
"Don't confuse objective reality with your expectations" SNP 500

🕵 ️ "Don't confuse objective reality with your expectations" - these words were once said by Raymond dalio - American financier, billionaire, founder of the investment company Bridgewater associates. And he's right, but my way.⠀

👁 ️ With this post, we wanted to show that even such famous people can make mistakes in their forecasts and statements. Not long before the stock market crash in 2020 Dalio said: "Cash is trash" (see the graph on the next picture with the moment of these words), meaning that money should be stored in shares. After that, as you know, many funds (including his) lost more than -25% of their capitalization. So, no matter how cool and famous the Manager is, always have your own opinion and do not confuse "objective reality". The picture also shows the words of another famous financier, so our next post will be about bill Ekman. Know who is this?⠀

⁉ app How do you feel about the statements of renowned experts in their field? Trust or check? ⠀
