Bull investors are to keep accumulating.
We will decouple from the NDX and DXY!
BTC as our digital gold standard bullion is at play.
BTC is Crypto's barometer and all the quality Altcoins will follow!
Bull investors keep calm, pump it up for the long hold, and do not sell any quality coins back to the market.
The supplies of BTC and quality coins are drying up fast as we are weeding out the weak investors that don't get it and we are letting the shorting bears play their shorting game by themselves within the bear squeeze.
They will try to scare the shit out of you one the markets that are crashing opens tomorrow. Don't be fooled. BTC and Crypto quality Altcoins will outpace NDX and DXY in protecting you against hyperinflation that is currently rogue. The Fed increases will not stop it, as it is too late, they have not reacted fast enough to contain this derailment of the economy. A big recession is likely in our footsteps and the Feb's balancing act rate increases will be more than a challenge for them to contain this growing rogue inflation!