
Shanghai Composite - When to touch and when to not touch?

A lot of my friends and colleagues were calling me and asking me should they invest in chinese stock market. First, getting exposure to chinese stock market is hard. Secondly, most of the money may and can be made in the short term, which is non of my interest.

Chinese stock market is an example of how human emotions play and work.

It is MUCH HARDER to predict human emotions in the short term versus long term.

My rule of investing and trading is that I don't touch anything until it is a GOOD TIME to touch. So, when is it good time or GREAT TIME to touch the chinese stock market?

When it is in bull market, just like 2007 and 2015.

So, is chinese stock market in bull market? Nope. So, I don't touch it and don't have interest in it.

There might be some stocks or companies that are in bull market and that is another story on its own.

You want to play with momentum and I don't like catching a falling knife, I would rather wait patiently for good opportunities and for a real bull market.

The only real bull market at the moment is still in the US stock market, so that is where I mostly play and also in the tech sector. Some chinese companies in the tech sector might be doing well and might be following Nasdaq, so, the sell off may be good buying opportunities.

Again, this is classification and isolation and nothing to do with the general market trend. Overall, tech companies have been doing relatively well versus other sectors.

And company with good business does outperform the general market. That is also another factor.

So, in summary, I don't touch and I don't intend to touch.

But running my screener on chinese stock market, I have seen some stocks are in bull market, and if you want to touch these stocks, go ahead. None of my business.
