歐元 / 美元

EUR/USD (BUY-stagnated)

Market dropped -48% from last recorded position @1.08021 (absolute resistance) market touched 6Daii tp@1.07724 Fri 25 1100 AM. Current position 1.07966 just under AOR. expect RSI to range from mid 30% to 70%-75% this week. next 48 hours I think its safe to say we will see slow stagnated rise by 35% or a little less

expect market to take inclined route stagnated and see stagflation until release, which will most likely result in up movement bringing incline to a total 40% only 40% because much will not happen expect release to give 12pip boost
or so

ITP2: 1.08845 expecting this to be cut short instead it will be 12 pip boost. Tp ends up being 1.08500 but if not you KNOW WHAT TO DO

DTP2: 1.07527

Risk management set at 38/40 pips
Expecting market to drop -63% after TP1 hit, 1st declined tp expected to be half of the 63% decline... may see stagflation or minor reversal after, 2nd wave of decline -33% to come after minor reversal/or stagflation

first half of -63% decline/Wave 1 DTP1: 1.08134
Second half of -63% decline /Wave 2 DTP2: 1.07785
*expect to stagnate (declined) toward 1.07608/1.07576 after -63% drop
Risk management change to 30-40 pips
Target hit ...Trade passed tp@1.08500 and hit 1.08845,
anything after DTP2:1.07527, subject to change!!

:Binary OP Strat not particularly something you wanna take in forex:

Expect forex market to Neutralize maybe 1 or 2 standard trade:

@ 2nd USD release already expect trend to be trending plan for 55%-60% total trend TP1@1.09372 / TP2@1.09400
risk diversification: tightin it up 18 pip - 22 Pip
TP hit @1.09400
bulls should try to take the reversal push up all TP's have been successfully closed (Expect bulls to try to overturn market,- inclined stagflation) Convert Rkdn (risk diversification) 40 pips area @(absolute resistance-1.08021)/ 50 pip will be Inclined TP but market conditions bring tht to 28% showing signs of decline continuation but strong up movements can be made on current sessions

