With a simple Elliot wave look at the overall Gold chart this looks to be the top of all tops sending it to demand for a supercycle leg 2.
Supporting info.
IMO the US will sell aggressively to cover expenses the government's money printer won't.
There are also newly discovered gold deposits across the planet that will be mined and released to the market to help the economy of the mined countries. this will also make hardware for newer tech to be built cheaply giving tech the ability to use gold much more than they do now. giving space exploration a massive boost in the coming years.
Stay safe in this bear market to come and enjoy it, we won't get one like this for a very long time if ever.
PS. Leave your immaturity to yourself, you won't get a response from me just because you don't agree or you're upset that I'm speaking the truth and won't be invested like you want to so I can lose along with 90% of the market.