Good idea to start investing and buying DOLLAR with your EURO. As I said before. Dollars will be in huge demand due to the fact that the Saudi Aramco IPO is coming. [IPO estimated to be in the range of $2,200,000,000.00-3,000,000,000.00], bigger than the marketcaps of the top 3 public companies currently. Big money flows where big money goes. The world's biggest investors (Not Warren Buffet), but rather, Blackrock, Vanguard, UBS, State Street, Fidelity, Allianz, BNY Mellon. Portfolio flows will surely be OUT of EURO; and into currencies like USD and SAR.
Other than that. Europe are fucking up recently. EU are lending money to start-ups which are destined to fail and NEVER repay the money. Germany, who act as a proxy for the entire EU, and the EURO currency pair for that matter HAVE NEGATIVE 1 & 2 Year Government Bund yields. LMAO. In short: You need to pay Germany money, to have the priveledge of lending them money. *No Thanks*.
Swiss Franc [CHF] (which I know isn't in EU; but it is in Europe), is the most overpriced currency based on the 'Big Mac Index' pertaining to Purchasing Power Parity.
Flattening yield curves all over Europe. Unattractive Sovereign Bonds (especially Germany's 1&2 year Bunds LOL... negative yield.. pff), BREXIT!!
Catalonian Crisis and Catalonian leader fleeing to Brussels, (where EU HQ is based). Europe need to get their shit together.
I see a very nice and highly likely investment in USD.