
Pound Strong against the Dollar

Today we face UK economic data, trade balance, GDP growth, and business sentiment. An upward correction to 0% levels is expected versus -0.2% GDP in the previous quarter. In other words, a small economic recovery from last year of -0.2% to 0.3% is the forecast. Already yesterday the Bank of England reported that the interest rate would be maintained at 5.25%. There has been a perceived reduction in the amount of cash capital circulating in the market.

Looking at the chart, we can see that the GBPUSD is likely to start to depreciate towards $1.24934 so the USD is possibly losing ground as both countries have started to contract their capital in circulation and started to have “hawkish” policies compared to the Euro zone which remains “dovish” and does not want to reduce its economic expansion by tightening its rates. The current RSI value is in its middle zone at 54%, so we may see a correction as soon as institutional traders begin to reflect their activity. The checkpoint as we say is in the area of 1. 24934 dollars, so there is still room to go to the bottom at 1.24447 dollars per pound.

Ion Jauregui - AT Analyst

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