
Timing the market

Hhan44 已更新   
The original idea was made in the first half of the year downtrend. I decided to continue this ridiculously simple idea because it was definitely quite accurate and helpful in maintaining self-confidence during the depression phase. Hope and optimism bring their own challenges.

Orignal idea:

Dated new All-Time-High @ Mon 11 Nov 2024
On the one year candle chart we can count one year red and three years green (white here).
From this simple perspective, Bitcoin has entered the second of three positive years.
This will probably either be my worst or best idea ever.
Technically it broke All-Time-High yesterday, it was a lot faster than expected and therefore a success in what this idea was meant for: maintaining mental stability for holding a market position.
Somethings to look out for:
- close to a new potential price discovery
- current high funding rates, open interest
- technical indicator resets even though price discovery is mostly psychological
-- concerning 4h, Daily and Weekly timeframes. Higher timeframes like the Monthly, Three Monthly and Yearly are mostly still green light.
- Moms, dads, uncles and their dogs buying or not. Listen around.
High Volatility is to be expected.

