No Nonsense NNFX VP Strategy for Back Testing | jhMy first script, be kind :)
Most of the rules are implemented:
- Money management
- ATR, Baseline, Confirmation, Volume, Exit
More details below.
//Designed per No Nonsense Forex VP rules
//Made to be as modular as possible, so we can swap the indicators in and out.
//Originated from causecelebre
//Tried to put in as much VP rules as possible
//Rules Implemented:
// - SL 1.5 x ATR
// - TP 1 x ATR
// - Entry conditions
//// - Entry within 1 candles of baseline + 1 x confirmation + volume
//// - Entry only if baseline is < 1 x ATR
// - Exit conditions
//// - Exit on exit indicator or when baseline or confirmation flip
//Trades entries
// - First entry L1 or S1 with standard SL and TP
// - Second entry L2 or S2 with standard SL and exit upon the exit conditions
//Included Indicators and settings
// - Baseline = HMA 20
// - Confirmtion = SSL 10
// - Volume = TDFI 4
// - Exit = RVI 4
// Strategy causecelebre
// TDFI causecelebre
// SSL Channel ErwinBeckers
Kijun-Sen Strategy [DasanC]This strategy employs the Kijun-Sen line (from Ichimoku cloud) as a baseline for decisions.
In essence, the Kijun-Sen is a kind of moving average based on the High/Low range, similar to Donchian channels.
We wait for a crossover or crossunder to enter a new trade, then exit upon the next cross.
It works on 1H timeframe and above. It also works for all the Major FX pairs (at least from my tests).
I use the ATR and a multiplier to decide the S/L position as well as the volume of the trade.
I also use an equity protector to close out of all trades if a specific DD % level is reached. In theory, this should never happen with only one trade open at a time, however, if a user wants to modify the script to pyramid orders then the equity protector could potentially "save" an account.
The default settings should produce winning results on Major pairs. You can change the backtest time in the script by altering line #53:
>if(time > timestamp(2017,1,1,0,0) and time < timestamp(2019,1,1,0,0))
Add 2 additional forms of confirmation
Add volume to filter losing trades
Add exit indicator
MACD Strategy by ForbesStrategy นี้เขียนขึ้นมาจากบทความของนิตยสารธุรกิจ ชื่อดัง Forbes
สำหรับผู้ที่อยากอ่านสามารถค้นหาได้โดยใช้คำค้นว่า Bitcoin Trading Strategy For Passive Investors
สำหรับผู้ทีจะทอสอบ backtest ให้ตั้งค่า commission (หรือค่าธรรมเนียมการเทรดด้วย) เพื่อให้ผลลัพท์ใกล้เคียงกับความเป็นจริงมากที่สุด
อย่างไรก็ตามจากการ backtest นั้น พบว่า Strategy นี้เหมาะกับ Timeframe Day มากที่สุด และโดยส่วนตัวคิดว่าเหมาะสำหรับการซื้อขายแบบ Spot เท่านั้น
Ema BacktesterA simple, but useful script for backtesting purposes. Find the optimal Settings for your strategy.
tips are always welcome at: 38uGQJDDZDL6wX48x4gYTccPeQ3ZHVYmY4 (btc)
I hope you enjoy the script :)
Moving Average Strategy of BiznesFilosofWhat is brilliant is simple! Therefore, this strategy works very well. It is configured on bitcoin. But you can use it for other tools. Only need to change the settings.
Remember that this is not a panacea, but only an assistant! You yourself have to choose which entry and exit points to choose.
In more detail about strategy on my channel in YouTube.
Что гениально, то просто! Потому, эта стратегия очень хорошо работает. Настроена она на биткоин. Но можно использовать и для других инструментов. Только нужно поменять настройки.
Помните, что это не панацея, а только помощник! Вы сами должны панимать, какие выбирать точки входа и выхода.
Более подробно про стратегию на моём канале в Ютуб.
Peak Valley Estimation StrategyIntroduction
Its the first strategy that i post here, so don't expect ground breaking stuff, when testing my indicators i always used prorealtime and not tradingview. This strategy use signals generated by the peak/valley estimator indicator i posted long ago, i think the signals generated where sometimes quite accurate in some markets thus providing potential material for a profitable strategy.
The indicator use 3 parameters, therefore the optimisation process is not easy, but i selected what i judged good parameters values at first glance. The strategy is in its more simple form without stop or anything, the detection of peaks and valley can allow for tighter stops since we expect the price to reverse, but take into account that sops and take profits are parameters subject to optimization process except if selected with strict money management rules and not profit optimization.
Of course trading the strategy in this form is far from being great, if we take into account the market non stationarity then we might expect loss during trending markets. Trend strength indicators could help switch from a reversal to breakout strategy thus maybe providing more control.
I really hope you find an use for the strategy.
Its been three long years since i started tradingview, and i put more efforts in my indicators than in my studies and life overall, this have created complicated situations and i can't afford to follow up with this, therefore i announce that in the end of june i will leave tradingview for quite a long time, at least until i have my degree. I announce it in advance in case some of you want helps of any kind. I will post all the indicators, both in progress and finished i have made during those three years. I hope you can all understand.
Thanks for reading !
Volatility System by Wilder [LucF]The Volatility System was created by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. It first appeared in his seminal masterpiece, "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" (1978). He describes the system on pp.23-26, in the chapter discussing the first presentation ever of the "Volatility Index", built using a novel way of calculating a value representing volatility that he named Average True Range (ATR). The latter stuck.
The system is a pure reversal system (it is always either long or short). One of its characteristics is that its stop strategy moves up and down during a trade, widening the gap from price when volatility (ATR) increases. Because of this, this strategy can suffer large drawdowns and is not for the faint of heart.
The strategy uses a length (n) to calculate an ATR. ATR(n) is then multiplied by a factor to calculate the Average Range Constant (ARC). The ARC is then added to the lowest close n bars back to form the high Stop and Reverse points (SAR), and subtracted from the highest close n bars back to calculate the low SAR. Reversals occur when price closes above the high SAR or below the low SAR.
The system is best suited to higher time frames: 12H and above. Its performance depends heavily on calibration of the length and ARC factor. Wilder proposes a length of 7 and a factor between 2.8 to 3.1. My summary tests at 12H, 1D and 3D on stocks and cryptos yield better results with values of approximately 9-10/1.8-2.5 for cryptos and 9-10/3.0-4.0 for stocks. Small changes in the values will sometimes yield large variations in results, which I don’t particularly like because it tends to imply fragility, whereas I’d expect more robustness from a system with such simple rules. Additionally, backtests at 1D on cryptos provide so little data that no solid conclusions can be drawn from them.
All in all, the system is not very useful in my opinion; I publish it more for completeness, since as far as I can tell, it did not exist on this platform before. I also publish it out of respect for Wilder’s work. His book laid the foundation for many of the building blocks used by system designers, even today. In less than a hundred pages he presented RSI, ATR, DMI, ADXR and the Parabolic SAR indicators, some of which have become built-in functions in programming languages. This is a colossal feat and has not been repeated. Wilder is a monument.
Some lesser-known facts about his book:
It sells for the exact same price it cost in 1978: 65$,
The book has always been published by Wilder himself,
The layout hasn’t changed in 40 years,
He sells >35K copies/year.
Gotta love the guy.
The strategy is shown here on BTC /USD with settings of 12/1.8 (the defaults are 9/1.8). It shows the system under its best light. Other markets will most not reproduce such results. Also, the drawdown is as scary as the results are impressive.
The code is written as a strategy but can easily be converted to an indicator if you want to use the alerts it can produce. Instructions are in the code.
You can change the length and ARC factor.
You can choose to trade only long or short positions.
You can choose to display the SARs (the stops) in multiple ways.
You can show trigger markers.
A date range can be defined.
3 alerts: reversals (both long and short), longs, shorts. Remember that for the moment, strategies cannot generate alerts in TradingView, so the strategy must be converted to an indicator in order to make the alerts available.
RBI Strategy /w TSSLThis is the Strategy with Backtest Date Range and Trailing Stop / Stop-Loss to vitelot's RBI indicator:
VP Backtester skeletonSimple backtesting skeleton script which uses ATR based stop & profit targets based on the no-nonsense forex way of trading
Fisher Transform Multi-Timeframe (Backtest)This is the Backtest Strategy for mortdiggiddy's "Fisher Transform Multi-Timeframe"
For more details check his study:
Ichimoku trendfollowingIchimoku più che un indicatore potrebbe essere considerato un sistema di trading.
Ho quindi voluto implementare una strategia che utilizzasse soltanto i segnali che offre per l'ingresso ed uscita per verificarne l'efficacia nel lungo periodo su i diversi strumenti.
I segnali che offre sono i seguenti:
1) il prezzo taglia la tenkan (segnale molto debole per un ingresso)
2) il prezzo taglia la kijun (possibile trade in controtrend fino alla kumo)
3) tenkan incrocia la linea kijun
4) uscita della linea chikou span dal prezzo: se la linea è sotto il prezzo valutare solo short, se sopra valutare solo long, se sopra il prezzo si è in correzione ed è meglio restare flat
5) prezzo entra dentro la kumo. (Non si entra in posizione dentro la kuno)
6) la kumo cambia colore (conferma direzione del trend in atto)
7) uscita dal prezzo dalla kumo
8) uscita della tenkan dalla kumo (conferma situazione)
9) uscita kijun dalla kumo (conferma situazione)
10) trend in corso con chiusura del prezzo fra la chikou span da una parte, tenkan, kijun e kumo dall'altra.
Ichimoku è solitamente utilizzato come sistema trendfollowing, quindi considererò solo i segenti possibili ingressi:
1) breakout kumo (inizio trend di lungo periodo)
2) pullback (inizio trend di medio periodo o ripresa trend dopo correzione profonda con pullback su kumo)
le uscite tradizionali sono:
1) prezzo chiude sotto la kijun
2) SL inizialmente su minimo candela che rompe il livello
Filtri da applicare ai singoli ingressi:
Filtro long:
Close>kumo and chikou span > prezzo corrispondente and
Filtro short
Close<kumo and chikou span < prezzo corrispondente
Candlestick Signals StrategyThis strategy allows you to pick from 9 different candlestick patterns, and test them against historical data from your chart. You can get a good idea what patterns work best for each chart by turning each pattern on and off in the settings.
Basic Hammer StrategyThis is a basic strategy that will buy after a hammer is printed, and sell when a predetermined risk or reward price is hit. You can change the risk and reward values in the settings. Risk and reward values are in increments of $0.01. Default values are 75 ($0.75) and 200 ($2.00). If the strategy is producing losses, try adding a zero to the end of the risk value and the reward value. Example: Higher valued stocks may do better with a Risk of 750 ($7.50) and a Reward of 2000 ($20.00). Maybe even a Risk of 750 ($7.50) and reward of 1000 ($10.00). Play around with these values to get the best result for different charts. Initial investment is set to $1000
Adaptive Zero Lag EMA Strategy [Ehlers + Ric]Behold! A strategy that makes use of Ehlers research into the field of signal processing and wins so consistently, on multiple time frames AND on multiple currency pairs.
The Adaptive Zero Lag EMA (AZLEMA) is based on an informative report by Ehlers and Ric .
I've modified it by using Cosine IFM, a method by Ehlers on determining the dominant cycle period without using fast-Fourier transforms
Instead, we use some basic differential equations that are simplified to approximate the cycle period over a 100 bar sample size.
The settings for this strategy allow you to scalp or swing trade! High versatility!
Since this strategy is frequency based, you can run it on any timeframe (M1 is untested) and even have the option of using adaptive settings for a best-fit.
Source : Choose the value for calculations (close, open, high + low / 2, etc...)
Period : Choose the dominant cycle for the ZLEMA (typically under 100)
Adaptive? : Allow the strategy to continuously update the Period for you (disables Period setting)
Gain Limit : Higher = faster response. Lower = smoother response. See for more information.
Threshold : Provides a bit more control over entering a trade. Lower = less selective. Higher = More selective. (range from 0 to 1)
SL Points : Stop Poss level in points (10 points = 1 pip)
TP Points : Take Profit level in points
Risk : Percent of current balance to risk on each trade (0.01 = 1%)
RENKO strategyStandard simple strategy RENKO. Entry on the first reversing bar. No repaints. Caution arrows when price crossing RENKO levels
Powerfull strategy MACD+RSI+STOCH ATR stop best on Crude OilMy strategy uses a combination of three indicators MACD Stochastic RSI .
The Idea is to buy when ( MACD > Signal and RSI > 50 and Stochastic > 50) occures at the same time the BUY STop we place on previous day HIGH
and sell (short) when the opposite condition occurs we place SELL STOP on previous day LOW
We exit on Take profit or Stop loss which is calculated by ATR (10) or on the opposite signal "Volatility breakout"
This strategy works well on stocks, commodities and cryptos especially during market breaking up after consolidation
The best results are on Daily charts , so its NOT a scalping strategy. But it can work also on 1H charts.
The strategy does not have any stops and profit targets, so we can take all the market can give us at the moment.
The exit point only when MACD goes under Signal
Its Preformance is significantly better with "buy stop on High.1 and sell stop on Low.1" idea and exit on "volatility price breakout"
So, use it, trade it.
If it will help you to imprive your trading results, please donate me
BTC: 12kd1F8buWisUBdq27BBwRkUvzW7Ey3og
Powerfull strategy MACD + RSI + Stoch buy on High exit on ATRMy strategy uses a combination of three indicators MACD Stochastic RSI .
The Idea is to buy when ( MACD > Signal and RSI > 50 and Stochastic > 50) occures at the same time the BUY STop we place on previous day HIGH
We exit on Take profit or Stop loss which is calculated by ATR (10) or on the opposite signal "Volatility breakout"
This strategy works well on stocks, commodities and cryptos especially during market breaking up after consolidation
The best results are on Daily charts , so its NOT a scalping strategy. But it can work also on 1H charts.
The strategy does not have any stops and profit targets, so we can take all the market can give us at the moment.
The exit point only when MACD goes under Signal
Its Preformance is significantly better with "buy stop on High.1" idea and exit on "volatility price breakout"
So, use it, trade it.
If it will help you to imprive your trading results, please donate me
BTC: 12kd1F8buWisUBdq27BBwRkUvzW7Ey3og5
[New series!] [Consistent Losing Strategies] 34 EMA Scalping//---------------------------INTRO------------------------------
Hi All!
Let me introduce myself as a semi-successful forex trader & lover of automation.
I've taken to algo trading and have been hunting down strategies (that usually use indicators) to automate, backtest, and hopefully implement in MT4.
Unfortunately, most strategies are complete bulls*** and the select cases that are shown to "prove" success are limited.
These strategy sources often do not provide useful analytics either.
I want to change that approach to trading! We can really benefit each other and the community by being methodical about backtesting
as well as evaluating our results with some kind of scoring heuristic.
As for what that standardized process looks like..well I'm still working on it.
I'm pretty much on Tv for multiple hours of the day, screening strategies via Pinescript and I'd like to start sharing my progress!
This is a new series I'd like to start on consistently losing strategies. I'll make all the code public, so if you think I've made a blunder
or approached a problem the wrong way, then drop me a DM or paste your fix into the comments.
34 EMA Scalping strategy (ref. forextradingstrategies4u )
How you're supposed to trade it:
1. Market is in an down trend as shown by the 34 EMA
2. Price breaks above a downwards trend line
3. Price breaks above the 34 EMA
4. Look for a very bullish candlestick or chart pattern
1. Look for the 34 EMA to show we are in an uptrend
2. Price breaks below an upwards sloping trend line
3. Price breaks below 34 EMA
4. Look for a bearish candlestick or a chart pattern
Q: Why does it fail?
A: I believe this strategy relies too much on subjective input (aka, trendlines).
Q: Why does it fail as an algo?
A: The 34 EMA is no more predictive than any other EMA, although it does a good job at filtering out noise.
Q: Should I try it out?
A: No, it's trash. This is the proof that it is trash.
Tulkens ETHUSDC StrategyV3Hello,
My first strategy! I'nt know how to get it working on poloniex. Can somebody help me pls?
I also want to add a stop-loss off some kind but i coudn't get it to work properly.
Please comment on what i need to aprove.
MA cross strategy VtsThe simple Moving average cross strategy is here implemented.
I guess there are multitudes of similar scripts around.
I post this one since I was asked by some friends, and I'll let it free to use for anybody.
Here you can choose the year where to start backtesting, the source, the type of MA, the SL and TP multiplicators of ATR, for which you can also choose the averaging period.
Feel free to modify this script. I would be grateful if you could preserve the first lines of comments including my user names.
The MA cross strategies can be very effective, especially when used on the daily TF.
Try for example the combo EMA15-EMA30 SL=1.5ATR TP=1ATR on EURCHF daily to get an impressive 83% win ratio.
Or EMA20-EMA81 on the GBPCHF to get an 87%.
In those cases where EMA does not perform well, try to set a less lagging MA, like the Hull MA.
I hope you like this script so that you could push the like button multiple (odd) times and you start following me.
I've got a bunch of other interesting scripts to share.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Renko Strategy Open_CloseSimple Renko strategy, very profitable. Thanks to vacalo69 for the idea.
Rules when the strategy opens order at market as follows:
- Buy when previous brick (-1) was bearish and previous brick (-2) was bearish too and actual brick close is bullish
- Sell when previous brick (-1) was bullish and previous brick (-2) was bullish too and actual brick close is bearish
Rules when the strategy send stop order are the same but this time a stop buy or stop sell is placed (better overall results).
Note that strategy open an order only after that condition is met, at the beginning of next candle, so the actual close is not the actual price.
Only input is the brick size multiplier for stop loss and take profit: SL and TP are placed at (brick size)x(multiplier) Or put it very high if you want startegy to close order on opposite signal.
Adjust brick size considering:
- Strategy works well if there are three or more consecutive bricks of same "color"
- Expected Profit
- Drawdown
- Time on trade
This strategy uses Renko charts with TRADITIONAL bricks, so no repaint.
Study with alerts, MT4 expert advisor and jforex automatic strategy are available at request.
Please use comment section for any feedback.