Time-Based Background Colors

Time-Based Background Colors

The Time-Based Background Colors indicator provides a visual representation of different trading sessions by dynamically changing the background color of your TradingView chart based on time intervals. This tool is ideal for traders looking to highlight key market periods such as the opening session, midday lull, and closing hours.

  1. Customizable Time Ranges – Define up to three distinct time periods using HHMM format.
  2. Dynamic Background Coloring – The chart background changes based on the active time range.
  3. Adjustable Transparency – Colors are applied with 90% transparency to maintain chart clarity.
  4. Timezone Adjusted – Automatically aligns with the exchange’s time zone for accurate session tracking.

This indicator helps traders stay aware of important market phases by providing subtle yet effective visual cues. Whether you trade pre-market, intraday, or power hour sessions, this tool enhances situational awareness without cluttering the chart. Simply customize your time ranges and colors to match your trading strategy.

