Jurik Moving Average

//Sup TV. This script is inspired by (and dedicated to) closure of sales (today, Oct 20 '21) of the famous Jurik Research.
Jurik Research, the real people who been doing real things by using the real instruments, while many others been reading books "How to become a billionaire in 2 days", watching 5687 hours videos of how to use RSI, and studying+applying machine learning to everything cuz suddenly it became trendy xD
This is my remake of the original Jurik Moving Average (JMA) based on all the info I managed to get my hands on, some stuff is dated back to 2008 or smth.
The whole point of this filter, the point missed by other attempts of its remakes even posted there on TV, is that it takes into account volatility and adjusts its speed based on it.
Think about it as an EMA, where the alpha parameter is dynamic.
Now, by all means I'm not claiming that's this is the perfect replica of the original algo. I've tested it a lot, looks like it's working legit...
But we all can see together whether it's legit or nah, besides, the official sales are closed since today, you feel me?
everget, does it differs from yours closed one?
Live Long And Prosper
JMAjurikMoving AveragesTrend AnalysisVolatility


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