30.
This means in order to blow your capital you need to lose 33 trades in a row losing $20 and mind you, you will only be looking at 28 pairs taking one trade on each pair a year sometimes a pair will not give us a trade for 2 years. These are long term trades hence whenever I open a trade I know I will be holding my position for weeks to months, sometimes I get lucky and my profit target hits quickly.
If you're still reading this means you're really keen on learning that's good, Now as you might've noticed this strategy allows you time away from the markets to be profitable you don't need to be glued to the markets everyday, only check certain pairs when certain conditions are met which usually take months to years. Now this means means you can pursue another career and still be a profitable trader Take this as your retirement plan not a get rich quick scheme you will see your account grow from $666 to a lot of money but only going for long term trades.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor I am simply a retail trader sharing my opinion on how to be profitable in the long run trading the markets