
#CRO looking bullish in the near future / #BTC #uptrend #crypto

According to these 3 indicators, CRO is looking like it's back in business to go bullish. Buy the rumor sell the news.

Why did CRO dip to begin with? Well, since it started it hasn't been main net, including now, but it will within the next month or so (early bird special!). Prior to its dip, it was able to make its way to rank 9 in the world! So, it has candles waiting that high for future potential explosion gains at 17c, reputation, history, dependability and credibility (it has so many certs as a crypto exchange in terms of stability and fallowing laws in every country they work in, tons). That being said, to suffice for its future growth in creating a stable and streamline global exchange offering leverage trading as well, gift card offers, crypto to debit card offers ranging from 1% to 8% cash back depending on how much CRO you stake, staking in a long list of popular cyrptos, in-app customer service, etc, it had to reduce the amount of staking passive income per their CRO staking and other stakings they offer, which is a long list (I'll be honest, celsius wallet offers the most staking passive income but the list is minimal in comparison). Also, it used to carry a crypto called MCO but CRO is so multifunctional and had been so successful and was in a constant uptrend 3 quarters of in 2020 that they decided to migrate MCO into CRO and offer staking agreement migration from MCO to CRO plus an money air drop depending how much MCO you had. Some investors were upset about this because they LOVED their 16% passive monthly income staked in MCO which at the time had been sideways most of the year at roughly $3 to $5.50 compared to CRO's constant uptrend from 5c to 17c in just 3 quarters of 2020; yes, all of their drama was JUST because of staking passive income, nothing else, and investors were informed months in advance. The exchange is user-friendly and I've noticed on FB new crypto investors adopting CRO exchange app. Because of that, investors who were JUST interested in staking rewards abandoned them for Celsius, which as you can see is doing really good( they dont stake link or dot, one of those, thats a bummer if you pland to HODL them as they reach $100 by the end of the year)

That being said, with their newly developed wallet aps and much more, its getting close to releasing main net soon. Risk and Reward: the risk is over in my opinion, they needed to get people interested in the app to create their platform by offering crazy staking rewards at first, but the reward is a global exchange that allows people to use their passive income or sell crypto in order to make purchases through their Visa cards(this is the essential idea of what crypto is designed to be after all) and a "Omni-platform" for crypto investors and traders, like bells and whistles plus some. They do offer the ability to do your taxes, their HQ is in Hong Kong. They are a centralized exchange with many many certs which the upside to that is it won't experience an XRP scenario, but, ***************it is first in the game as far as stability goes in the crypto exhange field. ********************** That doesn't mean it's as prestigious as Binance, it just means theyre less likely to bump into walls long-term as far as legality goes.

Is CRO a good investment as a whole?....before I would've said wait. Personally, I love being able to spend my crypto, and personally, BUT I think the hard times they faced in 2020 q4 are behind them. They are the exchange that are & will usher in new investors into crypto and bitcoin 100%. Would I put all my eggs into CRO basket? NO, obviously there are way more profitable cryptos. Will it offer potential future gains? Absolutely. when they reach 17c again this year especially after releasing they main net soon in q1 or q2 you can expect CRO to be a good bag to have had early in the game, with price targets ranging from 20c to 50c and beyond if they keep up the pace, but I think they will considering money printer going brrrrrr, covid, and big banks transitioning into crypto creating more crypto hype.

I say all this NOT because I want you to buy into this not at all, but because I've been with them from q2 last year and have been up to date with them for the most part, and I continue to see more people not knowing what the F happend in q4 2020. I prefer to HODL with them because I think their exchange has meritable security and options compared to the many cyrpto apps that aren't coinbase or binance or phemex; its just good at being streamline and dependable. For people who don't know anything about CRO and its business, this is a good update to reference, and that is the reason for me writing this all out. Also their CEO Kris_HK on Twitter is extremely afficient on keeping folks up to date on the dime if any updates are taking place.

I love the Ichimoku indicator and on the Daily it's looking like its back in the limelight so I am happy to see it doing better now and look forward to seeing its progress this year. If you do decide to get one of their cards though, you will get passive income every week fyi. OK, that about wraps it up for this. My first time writing this much about a crypto so I hope I was clear in describing them.
oh yeah, 1% to 8% cash back is sweet too. I think I forgot to mention that. Had to buy breakpads at a Chevy dealership w/ oil change ranging about $750 and got back like $13. Imagine your monthly expenses using this; it's not bad.
---when i said they offer the ability to do your taxes, I meant they can give you your csv transaction history---
