UVXY is a volatility factor in the market. As political tensions rise high in the world, we are due for another market correction and overall world market corrections. USA of course is protecting its interest in the Middle East and as we can see, Israel-Palestine conflict is only getting started. This is a multi-decade war between Israel and Arab/Muslim states.

However, this war is not going to be similar to previous, this will be final and deciding war in that region, after which, nothing will be left there and geographical borders will change. This is a political game because of all the resources hidden, particularly Oil, in the Middle East. I believe this time we will see a use of nuclear weapons.

There will be de-stabilization in that region and rest of the world. UVXY will spike due to this. I'm not sure about my timing, but I see these tensions rising very high and markets staying volatile within near future.

Please check out my other predictions as they are fairly accurate, I don't post a lot, but I think this time I might be right.

