
TAS - ETH Trade Opportunity

The TradeAlertSystem (TAS) aims to pinpoit entry (Enter Trade Alert) and exit points (Exit Trade Alert) for long and short positions for short day/intraday trades based on a powerfull algorithm running on background and picking the best entry and exit zones for the trader.

All the trader has to do is follow the email alerts the system sends, no more endless hours of looking at charts trying to guess entry or exit points.

The system consists also on a smart money managment that consists on entering in a trade with 1/5 of the total intended trade money in the 1st Enter Alert and exit at 1st Exit Alert, and it's also designed to cut your losses providing 4 extra price corrections possibility (pyramiding / layering entry x 4), these corrections are only allowed after a 4 candle period on the 2h chart meaning: the 1st correction should be done only after 8hs or more related to the entry position (1st Enter Trade Alert) and should be only done on a new alert (>= 8h new blue bar), and so on.

After 4 corrections a stop loss with 5% price value on the last correction price should be submitted.

Back testing gives a extremely high level of accuracy on short term trades (day/intraday trades).

The charts publishing can have some delay because I can't afford to be online 24/7. Though the email alerts work 24/7 in real time.

The chart colors are all changed to reduce headaches, so green is blue and red is white.

Entry price: 296 with 1/5 of trade money. (e.g.: 2000 of 10000 USD)

1. This is not a trade advising system for the general public for now, I use it for my own trades and publish it to keep an historical record and testing purposes. Follow this system at this stage at your own risk. Soon I intend to make available a real time email alerts for the TAS subscribers. PM me if you interested.
Good trading!
1st correction used.

2/5 of wallet in trade.

Current price: 292.3 ((296+288.6)/2)
Trade Closed

Exit Signal: 292.34

Trade result: +0.01%


All TAS trades can be viewed here:


PM me if you interested to know more about real time alerts.

