Artharjan Daily Weekly Price Trend Indicator

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Artharjan Daily Weekly Price Trend Indicator is created to identify whether the current market price is with respect to previous Daily High and Low as well as Previous Weekly High and Low
If the price is above previous Day High a Green Square is plotted above the Candle, if the Price is inside the Previous Day Range then a Gray Square is Plotted above the Candle, and if the Price is below the previous day low then a Red Square is plotted above the candle.

Similarly If the price is above previous Week's High a Green Circle is plotted below the Candle, if the Price is inside the Previous Week's Range then a Gray Circle is Plotted below the Candle, and if the Price is below the previous Week's low then a Red Circle is plotted below the candle.

The idea here is to identify the trend, trend changes (Reversals) and initiate either a long or short positing purely based on price action.

For illustration purpose, If suppose you have entered the trade when you see a Green Square above and a Green Circle Below, hold on to the trade as long as the Green circle below does not turn into a Red Circle. It means the Weekly trend is Bullish and Daily trend may change more frequently, but you may hold on to your position unless and until the weekly Trend changes.

Also if may help to Book your profits in a timely manner, lets say you are in a long trade and you keep seeing Green Square at the top of the candle, the moment you see a Gray or a red Square at the top you may exit your long position. Obviously trader needs to use his brains to enter a position at right location on the chart and ride that position using this indicator.

I hope everyone would find this simple indicator very useful.

Rahul Desai

