
Bitcoin Longs have lost their minds

This_Guhy Wizard 已更新   
This seems almost incomprehensible that longs could have gone up so quickly in this market and the concern of a squeeze isn't there. Most of the people in this space should have enough trading under their belt to know when things are at risk for a squeeze and if being right out the weekly Bollinger band isn't clue enough then nothing is.

Previous long peaks occurred after the price had a relative high as people get desperate for relief rally or think they are getting ready for the next leg up. That ends up not being the case. All the long money is committed, there is only the squeeze left.

I was waiting for one last pump to short from higher up but by all the fundamentals of good trading, don't market in, and don't catch a falling knife. Not trading advice, of course, but these are some fundamentals you can get in invesopedia. I have been squeezed out, it sucks. Be careful.
The squeeze is beginning. Strap in we are falling out the trap door to the 200w SMA.

And I promise every Floridian that you will all be rich... because we're gonna print some more money! Why didn't anybody ever think of this before?

~Nathan Explosion
